The Campers-Grade 3

Grade 3

Group Leader: Miss Chanda


Welcome to the Carnival!

The students had a great time today with our carnival game rotations!!

Fun Friday Rotations

For our Fun Friday Rotations during our CC Champion week, we created gold medals using fruit roll ups and golden vanilla Oreos, we made and decorated trophies, and played balloon hockey!

Crayola Fun! Week 6!

The students were so engaged and loving our Crayola fun pack. We created our very own coloring page and a model magic chameleon.

For some of our choice time activities we made twiggy owls using craft sticks, painted bread with watercolors and the students were challenged to recreate animals using Legos. 

Southwick Zoo

The students had such a great time enjoying the wild animals at the zoo. Petting baby goats, feeding the deer, enjoying the scenery on the train and posing with the monkeys.

Camping Enrichment with Ms. Chanda!