Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) of BSL Shaders

What are the different types of shaders you can use in Minecraft PE?

Shaders are a collection of special effects that can be applied to any Minecraft block, item, or mob. They're available in different types, and each type has a unique function.

There are many different types of shaders in the game:

BSL Shaders - this shader is designed for use on blocks and items that have a transparent background. It's also suitable for use on translucent mobs like shulker shells.

Mipmap Shader - this shader is designed for use on blocks and items that have an opaque background. It's also suitable for use on opaque mobs like ghasts or endermen.

Alpha Test Shader - this shader is designed for use on blocks and items with partially transparent backgrounds. This shader will only apply when the block or item has at least

I got a config (shader options file). How do I install it?

Put the config inside .minecraft\shaderpacks

Rename the config to the shaderpack's name (expansion included, finished with .txt)


BSL utilizes a config named BSL

BSL vX.Y utilizes a config named BSL vX.Y.txt.

Can I run this in Minecraft 1.x.x?

Shaderpacks is generally autonomous from Minecraft adaptation, which implies you can run it in any rendition as long as Optifine is accessible on your objective variant. However, the least form I suggest is 1.13.2. More established than that, it's as yet useable however it have a few issues.

1.15 to 1.16.4 :

- Normal planning and POM (Advanced Materials) is broken on specific articles.

1.12.2 and underneath :

- Beacon bar projects shadows.

1.7.10 :

- Outdated square ID design, a few squares might act like typical squares.

- Regular reflection deferred by one edge, past outline reflection not working.

There is only one zip (per version). Where can I get lower / higher quality of it?

You can transform it through Shader Options. It permitted me to set up different quality "Profiles" in one compress, which permits simpler circulation.

When I download the shaderpack, I got "shaders" folder and putting it inside the shaderpacks folder doesn't work

Incapacitate auto unfastening from your program to get the pack in its legitimate arrangement, or zip the extricated shaders organizer yourself.

Should I change render quality and shadow quality in Shaders menu?

Render quality, you can bring down it without a doubt. In any case, I'd suggest utilizing the implicit enemy of associating (FXAA or TAA) rather than higher render quality since it's less expensive.

Shadow quality, don't. You can transform it through shader alternatives.

Shadows > change Shadowmap Resolution and additionally Shadow Distance.

I already put the shaderpack to the shaderpacks folder but it doesn't appear.

Try to put the shaderpack in its zip structure with no guarantees, extricating it isn't needed.

On the off chance that your program consequently separated the shaderpack, put the documents under this design .minecraft/shaderpacks/BSL [version number]/shaders/[multiple envelopes and .properties record here]

I have an M1 based Mac, and BSL doesn't seem to work.

There's something in BSL which is by all accounts contrary with M1. I'm wanting to fix this sooner or later.

Can you make a version of BSL with path traced global illumination, reflection, etc.?

No, it's extremely convoluted to make for myself as well as it's difficult to run on lower end GPUs.

Will you make BSL for Bedrock Edition?

No, Bedrock's shader capacity is far lower contrasted with Optifine's and a huge piece of Bedrock's shader local area is scandalously known for their helpless practices.

Hi, I make BSL for Bedrock Edition, cool huh?

Kindly utilize a unique name all things being equal, it isn't so difficult to get one.


What is BSL Shaders Gold Edition?

BSL Shaders Gold Edition is BSL Shaders with premium name for devoted allies. It includes no extra element or advancement, so you're not passing up a major opportunity anything significant by utilizing the free form.

What is BSL Shaders Classic Edition?

BSL Shaders Classic Collection is a shaderpack assortment from BSL v1.0 to BSL v7.2. This assortment is accessible to use for chronicled purposes and filling in your interest with the more established variants. I strongly suggest utilizing the most recent form for general or regular use. I have no arrangement on improving or fixing these more established forms up until this point, so any ideas or bug reports will not be acknowledged.


My top half of the sky is solid white.

Video Settings > Details > empower Sky.

This is one of the more normal issue overlooked by certain individuals. On the off chance that you see another person having this issue, if it's not too much trouble, advise this part to them.

I turned on Round Sun and Moon I see vanilla sun and moon.

Optifine doesn't uphold vanilla sun and moon switch dependent on shader choices, you need to debilitate it physically.

Video Settings > Details > Disable Sun and Moon.

Why my fast leaves aren't solid?

The shader doesn't do lighting on straightforward surfaces to further develop execution. Anyway the straightforward piece of quick leaves considers straightforward, leaving those parts unshaded. This is the reason I chose to drive incapacitate quick leaves.

Video Settings > set Graphics to Fancy,

Video Settings > Details > set Trees to Default/Fancy.


What does an option do?

You can drift your mouse to show the choice's depiction.

The shader is blurry. I don't like it.

Shader Options > Post Effects > decrease Bloom Strength, or handicap Bloom.

The shader is too blue / bright / anything else related to color and brightness.

Shader Options > Color > change the settings as you see fit.

You can likewise attempt Shader Options > Color Grading and Tonemap.

Why everything looks dull at night/when raining?

I colored everything to give a more air feel. Once more, you can debilitate it through shader alternatives.

Shader Options > Lighting > cripple Desaturation.

I use resourcepack with specular and normal map, but nothing happened.

Because of execution cost, additional impacts which can be accomplished with specular and typical guide are debilitated naturally, you can empower it through shader choices.

Shader Options > Material > empower Advanced Materials.

I enabled rain reflection, but nothing happened.

Downpour reflection is carried out as an expansion to specular reflection, so Advanced Materials should be empowered first.

I enabled Black Outline and I see patterned outlines on water and lava. It's disturbing.

Shader Options > World > Waving Blocks > incapacitate Liquids.

My screenshot is bright for no reason. It's fine ingame though.

You have both Screenshot Size and Auto Exposure empowered. Cripple Auto Exposure, you can change the expsure physically.

Shader Options > Color Grading and Tonemap > change Exposure

The shaderpack is supposed to run smooth, but some stuffs are choppy

You may have World Time Animation empowered, handicap it. Because of Minecraft's tick framework, vitalizing things utilizing world time is fixed at 20 casings each second.

I enabled Aurora and nothing happened.

Auroras are just apparent in cool biomes with Per Biome Weather empowered.

In case it's as yet not appearing, update your Optifine.

If all else fails, Shader Options > Atmospherics > Disable Per Biome Weather


My sky is broken and I use mods.

I have Astral Sorcery. Open the mod config document, set S:weakSkyRenders to 0.

I have Advanced Rocketry Open the mod config document, set B:overworldSkyOverride to bogus.

I have Botania Open the mod config document, set B:fancySkybox.enable to bogus.

I have Litematica Open the mod settings, set Visuals > enableRendering to bogus.