Geekbench 6 measures your processor's single-core and multi-core power, for everything from checking your email to taking a picture to playing music, or all of it at once. Geekbench 6's CPU benchmark measures performance in new application areas including Augmented Reality and Machine Learning, so you'll know how close your system is to the cutting-edge.

My only real qualm/suggestion would be to add a section with an extremely large model size. This will potentially highlight the benefit of more/faster RAM, whereas the current benchmark usue a pretty limited amount.

Cpu Benchmark Tool Download


This page describes usage of the Python implementation of the Benchmark Tool. For the C++ implementation, refer to the Benchmark C++ Tool page. The Python version is recommended for benchmarking models that will be used in Python applications, and the C++ version is recommended for benchmarking models that will be used in C++ applications. Both tools have a similar command interface and backend.

The Python benchmark_app is automatically installed when you install OpenVINO Developer Tools using PyPI. Before running benchmark_app, make sure the openvino_env virtual environment is activated, and navigate to the directory where your model is located.

By default, the application will load the specified model onto the CPU and perform inferencing on batches of randomly-generated data inputs for 60 seconds. As it loads, it prints information about benchmark parameters. When benchmarking is completed, it reports the minimum, average, and maximum inferencing latency and average the throughput.

The benchmark app provides various options for configuring execution parameters. This section covers key configuration options for easily tuning benchmarking to achieve better performance on your device. A list of all configuration options is given in the Advanced Usage section.

It is up to the user to ensure the environment on which the benchmark is running is optimized for maximum performance. Otherwise, different results may occur when using the application in different environment settings (such as power optimization settings, processor overclocking, thermal throttling).Stating flags that take only single option like -m multiple times, for example benchmark_app -m model.xml -m model2.xml, results in only the last value being used.

When benchmark_app is run with -hint latency, it determines the optimal number of parallel inference requests for minimizing latency while still maximizing the parallelization capabilities of the hardware. It automatically sets the number of processing streams and inference batch size to achieve the best latency.

When benchmark_app is run with -hint throughput, it maximizes the number of parallel inference requests to utilize all the threads available on the device. On GPU, it automatically sets the inference batch size to fill up the GPU memory available.

By default, the benchmarking app will run for a predefined duration, repeatedly performing inferencing with the model and measuring the resulting inference speed. There are several options for setting the number of inference iterations:

The benchmark tool runs benchmarking on user-provided input images in .jpg, .bmp, or .png format. Use -i to specify the path to an image, or folder of images. For example, to run benchmarking on an image named test1.jpg, use:

The tool will repeatedly loop through the provided inputs and run inferencing on them for the specified amount of time or number of iterations. If the -i flag is not used, the tool will automatically generate random data to fit the input shape of the model.

By default, OpenVINO samples, tools and demos expect input with BGR channels order. If you trained your model to work with RGB order, you need to manually rearrange the default channel order in the sample or demo application or reconvert your model using Model Conversion API with reverse_input_channels argument specified. For more information about the argument, refer to When to Reverse Input Channels section of Converting a Model to Intermediate Representation (IR).

Depending on the type, the report is stored to benchmark_no_counters_report.csv, benchmark_average_counters_report.csv, or benchmark_detailed_counters_report.csv file located in the path specified in -report_folder. The application also saves executable graph information serialized to an XML file if you specify a path to it with the -exec_graph_path parameter.

The benchmark tool supports topologies with one or more inputs. If a topology is not data sensitive, you can skip the input parameter, and the inputs will be filled with random values. If a model has only image input(s), provide a folder with images or a path to an image as input. If a model has some specific input(s) (besides images), please prepare a binary file(s) or numpy array(s) that is filled with data of appropriate precision and provide a path to it as input. If a model has mixed input types, the input folder should contain all required files. Image inputs are filled with image files one by one. Binary inputs are filled with binary inputs one by one.

Run the tool, specifying the location of the model .xml file, the device to perform inference on, and with a performance hint. The following commands demonstrate examples of how to run the Benchmark Tool in latency mode on CPU and throughput mode on GPU devices:

The Benchmark Tool can also be used with dynamically shaped networks to measure expected inference time for various input data shapes. See the -shape and -data_shape argument descriptions in the All configuration options section to learn more about using dynamic shapes. Here is a command example for using benchmark_app with dynamic networks and a portion of the resulting output:

PassMark has collected the baselines benchmarks of over a million computers and made them available in our network of industry recognized benchmark sites such as,,, and more.

Heaven Benchmark is a GPU-intensive benchmark that hammers graphics cards to the limits. This powerful tool can be effectively used to determine the stability of a GPU under extremely stressful conditions, as well as check the cooling system's potential under maximum heat output.

The benchmark immerses a user into a magical steampunk world of shiny brass, wood and gears. Nested on flying islands, a tiny village with its cozy, sun-heated cobblestone streets, and a majestic dragon on the central square gives a true sense of adventure. An interactive experience with fly-by and walk-through modes allows for exploring all corners of this world powered by the cutting-edge UNIGINE Engine that leverages the most advanced capabilities of graphics APIs and turns this bench into a visual masterpiece.

This tool is designed for state policymakers to examine policies and practices. The Association for Career and Technical Education has developed a related tool called the Quality CTE Program of Study Framework that provides a comprehensive, research-based quality CTE program of study framework.

The Global Benchmarking Tool (GBT) represents the primary means by which the World Health Organization (WHO) objectively evaluates regulatory systems, as mandated by WHA Resolution 67.20 on Regulatory System Strengthening for medical products. The tool and benchmarking methodology enables WHO and regulatory authorities to:

WHO began assessing regulatory systems in 1997 using a set of indicators designed to evaluate the regulatory programme for vaccines. Since that time, a number of tools and revisions were introduced. In 2014 work began on the development of a unified tool for evaluation of medicines and vaccines regulatory programmes following a mapping of existing tools in use within and external to WHO.

The GBT is designed to benchmark the regulatory programmes of a variety of product types, including medicines, vaccines, blood products (including whole blood, blood component and plasma derived products) and medical devices (including in vitro diagnostics). This is made possible by introducing supplemental criteria to a common set of criteria initially developed for medicines and vaccines in order to accommodate the specificities of blood products and medical devices e.g., hemovigilance for blood products; and risk-based classification/reclassification of medical devices.

The GBT is supported by a computerized platform to facilitate the benchmarking, including the calculation of maturity levels. The computerized GBT (cGBT) is available, upon request, to Member States and organizations working with WHO under the Coalition of Interested Partners (CIP).

Screening ecological benchmarks are used to identify chemical concentrations in environmental media that are at or below thresholds for effects to ecological receptors. This tool presents a comprehensive set of ecological screening benchmarks for surface water, sediment, surface soil, and biota applicable to a range of aquatic organisms, soil invertebrates, mammals, and terrestrial plants. The benchmarks provided are from national, state, and international agencies. Many of the benchmarks were originally derived from the Environmental Sciences Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory or compiled as part of the SADA project.

The Master List template includes all data fields necessary to measure each of the four Federal benchmarks, as well as other fields to support case conferencing with the goal of rapidly exiting Veterans to permanent housing. The Benchmark Generation Tool uses data from the Master List template to automatically calculate the benchmarks and accurately monitor progress. Instruction tabs are included to provide guidance for how to use the tools and programming logic for the benchmarks.

Users may also refer to the Federal Criteria and Benchmarks Review Tool which provides a criteria checklist and benchmark worksheet to help communities assess their progress toward ending Veterans homelessness relative to the Federal Criteria and Benchmarks. 2351a5e196

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