I have been finishing up some illustrations these last few days and have been listening to Suzanne Chiani's Seven Waves on repeat. The album (as the name suggests) has wave sound effects on every track. It got me thinking about how I would go about making wave sounds and how there are probably loads of ways to do it. Do you guys have any favorite methods of creating such a sound? Any synthesis method is probably capable, but what tricks have you got up your sleeve? I would love to compare.

I have a new iMac running 10.9.3 Every once in a while I get a weird sound on my computer. I can describe it best as sort of like an ocean wave. I've tried using the Activity Monitor to see what process is running when I hear the sound but I only hear it once and it's not possible to tell for sure. My best guess is that it's coming from Firefox. To the best of my knowledge I've never heard the sound when I don't have the browser up. Then again that's not necessarily significant since Firefox is my main browser and I have it open almost all the time. One other thing that worries me is that the sound seems to go directly to my speaker. This morning I had my headphones on but I heard the wave sound but not through my headphones I could hear it on my main computer speaker even though the headphone jack was connected. I had Intego but let it lapse (I wonder could this be an Intego marketing ploy? just kidding) but I've renewed my subscription to Intego and done a quick scan of my computer and no malware was found. I'm going to do a full scan tonight and after that if I still have the problem will also submit a report to Intego but was wondering if anyone has heard of malware like this. FYI, I'm pretty careful not to open emails from people I don't know or to click on potentially malicious sites.

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Some sites such as Facebook will play sounds in the background when someone posts a message on your feed, comments on your post, etc. Before assuming your machine is infected I'd look at the web sites you're visiting.

That's just it, there is no pattern that I can tell at all. And it's not Firefox. I closed Firefox last night and started using Chrome but this AM I opened a new Chrome browser and only checked email (on Yahoo!) and then came to the Apple site to view the newest post here and I heard the sound. I'm beginning to think John might be right, perhaps it is the fan just because I can't imagine what else it could be. The fan would also be consistent with hearing it with my headphones on but not through the headphones. It's a very brief sound, about 1-2 seconds and a kind of whooooooosh sound.

Sorry for the initial abrupt reply. I still find it hard to believe that the sound is the fan but as I've ruled out just about everything else maybe you were right. It's a brief 1-2 second woooosh kind of sound, as I said initially it kind of reminds me of an ocean wave breaking.

If you regularly struggle with insomnia, make sure you're aware of these easy fixes. And if you're trying to sleep in a loud environment, white noise might help you nod off more easily. A mixture of all sound frequencies at once, at the same level of intensity, white noise does a good job of masking other noises that can disrupt your sleep. Like a whirring fan or the hum of an air conditioner, white noise provides an even, steady stream of sound. In a study published in the journal Sleep Medicine, researchers at Brown University Medical School reported patients in a hospital intensive care unit awakened less frequently during the night with white noise present, because it decreased the difference between background noise and the "peak" noises that punctuated the hospital's noise environment.

It's not just ocean waves that can provide soothing sounds to go to sleep. Maybe it's the light patter of a rain shower, or the steady flow of a running stream that helps you wind down at the end of a long day. One key to the power of water sounds to help us sleep, said Buxton, is the relatively gentle, gradual variations in the intensity of moving water sounds. Even more than volume, the abrupt, sudden presence of a noise can be jarring to sleep, Buxton and fellow researchers found in their 2012 study of how hospital noises disrupt sleep, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Employing the sounds of the outdoors to help you sleep is one easy way to connect with nature if you're living in an environment with a lot of artificial noise. Can't open the window and hear crickets chirp you to sleep on a summer night? Bring the crickets to you.

You've probably heard of white noise, but pink noise might be news. It's getting a lot of attention these days as a potential booster for sleep. Unlike white noise, which gives equal intensity to all frequencies of sound, pink noise creates a balance of high- and low-frequency sounds that mimic many sounds found in nature. A number of small studies have shown that people exposed to pink noise during sleep spend more time in deep, slow-wave sleep. Looking to improve your memory as well as your sleep? A new study by scientists at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine, found that pink noise exposure at night led to better memory recall.

Remember falling asleep as a kid to the sound of adult voices floating in from another room? Or the comfort of being read to while you drift off? For some people, the sounds of human voices remain a soothing sleep sound throughout their lives. It isn't primarily the content of what's being said, but the tone and cadence of the voices, that's relaxing. Guided relaxation and meditation programs designed for sleep can provide soothing voices to help lull you to slumber, and some apps that offer sleep sounds also have voice options. And if you want to preserve the real thing, it's not a bad idea to record your parents' voices now.)

Imagine this scene: You are sitting on the soft sands of the Caribbean. The breeze is light and the air is fresh. You close your eyes in the shade of a palm grove and you listen to the soothing sounds of the waves crashing against the shoreline.

As they recede and return, each wave brings you closer to your inner serenity, and with each moment you spend listening to the breaking waves on the infinite sands, your mind drifts into a place of freedom and peace.

Yes, we all know the comfort we can receive when we listen to the sounds of the waves crashing against the Caribbean coast. But why is that? How is it that we receive such peace from these natural noises? Is there a way to harness this effect and use it for enhanced relaxation?

Both when we are awake and asleep our minds understand sounds differently. Some are registered as alarming noises that require our attention. Examples of these threatening sounds that alert us could be when you hear a morning alarm, a scream, or a loud bang.

This means that we, in effect, have an audio mask that covers over external and internal noises that could stimulate our brain in a negative or overactive way. Listening to the sounds created by water, whether it is the crashing of the waves, the tropical rain, or the peace of the underwater world, can bring us peace, and a feeling of safety or security.

Today, many people subscribe to channels and services that offer them relaxing sounds to sleep to. Of these, some of the most popular are those that relate to water. However, nothing can compare to the real thing.

Find a spot in the Caribbean where you can sit by the beach and watch the waves go in and out until you feel immersed in the surrounding peace and serenity. A trip to a tranquil destination in the tropics is a great chance to pick a spot by the water and soak up the acoustic camouflage of the ocean.

A day by the beach can do wonders to relieve your stress and anxiety. However, a day is really not much time to enjoy this type of relaxation. So why not book yourself a stay somewhere where you can enjoy the ocean waves, day and night for both a soothing sleep and restful repose.

Where could be better for infinite ocean waves and endless beaches than the Caribbean? Visit a tropical beachfront resort and look forward to indulging in the relaxing effects of ocean water and listening to the sound of waves throughout your stay.

When you arrive you will likely notice the harmonious sounds right away. However, after a few days, the sound will drift into the back of your head and even if you do not notice the peaceful sounds, the calming effects will continue to provide you with the most relaxing vacation possible.

This is an adults only All Inclusive resort located right on the edge of the ocean so that you can delight in the soothing reverberations of the sounds of the sea without having to go more than a few steps from your suite.

Ocean acoustics is the study of sound and its behavior in the sea. When underwater objects vibrate, they create sound-pressure waves that alternately compress and decompress the water molecules as the sound wave travels through the sea. Sound waves radiate in all directions away from the source like ripples on the surface of a pond. The compressions and decompressions associated with sound waves are detected as changes in pressure by the structures in our ears and most man-made sound receptors such as a hydrophone, or underwater microphone.

Frequency is the number of pressure waves that pass by a reference point per unit time and is measured in Hertz (Hz) or cycles per second. To the human ear, an increase in frequency is perceived as a higher pitched sound, while a decrease in frequency is perceived as a lower pitched sound. Humans generally hear sound waves whose frequencies are between 20 and 20,000 Hz. Below 20 Hz, sounds are referred to as infrasonic, and above 20,000 Hz as ultrasonic. The frequency of middle “C” on a piano is 246 Hz.

Amplitude describes the height of the sound pressure wave or the “loudness” of a sound and is often measured using the decibel (dB) scale. Small variations in amplitude (“short” pressure waves) produce weak or quiet sounds, while large variations (“tall” pressure waves) produce strong or loud sounds. e24fc04721

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