We Introduce Ourselves...

J: Hi. It’s our first blog

A: Yay…?

J: Yes. Very yay. What are we talking about?

A: You wanna talk about how I stalked my old school yesterday and then cried while looking at everyone’s pictures on the school website at 3am?

J: uh…..

J: I mean 3 am is the time for sad boi hours. So, well done?

A: ....

J: ....

A: I’m supposed to say something?

J: That’s kinda how this works

A: oops

J: Okay let’s restart this.

J: Welcome to our first blog on Crazy Codigo.

A: Hi this is A. And the person in the sentence above me is J (if you couldn’t tell already)

J: Yep. And we started Crazy Codigo -

A: Because we were bored

J: And I wanted to spend more time with the love of my life

A: *ignores J's sappy remark*

A: And we also had quite a few projects and stuff that we want to complete

J: Yeah so this seems like a great platform to pull that off in.

J: So we are officially out of school but not really in a college

A: Yeah so we're college-less, jobless, education-less.... you name it; we don't have it

J: Covid is amazing. BUT, we are applying to random ass colleges, some of which are halfway across the globe and we'll probably not be able to pay for them even after selling everyone's kidneys but filling application forms is fun

A: Especially when colleges in UK ask me when I last visited UK and refuse to take never for an answer.

J: Yes, the biggest criterion for going to UK is you should've already been to UK. Smort

A: On the other hand colleges in Australia have no such requirement. They even let me apply for bio-tech even though I don't have bio as a subject

J: The thing with Australia is that once you go, you never wanna go anywhere else anyway. So if you have been there, you obviously wouldn't come back. It'll be a dumb question.

A: Yeah Australia is so pretty and has a fairly good government situation.

J: Alright so that is us and the running joke that is our lives

A: ...

A: I don't know what I should say. Give me a smart line, J

J: Bye?

A: We're ending this?

J: Yeah it's pretty long already

A: Oh sad.

J: Very

A: Keep visiting for more useless conversations about places we'll never get selected into :D

J: Cya