Manage Your Chronic Stress !

Special Report Reveals The Dangers Of Chronic Stress And…

How To Get Yours Under Control When You Learn The Simple Things You Can Start Doing Right Now to Experience Less Stress, Better Health and More Calm and Peace of Mind

Are You Stressed Out?

Unmanaged chronic stress, where constant, pressures and demands of life leave the body in a heightened and continuous state of arousal and its subsequent physiological reactions take a real toll on mind, body, and spirit.

As you experience prolonged and repetitive stress, your risks for serious physical and mental health problems increase exponentially.

Mainly this occurs as a result of elevated stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline in the body that your brain tells your adrenal glands to produce whenever you believe your mental or physical health is being threatened.

This process is part of the "fight or flight" response to a stressor that is meant to keep you alert and safe in dangerous situations, and this acute stress response is a good thing.

The problem is being in a constant state of arousal, as is the case with chronic stress, when you have a continuous stream of stress hormones being pumped into your system. Imagine a large balloon being filled with water just a few drops at a time.

At first, there is no problem. Eventually however, over time, as the balloon fills, what happens? It bursts.

This is a simple explanation of how chronic stress can wreck your heart, your mental health, can make you gain unhealthy weight, lead to inflammation-related

chronic disease and illness and cause a vast variety of problems for the mind, body and spirit.

Consider these shocking unsettling facts about chronic stress

According to WebMD,

43% of all adults suffer from stress related health problems

75% to 90% of all visits to the doctor are for stress complaints

Stress has been declared a hazard in the workplace by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

The bill for stress costs to American industry is above $300 billion annually

The lifetime prevalence of an emotional disorder is more than 50% often resulting from chronic, untreated stress reactions

The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that stress is widespread and common enough to be “a worldwide epidemic.”

From 2016 to 2017, already high levels of reported stress in the United States rose significantly.

If you live in an urban area, you are 62% likely to experience chronic stress that can damage your health.

In August of 2017, an incredible 80% of participants to a US poll reported a significant and dramatic stress response at least once a month.

Stress and anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States, negatively impacting 40 million people annually.

Regular stress is linked to a much higher risk of heart attacks and stroke, overweight and obesity, negative addictive behaviors like smoking and drinking, depression and low self-esteem, skin and hair problems and both learning and emotional issues.

The American Psychological Association reports that even a one-time stressor, which has not been experienced before can, lead to a heart attack or other cardiovascular health problem if chronic stress has already been in place for a significant period of time.

You probably understand that chronic stress leads to poor health. If so, can I ask you a couple of simple questions?

If so many of us understand the serious health problems chronic stress promises, why do we not take the necessary action steps required to manage it?

Why do we not make deliberate efforts to manage work stress?

Why do we repeatedly and voluntarily enter stressful environments?

Why do we allow chronic stress to ruin our relationships, as well as our physical and mental health?

The answer is simple...

… Most people don't understand that there are things they can do right this very minute to harness the incredible health-boosting, stress-reducing and peace-producing power of the human body and mind.

What are the easy-to-implement stress-stoppers so many mental health professionals use to dramatically produce a 180° turn-around from poor health to great health in their clients?

The answers are contained in what may be a life-saving report for you and your loved ones...

The Complete Guide to Chronic Stress

This comprehensive anti-stress manual contains key information you need today!

Acute Versus Chronic Stress

Effects on Body, Mind, Spirit, and Quality of Life

Signs and Symptoms Of Stress

Major Health Risks

How to Manage Chronic Stress in the Right Ways

And Much Much More...

In this special instant-download report on chronic stress, you will discover...

How unmanaged stress can lead to heart disease, diabetes, obesity and even cancer

The "stress hormone" that does so much damage, and how to decrease its production

The importance of the parasympathetic relaxation response and how to engage it anytime and anywhere

Common daily causes of chronic stress

Why infrequent acute cases of stress can be good for you

How chronic stress can lead to a decrease in sexual desire and performance, and chronic pain

The impact of stress on physical, mental, and emotional health and quality of life

The worst ways to deal with stress

18 factors that increase your risk of chronic stress

(If you read nothing but this chapter, you can keep stress from negatively impacting your life)

14 proven ways to reduce work-related stress

The link between laughter and stress control

28 effective stress management techniques

And More!


There is a good chance that you have some physical or mental health problems, which are being caused or aggravated by stress

Taking key steps and implementing proper stress-relief techniques can have profound and positive health effects.

Envision your life filled with peace of mind, calm, serenity and certainty, rather than anxiety, stress and depression

How much more fulfilling will your life be when you learn to manage chronic stress?

Imagine having control over stress and being able to protect yourself from its effects? And, being able to share this information so your loved ones can do the same?

“People are disturbed not by a thing, but by their perception of a thing.” — Epictetus

Epictetus was one smart guy. He lived in the first century A.D., and was a self-taught man that went from being a slave to being considered one of the premier philosophers of his time, when he learned how to enjoy peace of mind, clarity and good health, as opposed to a stress-filled existence of poor health.

You can do the same when you download and put into practice the information in

The Complete Guide to Chronic Stress

Begin the journey to a calm and peaceful life




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