Privacy Policy

This software values user privacy, and privacy is your important right. When you use our services, we may collect and use your relevant information. We hope to explain to you through this Privacy Policy how we collect, use, store, and share this information when using our services, as well as the ways we provide you with access, update, control, and protection of this information. This Privacy Policy is closely related to the services you use. We hope you will read it carefully and make the appropriate choices according to the guidelines of this Privacy Policy when needed. We will try our best to express the relevant technical terms involved in this Privacy Policy in a concise and concise manner, and provide further explanatory links for your understanding. By using or continuing to use our services, you agree to our collection, use, storage, and sharing of your relevant information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

The information we may collect

When we provide services, we may collect, store, and use the following information related to you. If you do not provide relevant information, you may not be able to register as our user or enjoy certain services we provide, or may not be able to achieve the desired results of the relevant services. The information you provided

The personal information you provide us with when registering an account or using our services, such as phone numbers and WeChat information;

The shared information you provide to other parties through our services, as well as the information stored when you use our services. Your information shared by others

The shared information about you provided by other parties when using our services.

We have obtained your information

We may collect the following information when you use the service:

Log information refers to technical information that may be automatically collected by the system through cookies, web beans, or other means when you use our services, including device or software information, such as configuration information provided by your mobile device, web browser, or other programs used to access our services, your IP address, and the version and device identification code used by your mobile device;

The information you search or browse when using our services, such as the web search terms you use, as well as other information and content details you browse or request when using our services;

How we may use information

We may use the information collected during the process of providing services to you for the following purposes:

·Providing services to you;

·When we provide services, we use them for authentication, customer service, security prevention, fraud monitoring, archiving, and backup purposes to ensure the security of the products and services we provide to you;

·Help us design new services and improve our existing services; Enable us to better understand how you access and use our services, in order to respond to your personalized needs in a targeted manner, such as language settings, personalized help services and instructions, or to provide other responses to you and other users;

How do you access and control your personal information

We will do everything possible to take appropriate technical measures to ensure that you can access, update, and correct your registration information or use our services