
Minute to Win it Fun Friday!

Tissue teamwork

Ring around a classmate

Jelly bean wars

Owl Craft

Let the Shenanigans Begin!

We did a fill the pot with a Ping pong ball. We also did bowling, roll a rainbow and freeze dance.

We did speed skating, curling, airplane contest.


Holiday Houses

Fun Friday- Reindeer Games

Robo Pete

Everything Pumpkin Fun Friday

Pete the Cat Enrichment with the Kindergartners!

Sensory Bins at the Brook!

Doughnut  Fun Friday!

May's Fun Friday!

We played pink flamingo ring toss, musical limbo, and a hula hoop contest.

Fun Friday Fun!

Edible Birds Nest Crafts!

We did ping pong toss, horseshoe toss, tic tac toe.

Fun Friday!

A St. Patrick's Day Treat!

On Friday we made a fruit loop rainbow craft.

We made hot chocolate, we did a marshmallow stackers, and a hot chocolate craft.

Snow Storms in a Jar!

Yesterday we made snow storms in a jar- the kids loved it!

Pictures from our holiday house experience 

Reindeer Games!

Th first two pictures of our snow ball fight with mini marshmallows, the next is shoveling the snow, the final pictures are of pin the heart on the grinch.

Here are a few photos of the kids and what they were building.

It was HOEDOWN Fun Friday! We did a ball toss, played musical pumpkins, a candy corn toss, and roll a pumpkin. 

The CC kiddos got creative with Twizzlers and made a delicious, colorful artistic creation!

This is a photo of Edible Sheep

Melty Bead Fun

Holiday Houses

Here are some photos of the CC kiddos and staff having fun creating fun and delicious HOLIDAY HOUSES!

CC Spirit with a holiday twist!

Argh! Pirates Fun Friday!

Check out these photos from this month's Fun Friday!

Gobble Gobble!

Check out this tasty treat!

We made OREO turkeys!

Cooks Corner

Check out this edible craft!




Here are some photos of the Brookers making their spider cookies.

Spider joke:

What do you call an undercover spider?

A SPYder!

This is Declan playing with the straws and connectors.

Today we made Dracula dentures

Red Sox Ice Cream Party!

The children earned their marbles so they got a themed party.

They chose a Red Sox ice cream party.

They had lots of fun!

They also got a Red Sox bobble head from Mr. D!

Check out these delicious edible pencils!

Monday - Thursday CC kids quiet down for 20 minutes during Quiet Time. This is the perfect time to work on homework or participate in contests like the word or drawing contest. Once a week each grade gets a chance to use iPads too! Proof that there’s plenty to keep you busy even while quieting down.

Check out our Enrichment

Here are photos of the first episode of First Grade Friends!

We can't wait to see what else you do!