Downloading PyCharm

Hey there!

I discovered Python in 11th grade because it was a part of my Computer Science syllabus but went far beyond the syllabus to discover the scope of the language. It's been almost 3 years and I have created some pretty cool stuff in Python with A but needless to say, I made some very dumb mistakes along the way.

I had a few different channels and websites to help me out and my knowledge and understanding is based off a billion different resources spread all over the internet. The good news is that now, I can put all of that knowledge into one place and hopefully, create a good enough tutorial for you to follow so you can make cooler stuff and can avoid the mistakes I made (and make your own mistakes instead. Mine are copyrighted).

Watch this YouTube video to learn how to download PyCharm.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to drop me an email and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.


PyCharm Download:

Python Official Website:

Once you've done all that, you can head over to the settings menu:

File >>> Settings or Ctrl + Alt + S

Under the section of Editor, there are themes and font styles you can play around with and you can adjust the display and font size.

I use the Monokai color scheme but there are a couple of others. The default is probably Darcula; High Contrast looks pretty good too and if you want to go blind, there are a few light mode themes as well.

You're going to be using PyCharm a lot on your journey to learn Python so be sure to personalize it and make it comfortable to use. Have fun!
