School Ends

A: Hiiii

J: Second blog tym

R: Hey amigos

A: You don't say "hey amigos". That sounds like you're saying hey to someone called "amigos".

J: Aaaaaaaaaand that is R. She's featuring in this blog because we're gonna be talking about our school life and our school lives are virtually incomplete without her.

R: And my life is in general incomplete without you two.

R: You know my school life sucked so much. Did it have to suck that much?

A: It didn't suck that much. You met me and I helped you meet J. Plus you spent 15000 hours with me.

R: Yeah there was a time in 11th where my whole life was just spent with A. I just came back home to sleep. Everything else - I did with A.

J: And in 12th, we spent the entire year on discord calls.

A: So basically I spent my entire 11th with R and 12th with J

J: And the part where school ended and college did not begin (which has lasted for almost a year now), you spent with both of us!

R: Honestly the most iconic part of the lock down was our sleepovers

A: And you two deciding not to make me the godmother of your babies because I did not sympathize with the mean kid from No Reservations

J: The kid's mother was dead!

A: You know a non controversial statement we can all agree on?

J: What?

A: Playing Krunker was fun

R: Yes it was fun... for me it was just embarrassing. Let's be honest I suck at it

A: But that's what made it fun!!!

J: R being clueless and her sister screaming were the highlights for me

R: Totes

A: My favorite part was me killing R and then R being like "omg someone is killing me. Stop killing your best friend!"

J: Alright we won't spoil the rest of it for you guys. Go ahead and watch it!

If you haven't seen the video we did with R on our channel, check it out: