Creative Convergence:

At the Crossroads of the Arts, Ecology, Neuroscience, and Control Engineering

A Celebration of Naomi Leonard's 60th Birthday

October 27–28, 2023 @ Princeton University

Technical Talks: McDonnell Hall A01

Activities: Robotics Space, Engineering Quad

Dinner:  Friend Center

The systematic modeling, analysis, and design of social, economic, and technological systems require addressing various tradeoffs that natural systems and human groups handle effectively. By combining ideas from diverse disciplines, including ecology, neuroscience, control theory, and the arts, we can gain a better understanding of the underpinnings of these remarkable systems, and this understanding will enable us to facilitate robustness and resilience in engineered systems ranging from electric networks and autonomous vehicles to smart manufacturing and mixed human-automata systems. This convergence among disciplines is also essential for addressing broader issues, such as climate change, energy efficiency, and human-wildlife conflicts.

To begin a dialogue focused on synergistic approaches to these challenges, Creative Convergence: At the Crossroads of the Arts, Ecology, Neuroscience, and Control Engineering will bring together scholars from diverse disciplines, institutions, and career stages. This two-day workshop aims to foster new collaborations through research talks by both junior and senior researchers, along with interdisciplinary activities.

Workshop Details

Dates: Oct 27th (Fri) – Oct 28th (Sat), 2023 (Schedule)

Venue: Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA

Technical Talks: McDonnell Hall A01

Activities: Robotics Space, Engineering Quad

 Dinner:  Friend Center

Registration: Register here

Organizing Committee


National Science Foundation

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University

University of Maryland Robotics Center