


シクロペンタジエノンとシクロオクタテトラエン(COT)の環化付加体 (A) はCOTが6π電子系で環化付加した最初の例として速報に掲載されたものの,詳報では査読者にX線解析による証明を要求された.しかし,直接法による解析が難航したため,代わりに付加体 (B) の解析結果で納得してもらった(既述 脚注1).その後,A の回折データは,熊本大学で解析できる日が訪れることを期待して,磁気テープに保存したままにしていた.熊大へ異動後,十数年が経ち,専用サーバ(ワークステーション)でX線解析計算ができるようになったのを機に,再挑戦して A の解析に成功した.




X線解析を始めた1970年前半は重原子法が主流であった.同じ頃,重原子を置換した誘導体の合成を必要としない「直接法」が開発され(1971年,1985年ノーベル化学賞),1976年には九大センターでもMULTAN (多重解法) がライブラリーに登録され,カード一枚で実行形式のプログラムを呼び出して利用できるようになった(脚注2).



それまでMULTANの使用経験から,一般に32あるいは64個の解から正しい位相モデルが得られていた.ところが,本化合物は1024 個の解の中からようやく正解(446番目)を得ることができた.大型計算機なら膨大な計算機使用料金が必要であったわけである.正解は三次元空間に点在する電子密度の高い点同士を結んだ距離が1.2-1.5Åにあるものを結合と見なして表示させると分子骨格の一部(ベンゼン環が存在すれば6員環)が現れる.リングが見.えるか否かで視覚的に選別することができた.

直接法 MULTANによって得られた位相モデル

X線回折では,各反射の指数に対応した回折X線の強度,Fo が求まるだけである.

適切な位相モデル(部分構造でもよい)が求まったら,その座標を入れて構造因子を計算すると,3130個の各反射について計算値 Fc(?の部分)が計算される.







446 1.1302 0.934 20.97 2.2415

規格化構造因子数 372

格子定数 A = 16.197 B = 20.990 C = 9.505 ALPHA = 134.32 BETA = 91.72 GAMMA = 90.35











結晶充填構造の回転収録動画(12.1MB 読込に時間が必要)


非対称単位の回転収録動画(13.6MB 読込に時間が必要)



再解析を行った頃には,もう磁気テープの読み取り装置は存在しなかったので,以下に示すような反射データ( hkl, 反射強度,標準偏差値,次表参照) 4276個を計算機リストを見ながら手で入力した.この化合物の場合,200個程度の反射データ(規格化構造因子)の位相が判れば概略の構造が決定できる.ラセミ体の場合は各反射の位相は0かπであるので,理論的には2の200乗通りの解を調べれば正解が得られる.実際は反射データの間に位相に関する相関が存在するので,複数の大小グループに分けることができる.グループ間の位相関係を仮定して解析を進めれば計算量は大幅に減少する.なお,プログラムはFORTRAN言語で書かれているが,g77環境を整えてやれば,現在はパソコン上で実行できる.

1個の反射データは,h, k, l, F,σF で構成されていて4276個書き込まれている.

COTが6πで反応した世界で最初の付加体の構造証明ができたわけであるが,もはや化学的新規性はないので,マイクロフィッシュ方式の雑誌 (英国化学会 J. Chem. Research) に投稿を勧められた(脚注 3).X線解析結果の Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) への登録が済めば,本件の残務整理は打ち止めと思い,レフェリーの意見にしたがった.しかし,結晶内で2分子が会合している主要因が芳香環間 face-to-face および edge-to-face 相互作用によることなどについては触れずじまいになってしまった(結晶充填構造の動画を参照).

X線解析の概要については,X線解析の実際 を見てほしい.

気になる [1,5]-carbon shiftの可能性

薬学部の有機化学講義(ペリ環状反応)では, 1,n-sigmatropyの説明は欠かせない. その理由はビタミンDの生成に光-sigmatropyが関与しているため太陽光(日光浴)の役割を説明する必要があるためである. 講義のたびに,COTの1,5-sigmatropy(熱)のことを思い出し, ずっと釈然としないものがあった. 定年退職後も分子軌道計算による反応機構の解明を続けている.


1) COTにまつわる話 cyclooctatetraeneの正体

Frontier-controlled pericyclic reactions of cyclooctatetraene with cyclopentadienones. First example of exo [4+6].PI. cycloadduct by effective secondary orbital control and its molecular structure. Yasuda, M.; Harano, K.; Kanematsu, K. Tetrahedron Lett. 1980, 627-630.

Frontier-controlled pericyclic reactions of cyclooctatetraene with cyclopentadienones. First example of exo [4+6].PI. cycloadduct by effective secondary orbital control and its molecular structure. Yasuda, M.; Harano, K.; Kanematsu, K. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1981, 103, 3120-3126.

2) P.Main,M.M.Woolfson,G.Germain,MULTAN “A Computer Programme for Automatic Solution of Crystal Structures,” Univ. of York, York,England&Univ.de Louvain,Leuven,Belgium(1971).P.Main, J. S.Fisks,E S.Hull,L Lessinger,G.Germain,R J. Declercq,M.M.Woolfson,MULTAN80 “Asystem of Computer Programs for the Automatic Solution of Crystal Structure from X-ray Diffraction Data,”Univ.of York.York, England(1980).直接法の基礎を築いた Herbert A. Hauptman, Jerome Karleはノーベル化学賞 1985を受賞した(「結晶構造の決定に於ける直接法の開発」).




tangent formulaを適用



研究用の解析プログラムはソースが公開されているので,計算機環境に合ったコンパイルをすれば誰でも利用できる.例 (IUCr) Software Museum

3) X-Ray Crystallographic Evidence for a Novel Exo[6+4]π Cycloadduct of Cyclooctatetraene and 2,5-Bis(methoxycarbonyl)-3,4-diphenylcyclopentadienone and a Molecular Orbital Analysis of the Reaction Pathway, K. Harano and T. Hisano (1993 ・ J. Chem. Research (S) ・ (356-357)) (1993 ・ J. Chem. Research (M) ・ (2335-2358)). X線解析データはケンブリッジ結晶データセンターからダウンロード可能である.CCDC ref. No. 1171685


Cycloaddition behavior of unsymmetric cyclopentadienone. Peri- and regio-selectivities. Tamaki Jikyo, Masashi Eto and Kazunobu Harano,J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 1998, 3463–3470.






Crystal Data.-C29H24O5, M=452.5, triclinic, a=16.197(12), b=20.990(21), c=9.505(4) A, α=134.32(7), β=91.72(5), γ=90.35(8)°, U=2309.3A3, Dc=1.301, Z=4, Dm=1.305(by flotation). Space group P-1 from structure determination. Cubic crystals of 3a grown from the benzene? solution were obtained.

All measurements were made on a Syntex P-1 automated diffractometer with graphite monochromated Mo Kα (0.71069 A) radiation.

Crystal surveys and unit-cell selection were made by using the search, centering and automatic indexing routines of the P-1 system and 15 randomly selected reflections. The cell constants were found by a least-squares procedure, using the values of the Bragg angles of 15 reflections. Intensity data were collected by using θ-2θ scans to limit of 2θ=55°. The available scan rate from 24.0 to 4.0°/min was used, and three reflections were monitored after every measurement of 97 reflections. The intensities were corrected for Lorenz and polarization effects, but no correction was applied for absorptions. Of 4276 independent reflections, 3130 were treated as observed (I>2.3σ(I)).

Determination and Refinement of the Structure.- The structure was solved by direct methods, by use of the MULTAN program. All structure factors including unobserved reflections were converted into normalized structure factor amplitudes, |E| values, by use of the scale factor and the overall temperature factor obtained from Wilson's statics. The distribution of |E| values indicated the centrosymmetric P-1 space group as the most probable, which was later confirmed by the successful solution and refinement of the structure. However, the obatained temperature factor (3.2) did not gave correct solution. The difficulties were encounted in direct phasing. Various pasing calculations with

changing the combination of the magnitude of the temperature factor and the number of E's could not give any correct solution. The difficulty was overcome by introducing stereochemical information of 3a into the caclulation of the E's (temperature factor = 3.72). The resulting 372 E values lager than 1.7 were processed through the multiple solution tangent refinement method. After a number of trial and error, the following procedure gave a correct solution. In addition to the three origin-fixing reflections and three reflection phased from the Σ1 formula (probability greater than 0.6) and eight reflections were allowed as an initial basis set. Of the 256 possibilities, the correct solution had the 8th highest figure of merit (1.2015) and the lowest ψ0 (0.813) and yielded all the non-hydrogen atoms of the two molecules in the asymmetric unit. Initial assignment of peaks as carbon or oxygen was proved to be correct by subsequent refinement with isotropic temperature parameters, which gave R as 0.12. When all atoms were given anisotropic temperature factors, R decreased to 0.85 after six cycles of block-diagonal least-square refinement. The hydrogen atoms were located on the calculated positions with isotropic temperature factors. After adding the hydrogens, and refinement, we obtained a final R of 0.0360. In final refinement, a following weights were used for the observed reflections, w=1.0 for Fo < 40.0, w=1600/Fo2 for Fo>= 40.0. The atomic scattering factors were taken from the International Tables for X-ray Crystallography (1974). The MULTAN78 grogramme is locally modified for graphic analysis of the output data of SEARCH on Fujitsu S-4/2 engineering workstation. All the calculations except MULTAN were performed on the FACOM M-780 computer in the Kumamoto University Information Processing Center with the Universal Crystallographic Computation Programme System (UNICS III).


The crystal structure contains two independent molecules of C29H24O5 in the asymmetric unit. The cycloadduct is exo [6+4]π cycloadduct of cyclooctatetraene and 1a. The final atom parameters together with their standard deviations are given in Table 1a and 1b. Table 2 lists the anisotropic temperature factors for non-hydrogen atoms. The atomic numbering scheme is shown in Figure 1, and the hydrogen atom(s) designated H(ij) are bonded to atom X(i). Bond lengths and angles for two molecules are given in Tables 3 and 4. The torsion angles for evaluation of conformations of the substituents on cyclopentadienone moiety are also listed in Table 5. Inspection of the two structures indicates that the two molecule could not be superimposed. If Figure 1(a) and (b) are superimposed, the direction of tilt of the two phenyl rings with respect to the rest of the molecule is virtually the only conformational difference between them. This indicates that the one can be approximately correlated to the mirror image of the other. The angles of C5-C4-C15 and C4-C5-C21 for molecule 1 are 125.9 and 124.9°, respectively. The angles for molecule 2 are 127.9 and 127.4. These are due to steric repulsion between C4- and C5-phenyl rings. The C3-C12 (C6-C15) bond connecting the cyclopentenone and cyclooctatriene rings is elongated to 1.576 A (average value of the four bonds). This may be due to through-bond interaction of the allylic π-orbitals. The bond angles of the cyclooctatriene framework are considerably expanded to 127-136°. The C8-C9-C10 (C9-C10-C11) angle is found to be the largest (average 135.6°).

Atomic positional parameters, anisotropic temperature factors, and bond lengths and angles have been deposited with the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre.


1) a) P. Main, S. E. Hull, L. Lessinger, G. Germain, J. P. Declercq and M. M. Woolfson, MULTAN78, a System of Computer Programs for Automatic Solution of Crystal Structures from X-ray Diffraction Data, University of York, York, England, 1978. b) C. K. Johnson, ORTEP, Report ORNL-3794, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Ork Ridge, TN, 1965. The program was locally modified for use of X-Y plotters devised for personal computers. c) T. Sakurai and K. Kobayashi, Rikagaku Kenkyusho Hookoku, 1979, 55, 69: S. Kawano, Koho, Comput. Center Kyushu Univ., 1983, 16, 113.

Table ?. Final Positional and Isotropic Thermal Parameters with Their Standard Deviationsa) for Nonhydrogen Atoms


Atom x/a y/b z/c Beqv


O01 10501( 1) 2115( 1) 8000( 3) 3.78( 12)

C02 9865( 2) 2488( 2) 8369( 4) 3.14( 16)

C03 9132( 2) 2504( 2) 9346( 4) 2.94( 16)

C04 8425( 2) 2546( 2) 8322( 4) 2.61( 15)

C05 8708( 2) 2850( 2) 7562( 4) 2.59( 15)

C06 9629( 2) 3017( 2) 7885( 4) 2.76( 16)

C07 9846( 2) 4040( 2) 9698( 5) 4.11( 19)

C08 10720( 3) 4235( 2) 10524( 6) 5.34( 22)

C09 11055( 3) 4165( 2) 11727( 6) 5.74( 22)

C10 10761( 3) 3853( 2) 12588( 5) 5.51( 20)

C11 10059( 3) 3521( 2) 12568( 5) 5.07( 19)

C12 9215( 2) 3387( 2) 11628( 4) 3.92( 17)

C13 9008( 2) 4223( 2) 12165( 4) 4.36( 18)

C14 9269( 2) 4500( 2) 11377( 5) 4.56( 19)

C15 7551( 2) 2345( 2) 8326( 4) 2.86( 16)

C16 7191( 2) 2680( 2) 10021( 5) 4.23( 21)

C17 6374( 3) 2511( 3) 10006( 5) 5.12( 23)

C18 5878( 3) 2014( 2) 8323( 6) 5.14( 23)

C19 6226( 3) 1682( 3) 6626( 5) 5.32( 23)

C20 7045( 2) 1831( 2) 6617( 5) 4.28( 19)

C21 8181( 2) 3137( 2) 6796( 4) 3.17( 18)

C22 7650( 3) 3815( 2) 8022( 5) 5.37( 21)

C23 7149( 3) 4092( 3) 7321( 6) 7.05( 26)

C24 7179( 3) 3672( 3) 5405( 7) 6.77( 31)

C25 7686( 3) 2978( 3) 4163( 6) 6.27( 30)

C26 8206( 3) 2735( 3) 4874( 5) 4.83( 24)

C27 9098( 2) 1699( 2) 9079( 4) 3.51( 18)

O28 9037( 2) 1726( 2) 10363( 3) 6.07( 15)

O29 9158( 2) 955( 1) 7204( 3) 3.98( 12)

C30 9228( 3) 143( 2) 6759( 6) 5.06( 22)

C31 10080( 2) 2686( 2) 6112( 5) 3.68( 19)

O32 10536( 2) 3126( 2) 6071( 4) 5.42( 16)

O33 9887( 2) 1823( 1) 4572( 3) 3.92( 12)

C34 10273( 3) 1402( 3) 2754( 5) 5.04( 22)

O01' 6221( 2) 9839( 1) 11919( 3) 4.00( 12)

C02' 6471( 2) 9106( 2) 10994( 4) 3.05( 17)

C03' 6955( 2) 8785( 2) 11775( 4) 2.77( 16)

C04' 6624( 2) 7820( 2) 10351( 4) 2.78( 16)

C05' 6304( 2) 7553( 2) 8689( 4) 2.74( 16)

C06' 6341( 2) 8304( 2) 8779( 4) 2.97( 17)

C07' 7105( 2) 8214( 2) 7681( 4) 3.55( 18)

C08' 7349( 2) 9057( 2) 8204( 5) 4.38( 22)

C09' 7767( 3) 9790( 2) 9786( 6) 4.75( 23)

C10' 8122( 3) 10089( 2) 11605( 5) 4.72( 21)

C11' 8174( 2) 9758( 2) 12386( 5) 4.17( 19)

C12' 7899( 2) 8860( 2) 11557( 4) 3.31( 17)

C13' 8206( 2) 8144( 2) 9513( 5) 3.88( 19)

C14' 7866( 2) 7866( 2) 7876( 5) 3.70( 18)

C15' 6675( 2) 7300( 2) 10874( 4) 3.03( 16)

C16' 7377( 2) 7335( 2) 11799( 5) 3.95( 21)

C17' 7391( 2) 6877( 2) 12359( 5) 4.44( 22)

C18' 6710( 3) 6408( 2) 12047( 5) 4.67( 21)

C19' 6011( 3) 6362( 2) 11125( 5) 4.84( 23)

C20' 5993( 2) 6794( 2) 10520( 5) 3.97( 20)

C21' 6096( 2) 6625( 2) 6792( 4) 2.98( 17)

C22' 6684( 2) 5988( 2) 6009( 5) 4.55( 20)

C23' 6545( 3) 5133( 2) 4173( 5) 5.53( 21)

C24' 5819( 3) 4902( 2) 3111( 5) 5.32( 20)

C25' 5230( 3) 5516( 2) 3878( 5) 5.47( 21)

C26' 5367( 2) 6379( 2) 5710( 5) 4.24( 20)

C27' 6794( 2) 9315( 2) 13915( 4) 3.27( 17)

O28' 7319( 2) 9677( 2) 15202( 3) 5.42( 15)

O29' 5994( 1) 9307( 1) 14143( 3) 3.70( 12)

C30' 5760( 3) 9762( 2) 16110( 5) 4.71( 21)

C31' 5573( 2) 8409( 2) 8022( 5) 3.64( 19)

O32' 5554( 2) 8408( 2) 6754( 4) 5.97( 20)

O33' 4902( 1) 8503( 2) 8932( 3) 4.02( 14)

C34' 4137( 3) 8674( 3) 8426( 6) 5.61( 28)


a) Positional parameters are multiplied by 10**4. Thermal parameters are given by the equivalent temperature factors (A**2).

Table ?. Final Positional and Isotropic Thermal Parameters with Their Standard Deviationsa) for Hydrogen Atoms


Atom x/a y/b z/c Beqv


H07 9788(20) 4348(21) 9099(46) 5.8( 0.8)

H08 11110(23) 4449(24) 10101(52) 7.4( 1.0)

H09 11695(23) 4337(24) 12034(53) 7.9( 1.1)

H10 11224(22) 3878(22) 13407(49) 6.7( 0.9)

H11 10053(19) 3304(20) 13251(44) 5.0( 0.8)

H12 8772(18) 3263(18) 12211(39) 3.8( 0.7)

H13 8643(19) 4607(19) 13263(43) 4.8( 0.8)

H14 9156(19) 5081(19) 11925(43) 4.8( 0.8)

H16 7562(20) 3042(21) 11196(45) 5.7( 0.8)

H17 6128(23) 2780(23) 11249(52) 7.3( 1.0)

H18 5257(23) 1894(24) 8279(52) 7.5( 1.0)

H19 5872(23) 1340(24) 5412(53) 7.6( 1.0)

H20 7284(21) 1587(21) 5456(47) 6.0( 0.9)

H22 7560(19) 4078(20) 9361(43) 4.9( 0.8)

H23 6801(22) 4491(23) 8133(51) 7.1( 1.0)

H24 6846(25) 3947(26) 5032(58) 9.3( 1.2)

H25 7728(25) 2692(27) 2711(58) 9.2( 1.2)

H26 8615(22) 2185(22) 3900(49) 6.6( 0.9)

H301 9300(23) -317(24) 5359(54) 8.1( 1.1)

H302 9708(23) 230(25) 7524(54) 7.8( 1.0)

H303 8723(25) 11(26) 7129(58) 8.9( 1.1)

H341 10063(24) 749(25) 1766(55) 8.3( 1.1)

H342 10140(24) 1752(26) 2438(56) 8.6( 1.1)

H343 10924(24) 1411(26) 2906(56) 8.7( 1.1)

H07' 6923(17) 7777(17) 6302(36) 3.2( 0.6)

H08' 7158(18) 9065(19) 7265(41) 4.4( 0.7)

H09' 7856(21) 10272(22) 9768(48) 6.4( 0.9)

H10' 8369(20) 10730(20) 12516(44) 5.2( 0.8)

H11' 8435(19) 10157(19) 13764(42) 4.8( 0.8)

H12' 8193(17) 8758(17) 12362(38) 3.5( 0.7)

H13' 8728(20) 7892(21) 9435(46) 5.8( 0.9)

H14' 8168(18) 7444(18) 6649(40) 4.1( 0.7)

H16' 7900(20) 7692(21) 12039(45) 5.7( 0.8)

H17' 7913(20) 6900(20) 12997(44) 5.2( 0.8)

H18' 6694(21) 6127(21) 12528(46) 5.9( 0.9)

H19' 5523(22) 6077(22) 10998(48) 6.4( 0.9)

H20' 5438(21) 6750(21) 9881(47) 6.2( 0.9)

H22' 7226(21) 6171(21) 6772(46) 5.8( 0.9)

H23' 6982(22) 4695(23) 3635(51) 7.2( 1.0)

H24' 5722(23) 4261(23) 1793(52) 7.5( 1.0)

H25' 4662(23) 5327(24) 3123(52) 7.6( 1.0)

H26' 4898(20) 6857(21) 6312(45) 5.6( 0.8)

H301' 5186(22) 9898(23) 16245(51) 7.2( 1.0)

H302' 5882(24) 9421(25) 16352(55) 8.3( 1.1)

H303' 6033(26) 10373(27) 17155(59) 9.3( 1.2)

H341' 3677(24) 8701(25) 9261(56) 8.4( 1.1)

H342' 4219(28) 9235(30) 8777(65) 11.0( 1.4)

H343' 4009(23) 8130(23) 6992(52) 7.4( 1.0)


a) Positional parameters are multiplied by 10**4. Thermal parameters are given by the equivalent temperature factors (A**2).

Table ?. Anisotropic Temperature Factors for Nonhydrogen Atoms


Atom B11 B22 B33 B12 B13 B23


a) THESE ARE OF THE FORM EXP(-(B11*H**2+2*B12*H*K+...... )) AND ARE MULTIPLIED BY 10**4.

Table ?. Bond Lengths with Their Standard Deviations in Parentheses


Atom1-Atom2 Distance Atom1-Atom2 Distance


O01 - C02 1.203(4) O01' - C02' 1.201(4)

C02 - C03 1.515(6) C02' - C03' 1.514(7)

C02 - C06 1.517(7) C02' - C06' 1.526(4)

C03 - C04 1.524(6) C03' - C04' 1.528(4)

C03 - C12 1.587(3) C03' - C12' 1.570(5)

C03 - C27 1.523(7) C03' - C27' 1.522(5)

C04 - C05 1.342(7) C04' - C05' 1.338(6)

C04 - C15 1.476(5) C04' - C15' 1.485(7)

C05 - C06 1.502(5) C05' - C06' 1.519(7)

C05 - C21 1.484(7) C05' - C21' 1.485(3)

C06 - C07 1.577(4) C06' - C07' 1.569(6)

C06 - C31 1.516(6) C06' - C31' 1.511(6)

C07 - C08 1.505(6) C07' - C08' 1.511(7)

C07 - C14 1.516(6) C07' - C14' 1.509(6)

C08 - C09 1.351(9) C08' - C09' 1.334(4)

C09 - C10 1.446(9) C09' - C10' 1.461(7)

C10 - C11 1.323(7) C10' - C11' 1.325(9)

C11 - C12 1.522(6) C11' - C12' 1.505(6)

C12 - C13 1.489(7) C12' - C13' 1.506(4)

C13 - C14 1.306(8) C13' - C14' 1.319(6)

C15 - C16 1.382(6) C15' - C16' 1.385(6)

C15 - C20 1.390(5) C15' - C20' 1.386(6)

C16 - C17 1.365(6) C16' - C17' 1.387(9)

C17 - C18 1.369(6) C17' - C18' 1.355(7)

C18 - C19 1.376(7) C18' - C19' 1.370(7)

C19 - C20 1.363(6) C19' - C20' 1.374(9)

C21 - C22 1.371(5) C21' - C22' 1.383(5)

C21 - C26 1.379(6) C21' - C26' 1.378(5)

C22 - C23 1.398(9) C22' - C23' 1.383(4)

C23 - C24 1.363(8) C23' - C24' 1.369(6)

C24 - C25 1.364(6) C24' - C25' 1.359(6)

C25 - C26 1.372(9) C25' - C26' 1.388(4)

C27 - O28 1.189(7) C27' - O28' 1.194(4)

C27 - O29 1.322(3) C27' - O29' 1.322(4)

O29 - C30 1.446(6) O29' - C30' 1.450(5)

C31 - O32 1.202(6) C31' - O32' 1.203(7)

C31 - O33 1.335(4) C31' - O33' 1.337(5)

O33 - C34 1.448(5) O33' - C34' 1.450(6)


Table ?. Bond Angles with Their Standard Deviations in Parentheses


Atom1-Atom2-Atom3 Angle Atom1-Atom2-Atom3 Angle


O01 - C02 - C03 127.4(5) O01' - C02' - C03' 127.5(3)

O01 - C02 - C06 126.3(4) O01' - C02' - C06' 126.1(4)

C03 - C02 - C06 106.3(3) C03' - C02' - C06' 106.4(3)

C02 - C03 - C04 100.5(4) C02' - C03' - C04' 100.0(3)

C02 - C03 - C12 108.2(3) C02' - C03' - C12' 108.0(4)

C02 - C03 - C27 111.8(3) C02' - C03' - C27' 112.7(3)

C04 - C03 - C12 111.4(3) C04' - C03' - C12' 112.7(2)

C04 - C03 - C27 115.4(3) C04' - C03' - C27' 113.2(4)

C12 - C03 - C27 109.2(4) C12' - C03' - C27' 109.9(3)

C03 - C04 - C05 110.2(3) C03' - C04' - C05' 111.0(4)

C03 - C04 - C15 123.7(4) C03' - C04' - C15' 121.2(3)

C05 - C04 - C15 125.9(4) C05' - C04' - C15' 127.9(3)

C04 - C05 - C06 111.8(4) C04' - C05' - C06' 111.2(3)

C04 - C05 - C21 124.9(3) C04' - C05' - C21' 127.4(4)

C06 - C05 - C21 122.6(4) C06' - C05' - C21' 120.2(4)

C02 - C06 - C05 100.9(4) C02' - C06' - C05' 100.5(4)

C02 - C06 - C07 110.5(3) C02' - C06' - C07' 110.4(3)

C02 - C06 - C31 110.2(3) C02' - C06' - C31' 110.0(3)

C05 - C06 - C07 110.3(3) C05' - C06' - C07' 110.5(3)

C05 - C06 - C31 115.0(3) C05' - C06' - C31' 116.0(3)

C07 - C06 - C31 109.7(4) C07' - C06' - C31' 109.2(4)

C06 - C07 - C08 113.7(3) C06' - C07' - C08' 114.2(3)

C06 - C07 - C14 114.3(4) C06' - C07' - C14' 115.0(4)

C08 - C07 - C14 108.2(3) C08' - C07' - C14' 108.5(3)

C07 - C08 - C09 129.7(5) C07' - C08' - C09' 130.3(6)

C08 - C09 - C10 135.1(4) C08' - C09' - C10' 134.6(6)

C09 - C10 - C11 136.8(5) C09' - C10' - C11' 136.0(4)

C10 - C11 - C12 129.8(5) C10' - C11' - C12' 130.4(3)

C03 - C12 - C11 113.2(3) C03' - C12' - C11' 113.7(3)

C03 - C12 - C13 115.5(4) C03' - C12' - C13' 115.7(2)

C11 - C12 - C13 108.8(3) C11' - C12' - C13' 109.2(4)

C12 - C13 - C14 127.8(3) C12' - C13' - C14' 126.8(4)

C07 - C14 - C13 127.7(4) C07' - C14' - C13' 127.0(3)

C04 - C15 - C16 122.0(3) C04' - C15' - C16' 121.8(4)

C04 - C15 - C20 120.9(4) C04' - C15' - C20' 119.7(4)

C16 - C15 - C20 117.1(3) C16' - C15' - C20' 118.4(5)

C15 - C16 - C17 121.1(3) C15' - C16' - C17' 120.5(4)

C16 - C17 - C18 121.4(5) C16' - C17' - C18' 120.1(5)

C17 - C18 - C19 118.1(4) C17' - C18' - C19' 120.1(6)

C18 - C19 - C20 120.8(4) C18' - C19' - C20' 120.4(5)

C15 - C20 - C19 121.4(4) C15' - C20' - C19' 120.4(4)

C05 - C21 - C22 119.4(3) C05' - C21' - C22' 118.6(3)

C05 - C21 - C26 121.7(3) C05' - C21' - C26' 123.1(3)

C22 - C21 - C26 118.9(5) C22' - C21' - C26' 118.3(3)

C21 - C22 - C23 120.0(4) C21' - C22' - C23' 120.6(4)

C22 - C23 - C24 119.7(4) C22' - C23' - C24' 120.4(4)

C23 - C24 - C25 120.5(7) C23' - C24' - C25' 119.6(3)

C24 - C25 - C26 119.7(5) C24' - C25' - C26' 120.5(4)

C21 - C26 - C25 121.0(4) C21' - C26' - C25' 120.7(4)

C03 - C27 - O28 125.5(3) C03' - C27' - O28' 124.7(3)

C03 - C27 - O29 110.5(4) C03' - C27' - O29' 110.5(3)

O28 - C27 - O29 124.1(4) O28' - C27' - O29' 124.8(3)

C27 - O29 - C30 116.5(4) C27' - O29' - C30' 116.0(3)

C06 - C31 - O32 125.9(3) C06' - C31' - O32' 125.0(4)

C06 - C31 - O33 109.6(4) C06' - C31' - O33' 111.9(4)

O32 - C31 - O33 124.5(4) O32' - C31' - O33' 123.2(4)

C31 - O33 - C34 116.4(4) C31' - O33' - C34' 116.7(4)


Table 5. Selected Torsion Angles


C(15)-C(4)-C(5)-C(21) 7.5 C(15')-C(4')-C(5')-C(21') -15.2

C(5)-C(4)-C(15)-C(16) -129.1 C(5')-C(4')-C(15')-C(16') 137.9

C(4)-C(5)-C(21)-C(22) 58.9 C(4')-C(5')-C(21')-C(22') -49.4

C(28)-C(27)-C(29)-C(30) -5.8 C(28')-C(27')-C(19')-C(30') -1.3

C(32)-C(31)-C(33)-C(34) 1.0 C(32')-C(31')-C(33')-C(34') -4.5
