Simons Collaboration on

Cracking the Glass Problem

Annual Meeting

March 7-10, 2018

The second annual meeting of the Simons Collaboration on the Cracking Glass Problem will bring together collaboration members and guest speakers to review and discuss the collaboration’s research and progress over the last year.

To foster communication and interaction among young scientists, an additional workshop will be held at Columbia University on March 10th, mainly devoted to the interaction between the Junior scientists of the collaboration. This Junior workshop is meant to be attended only by non-Senior members of the collaboration.

Organizers: M. Baity-Jesi, G. Biroli and D.R. Reichman.

[Due to inclement weather the conference program for Thursday and Friday has been changed]


Wednesday, March 7th (@ Simons Foundation)

4:15 PM: Tea and Cookies

5:00 PM: Public lecture by M. Lisa Manning (Syracuse University), A body made of glass.

Thursday, March 8th (@ Simons Foundation)

8:30 AM: Check-in & breakfast

9:15 AM: Discussion

11:00 AM: Poster Session

12:00 PM: Lunch Break & Poster Session

1:45 PM: Welcome speech by Sidney R. Nagel

2:00 PM: David R. Reichman (Columbia University), Dynamics of glasses: real-space, landscape and field-theoretic perspectives

3:00 PM: Break & Poster Session

4:00 PM: Eric Vanden Eijnden (NYU), Accelerated Sampling Methods and Path Finding Algorithms Based on Transition Path Theory

5:00 PM: End of day

Friday, March 9th (@ Simons Foundation)

7:45 AM: Check-in and Breakfast

8:30 AM: Ludovic Berthier (U. Montpellier), The Gardner transition in glasses

9:30 AM: Patrick Charbonneau (Duke), Bypassing sluggishness: recent algorithmic advances by the Simons collaboration for Cracking the Glass Problem.

10:30 AM: Break

11:00 AM: Karen E. Daniels (North Carolina State), Counting Network Configurations in Frictional Granular Materials

12:00 PM: Lunch break

1:00 PM: Matthieu Wyart (EPFL), How glassy materials yield and flow

2:00 PM: Daan Frenkel (Cambridge), Non-ergodicity, fake-ergodicity and the colour of energy landscapes

3:00 PM: Break

3:30 PM: Rémi Monasson (ENS Paris), Reverse-engineering of proteins with restricted Boltzmann machines

4:30 PM: End of day

Saturday, March 10th (@ Columbia University)

8:00 AM: Coffee is offered

8:30 AM: Introduction to the "Cracking the Glass Problem" research groups

9:00 AM: Misaki Ozawa (U. Montpellier), A unified picture of yielding in amorphous solids

10:00 AM: Discussions and Coffee Break

10:30 AM: Elijah Flenner (Colorado State), Using Simulations to Understand Vapor Deposited Glasses

11:30 AM: Félix Roy (CEA Saclay), Do not quench ecosystems

12:30 PM: Lunch Break and Discussions

1:30 PM: Jacopo Rocchi (Paris XI), Dynamics potentials and fluctuations in spin glasses

2:30 PM: Harukuni Ikeda (ENS Paris), Thermodynamic theory of the swap Monte Carlo algorithm

3:30 PM: Georgios Tsekenis (U. Oregon), Gardner Phenomenology in Minimally Polydisperse Crystalline Systems

4:30 PM: Closing remarks

5:00 PM: End of day


Simons Foundation:

Gerald D. Fischbach Auditorium

160 5th Ave

New York, NY 10010

Columbia University:

Schapiro CEPSR Building | Room 750

530 West 120th Street

New York, NY 10027


For registration to the events at the Simons Foundation, contact Meghan Fazzi.

Participation to the event at Columbia University is reserved to the Junior members of the Simons Collaboration Cracking the Glass Problem.


This event on the site of the Simons foundation:

Site of the Simons Collaboration Cracking The Glass Problem: