Internet and Farewells

J: Hi! Welcome to our third blog where we will basically bitch about things

A: Things being my shitty internet connection

J: And our even shittier school

A: Who had a farewell at 9 am - On Facebook. Most of the people in our gen don't even have Facebook. What were they thinking?

J: They weren't thinking. It's the one thing they do well - not think.

A: They started preparing for it in 2019 and they still couldn't come up with a nice thing. And they gave us one week for project.

J: And we came up with a diet app.

A: They should've given it to us. We would've done a better job.

J: Moving on to other unfair things in life, A tell us why you're not in this Sunday's episode

A: Because my internet decided that it won't work on rainy days and abandoned me.

J: I'm pretty sure 90% of gen z abandonment issues are born out of internet problems

A: True.

J: So, I had to do the Sunday episode alone. All by myself. *cries*

A: Tell us about what you did

J: Mostly just traumatized people with my terrible geography and abominable art skills.

A: You decided to use your geography and your art skills - both - in one video? And then, you put it on the internet for a bunch of random people to watch?

J: I'm regretting this even before the video has actually released

A: It comes out in like 4 minutes. We don't procrastinate at all. We're writing the blog 4 mins before it needs to be published. Very hardworking.

J: Yeah and because of so much hard work, we're going to end this blog here. So that it actually gets published.

A: Okay guys. Watch J cure your boredom!