Can You Download Google Chrome On Macbook

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Youtube works fine on my ipad, iphone, and everything else. Youtube even works fine on safari on my macbook. But for some reason everything takes incredibly long to load on chrome of my mac. Anyone have a solution to this? It seems like it is specifically for chrome of just this device.

I am using ______ (Version 98.0.4758.102 (Official Build) (x86_64)) on MacOS Catalina (Version 10.15.7) and I keep seeing this popup on my Mac whenever I have a chrome window open on my 1_____________, I do understand this is a feature but what I don't understand is it saying 2_____________

I am having the same issue, after I factory reseted my macbook pro. I have been using it for a year but only after resetting my macbook I see this issue. Not sure what to do. My mouse is not clickable in the top right corner of the screen. If I am able to minimize the windows, then I am able to click the objects in the window. So it shows a clear issue with the hardware screen. From this thread, it looks like a recent issue.

This exact thing started happening to me two weeks ago. I have the new macbook air 15 inch and its only been like two months since having it. I had a whole conversation with apple support and they suggested i update my computer (to sonoma) and it would most likely fix it. It worked for about a day! And then it started again but now its in other random spots and comes and goes, and my track pad is useless. Its getting pretty annoying.

I thought it was just me. It was driving crazy this weekend. I'll shut down chrome restart, and after awhile it would happen again. I even uninstalled chrome because I thought it was a bug. I downloaded brave and thought I was out of the woods until a few minutes ago. WTF! Like someone else here mentioned, if I take it out of full screen it works, even if I stretch the browser window to cover the screen. Yeah, this suuuper frustating. Has anyone gotten a response from apple? It's got to be happening everywhere. The funny thing is, I read somewhere that the update a little glitchy, but I figured hey, its apple they'll get it right before they release it. Boy, was I wrong!

I suspect this user is experiencing this in Chrome, as it is a known issue on chrome for mac in the last week or so. I would narrow down if it is happening in all software first before telling them to reinstall their OS

EDIT: Corza21 I just read that Leafy_205 suggested going to chrome://flags/#enable-gpu-rasterization and changing the dropdown for "GPU Rasterization" from "Default" to "Enabled". I have no idea what any of that means, but I changed the setting and restarted Chrome. The below problem is now fixed. Hope this helps!

I have a macbook, iPad and two iPhones (one is mine, second - my wife's). All of them are connected to the same iCloud/apple account. Now, after last updates (starting from iOS 9), once my wife open some page at Chrome/Safari on her iPhone, I receive notifications at my macbook (some app icon at the left side of Dock menu). Moreover, after installing 9.0.3 on iPhone, once I open some page at Chrome/Safari on my macbook, she receives the notification at her iPhone..

Having the same issue today on a MB with OSX 1.7.5. I guess that there are many reasons why Webgl could be unsupported. Having your OS/browser updated does not mean your system (i.e. your graphic card) does support webgl. Try opening chrome://gpu/ in Chrome and read through the problems detected.

It sounds as if you may have accidentally disabled it somehow? Check in chrome://flags and see if "Disable WebGL" flag has been set. Also, take a peek at chrome://gpu and see if it's showing any messages indicating why WebGL may be disabled.

I haven't not been able to cast from chrome running on my macbook. Everytime I selected cast from the menu, it returned an error message saying "No devices found". My chromecast worked just fine with my ipad and iphone but not my macbook. I tried everything (rebooting my chromecast, rebooting my macbook and checked whether all my devices are on the same wifi network).

I am using Google Chrome on macOS Mojave running on my MacBook Air. The Google Chrome browser is Version 100.0.4896.127 (Official Build) (x86_64). No antivirus running. Tried reboot my chromecast, MacBook and router. Sometime it worked and sometimes it didn't. I even tried factory reset before but with no luck.

Hey guys, so a few days ago I bought a new mbp m2 with 16GB RAM and 512 GB SSD, I'm really enjoying the UX on it, but I bought it primarily for the powerhouse I get on the go, specifically the main reason is I'm developing using flutter, with lOS emulators running using XCode, my IDE is vsCode which is running constantly alongside Google Chrome, so basically Im mostly using vsCode, lOS emulators and google chrome, whilst Im coding my mbp gets very hot and the battery starts draining somewhat fast lasting about on average for 5 to 6 h, and even when not coding but just web browsing, watching videos, etc.. battery still holds for about 10 h. And also I need to mention that I have updated to MacOS 14 Sonoma, so my main question because my mop is basically brand new with being old just a few days, is this normal behavior or if not is there anyway to minimize the battery drain? I have checked the internet and mostly it's the same stuff, use CleanMyMac X, check using. Activity Monitor highest consumer of resources, etc.. I have done this already, but there is little to no impact on the fast battery drain, are there any other action for you to suggest to me to solve this problem. Tnx for any help in advance PS. I know that running IOS emulator, vsCode and Chrome is quite demanding.

I have the same issue, just bought a new M2 Pro yesterday, i also develop mobile app, xcode, vscode, simulator, gogle chrome all opened.But as against what people say only of battery lasting 18-20hrs, mine last 5-6 5376163bf9

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