Greenwood said the lyrics were inspired by a woman who Yorke had "followed for a couple of days", and who unexpectedly attended a Radiohead performance.[10] John Harris, then the Oxford correspondent for Melody Maker, said "Creep" was about a girl who frequented the upmarket Little Clarendon Street in Oxford. According to Harris, Yorke preferred the more bohemian Jericho, and expressed his discomfort with the lines "What the hell am I doing here / I don't belong here".[6]

Asked if the lyrics were inspired by a real person who made him feel like a "creep", Yorke said: "Yeah. It was a pretty strange period in my life. When I was at college and stuff and I was really fucked up and wanted to leave and do proper things with my life like be in a rock band."[11] Yorke said he was not happy with the lyrics, and "thought they were pretty crap".[12]

Creep Lyrics

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Radiohead recorded a censored version of "Creep" for radio, which replaces the line "so fucking special" with "so very special". Radiohead worried that issuing a censored version would be selling out, but decided it was acceptable since their idols Sonic Youth had done the same thing; nonetheless, Greenwood said the British press "weren't impressed".[10] During the recording session for the censored lyrics, Kolderie convinced Yorke to rewrite the first verse, saying he thought Yorke could do better.[14]

Reviewing "Creep" for Melody Maker in September 1992, Sharon O'Connell described it as "a stormer, a perfect monster of a malevolent pop song ... Like all the best pop, it gently strokes the nape of your neck before it digs the bread knife in. Agression is rarely this delicious."[43] One year later, the Melody Maker critic Simon Price named "Creep" Single of the Week.[44] Martin Aston from Music Week gave it four out of five, describing it as "stunning".[45] Tom Doyle from Smash Hits also gave it four out of five and named it Best New Single, praising Yorke's lyrics, the "crunching guitar" and the "delirious" chorus.[46] Edwin Pouncey of NME named "Creep" Reissue of the Week and wrote that it had "clout, class and truth proudly branded on its forearm".[47] A reviewer from People called it a "startling pop song" and a "gripping descent into love's dark regrets".[48]

Aight so I'm making a video essay about creep and how much of a nightmare the song was to the band especially early on. I'm trying to get as much information on this song that and its relationship to the band so naturally when I found an interview with Paul Kolderie, the producer for Pablo Honey, where he said that he got Thom Yorke to rewrite the first verse when they recorded the censored version that went on radio. So that got me curious and it took me a minute but I think I found the earliest recorded version of the song. The part where he usually sings, "You float like a feather, in a beautiful world" is different. He sings it really mumbly. There was one reference I could find that said it was "Leg of lamb you're holding, shoulder in the pan" but no matter how much I try I cannot hear it like that. I think it's something different. Thom's lyrics are pretty notorious for being hard to make out but I like to think I've gotten good at this. They're my favorite band and I've listened to all their albums. None of that could possibly have prepared me for trying to decipher these two lines. r/radiohead I need your help.

Kurt in general was a pessemestic person that did alot of drugs , and was a true misanthropic writer.This song has kurt using himself as bait to his own self loathing . He's also using "daddys little girl aint a girl no more " as pure irony , kurts the grown up girl ,the negative creep , and he is stoned alot . This song seems to foreshadow kurts eventual fate it seems to me , its one of their most disturbing songs .

well you should know that kurt had a very sarcastic personality...and most of his lyrics were sarcastic. he was very shy..sensitive..caring, and not a racist or a tough metal hardcore bastard or homophobe.

I'm not sure what Cobain meant with these lyrics, but when I listen to this song the meaning I get is from a female perspective. (makes sense, since I'm a girl) See, it's like this- Daddy's little girl, any girl really- is sweet, compliant, and nice, and sometimes I'm not in any way sweet or nice- I'm a negative creep. (something my parents have actually called me, without ever hearing this song) So if I'm a creep, I'm not really a girl anymore, now am I? I love this song, it makes me feel like I can let go of all the social mores that make my gender or sexuality define my personality.

Yup. I think you're right; It's a self-loathing song filled with insecurity.

We just feel like creeps when we love someone we know we could never reach.

Think this is why Thom never plays it anymore, and dislikes it; this song isn't worthy of his pure awesomeness! It's too insecure! Or maybe it's all a lie and it's just a tad too personal for him...


I can certainly appreciate your generalization and I think the song can be seen that way. I'd like to think that most people could take it that way, but without any personal research into what Radiohead said about the song, I can't help taking it in a somewhat darker sense. To me, these lyrics are haunting in how they seem to poignantly suggest two sides of the same coin: while the self-proclaimed "creep" admires people of higher social circles, there is an understated, sarcastic tone to it that suggests he/she laments more the society that places some advantaged folks above him/her than his unjust position within that context.

In fact, the narrator never denigrates himself specifically beyond the label of "creep" and "I don't belong here." Meanwhile, there is consistently a tone of exaggeration in the descriptions of those deemed of higher status: 1) "you're just like an angel; 2) your skin makes me cry; 3) you float like a feather (in a beautiful world, no less!)

But despite wanting "a perfect body" and "perfect soul," the narrator has no out because those are things only attributed to people of certain social status so all that is left is questioning such a society with statements like "you're so fucking special" (accusatory) and "I wish I was special" (sarcastic, because the problem is in the society, not the narrator.

Saddest song ever to be able to relate to. Saving all the details, to me this is just about losing someone to time. One day everything is fine and you wouldn't change anything for the world. At some point down the road, though, everything changes. You realize you're at the bottom of a long downward slope. Things deteriorated over such a long period of time, that you suddenly look around and don't know where you are anymore. She doesn't see you anymore, she doesn't come around, and when you're not there she doesn't miss you like she did before. You find that you care so much more about them, than they do about you, that it's no longer just longing, or being out of your league, it just becomes sad to watch. You become a creep, a wierdo, to them, and you don't know how you got there, because for you, nothing changed. She didn't used to think you were a creep, and you haven't changed, and neither has the amount you care about her, but suddenly because she's changed, YOU'RE the creep. But there is no changing it, it's not a choice. But, you know, not me. I can't relate to this at all...

I know this might be outdated and you might not ever read this but WOW!!! Very well said in how you interpret this song. I can relate to this in someway but my situation is a quite different. I was involved with another woman that i shouldn't have never been with because I was married. This woman decided to end our fling or relationship with me. However, we remained friends and still communicated but to me things never change in how I cared about her. Until this day and after a year she called it off, I still care alot about her but she doesn't care about me like she used too. That is the part that really tares me up because we worked for the same company and I still see her in some way. Like you said it just becomes sad to watch and its very sad to be in this kind of situation. At this point I fell like the creep, the weirdo because I shoulnt be here. So i am trying to stop caring for her and move on.

@ME68 ~ again this song has come into my life and it's subtle mystical power draws me into it like a black hole consumes all. And so I thought I feed the demand it's gravity commands by trying to learn more about it, which brings me here and now......

** FIRST I'd like to say great job on the various iterations of interpretation. The explanation of the songs meaning posted here is interesting, well said, and has a lot of merit

which very well captures the overall mood and is a likely explanation of lyric meaning. ALTHOUGH, I have to share an interpretation that came to me one dark evening that was an "Ah - Ha" moment, where I thought I nailed the song meaning and yet couldn't believe I never saw it so plainly before. SO NOW I WANT Share this to see what y'all think what I thought the lyrics could mean.......

In short, I thought the song was about the final thoughts one might have after having deciding to commit me suicide, but sort of glamorizing a fantasy this person has of it's hoped for, and intended reason and impact this suicide will have on the world left behind....! 

This notion of the lyrics mean dawned on me one day while listening to it. I was shocked that I never recognized it before, nor ever heard any other suggestion about what was now obvious and simple about a song that had captured me long ago yet took 20 years to feel like I actually know what the song is truly about. Which is dark for how popular it is , yet still no certainty of it's true origin or meaning.

The part in the song that brought about this epiphany was the second, 2nd verse. 

I don't care if it hurts - if dying hurts - already in pain

I wanna have control - I get to choose how death comes to me - how it happens

I want a perfect body - concerning the choice method of suicide in order to look good in the coffin during the important funeral processionals. *Suicide provides the opportunity to have control over maintaining a perfect body (fit for show) as in choosing to hang yourself, take excess pills, or hose from car exhaust ~VERSES~ a shotgun blast to the face, or a car wreck, cutting your veins and bleeding out.....for example. Further, if you want a perfect body, then you must take into account that dying by hanging might hurt tremendously and doesn't offer the seemingly more instantaneous no pain method a self inflicted gun shot to the head might bring..... 

"don't care if it hurts" - not as important as the impact felt by funeral attendance with an open casket. 

"I want a perfect soul" - any raised with religion says you go the hell for committing suicide, yet public out cry of pitty and grief for the poor victim's who's shamed weak soul that should get a pass from hell bc of no other choice

I want you to notice 

When I'm not around - again the fantasy that there will be a huge void in life of the person he desires attention of. 

You're so fuckin' special" - viewed as an untouchable goddess as part of a deep obsession for an unattainable fantasy projection. 

I wish I was special. -. If I was special, then I wouldn't be this weirdo creep about to take extreme measures to hopefully get noticed. 

ANYWAY, that's what hit me one day listening to and thinking about this song I've heard and loved for so long, yet really don't know the true meaning behind the lyrics. 

Haha - here I am searching for and reading the popular explanations trying to get an answer, and found no other suggest my same relaxation. Ouch! Yet, love what I am reading. 

Just curious now how you all feel about my perceived alternative suggestion.

Thanks for the ideas and consideration!

Cheers ff782bc1db

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