Instructors can create courses with AI-assisted course building, the company said in a release, by using prompts to generate "course content, structure, descriptions, tags, readings, assignments, glossaries " and suggest other course materials already included on Coursera. This tool will be piloted to selected education partners later in 2023.

Machine learning-powered translation at scale will allow learners to translate "thousands of course readings, lecture video subtitles, quizzes, assessments, peer review instructions, and discussion prompts, Coursera said in its release. Over 2,000 courses will be translated from English into Spanish, French, German, Arabic, Portuguese, Thai, and Indonesian to accommodate the over 35 million registered Coursera learners in countries with these official languages.

Coursera Download Readings


In addition, several new VR course experiences will expand immersive learning opportunities on the platform. "The VR additions complement the courses ' existing lecture videos, readings, and assessments, are designed for learners of all educational backgrounds, and increase in difficulty as a learner progresses through the course material. They can be experienced via desktop or most VR headsets and are available in both paid and audited versions of each course, " Coursera explained in a blog post. The new VR elements will be incorporated into courses from Duke, Peking University, the University of Michigan, and the University of Washington, covering a range of topics such as public speaking, leadership, human physiology, mobility, language learning, and training for healthcare practitioners. To learn more about this feature, see demonstration videos, and read about the Meta AR certificate courses, visit the VR Course Experiences blog page.

Currently taking some Coursera courses sponsored by my employer and a couple of these courses first weeks contain information I have previously learned. If I breeze through the readings/videos (i.e. - click through a 5 minute reading in 30 seconds, or skip through a 5 minute video) is my employer able to see the stats of how long I spent on the individual readings or only that I have completed them / the weeks assignments? I believe they mentioned some form of data/metrics they are able to see regarding completions but I don't recall what it was or to what degree they could see

The following books are required for all candidates. These are essential readings that help prepare candidates prior to the start of the Berkeley MFE in March. It is recommended that you read the books several times and follow the financial news including reading Wall Street Journal, The Economist, and Financial Times on a daily basis.

The workload for my course was about 6 hours a week. Basically, I watch some lecture videos and finish some readings every week. There are only two essay assignments throughout the course. The challenge for me is that I have to work in the day, so I have to study for this course at night or on the weekends. Once, I missed one week of content due while traveling and I had to catch-up by finishing two weeks of the course within one weekend, which was a painful experience. So my suggestion is to finish the weekly content as soon as possible and do not wait until the last minute.

Each course includes a full set of class lectures produced in high-quality video accompanied by such other course materials as syllabi, suggested readings, exams, and problem sets. The lectures are available as downloadable videos, and an audio-only version is also offered. In addition, searchable transcripts of each lecture are provided.

The course is designed to take six weeks to complete, with four to seven hours spent learning each week for 35 hours of total learning time. It includes 112 videos, 51 readings and 26 quizzes, plus hands-on practice.

Coursera is an open online course website featuring post-secondary courses from top global academic institutions. Most courses are free to take, and consist of watching lecture videos and presentations, doing readings, holding discussions with other students, and completing assignments and quizzes.

The principal readings for the course are texts by Aristotle, John Locke, Immanuel Kant, John Stuart Mill, and John Rawls. Other assigned readings include writings by contemporary philosophers, court cases, and articles about political controversies that raise philosophical questions.

Coursera was founded in 2011 by Stanford University Professors Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller. Johns Hopkins is one of 33 top-tier institutions that have signed agreements with Coursera to make some of their Web-based courses available to a wider student audience without charging tuition. The universities are offering undergraduate and graduate courses taught by their professors in the arts, computer science, mathematics, medicine, literature, history, and a host of other disciplines. The courses can include online lectures, readings, discussion groups, assignments, and exams. To date, more than 1.6 million students have enrolled in Coursera offerings, according to the company. ff782bc1db

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