Get started with the professional certificate maker by choosing from our free printable certificate templates that will make your creation process quick and easy. You can fully customize any template inside Visme to fit your vision and needs.

You might want your certificate to match company or school branding. If your certificate needs to be branded, the online certificate maker will have your brand kit colors available in the color picker tab at the top of the editor and your brand fonts available at the top of the font menu.

Coursera Certificate Template Download


Select one of the ready-to-use templates to make certificates online. Change the text in the placeholders to reflect your award topic or event title. Add all your relevant information and customize the fonts to match your vision.

Please feel free to use a template (like the one above) to guide your writing, but remember to make it personal. Use examples and specific details to illustrate why this person is the best candidate. Choose strong, accurate adjectives over general terms or cliches.

If you're a professional in any field, this is the certificate tool for you. No design skills needed to create stunning certificates of achievement or other documents that represent your awards and achievements.

The certificate maker tool is designed as a free way to quickly create and download certificates for anything you want. Create PDFs on your computer, iPad or iPhone - wherever you are, and download them instantly.

The first thing to remember as you begin the process of determining how best to feature your achievements on your resume, is that a resume is a tool you can use to showcase your unique talents, skills, and experience. It is not some fixed and locked template that you have to figure out how to squeeze yourself into.

Whatever it is you dream of, the Adobe Express online editor helps you make certificates quickly and easily. With any vision, style, or aesthetic you imagine, you can easily bring it to life with tons of free certificate templates by your side. Use our drag and drop editing features to add icons, graphics, shapes, to showcase your personality and liven up the details of your custom certificate. Brand your certificate with your logo, unique fonts, and color combinations to easily stand out amongst the rest. Before wrapping things up, send your file to collaborators for an all-hands-on-deck editing experience. Resize in one-click to share across your social channels to reach an even wider audience.

Certificate templates contain static elements (such as company name or logo), dynamic elements (such as username or certification title), and verification elements (such as code or digital signature). Based on the certification template, individual certificates are generated and assigned to users.

Certificate templates can be accessed from the Workplace launcher or via Site administration > Certificates > Manage certificate templates. The permission Manage certificates (tool/certificate:manage) has to be granted to access this feature.

The certificate designer lets you create multi-page certificate templates that include static elements, such as a company logo, and dynamic elements, for example, the date of issue or the username, and verification elements, for instance a QR code.

The Image element lets you place a picture on the certificate. You need to upload an image in one of the supported file types: GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, SVG, and SVGZ. Alternatively, you can select a shared image from the pool of images that are available site-wide (see Certificate images).

If you tick the Use as a background image box, the image will be stretched across the entire certificate and shown behind all other elements. It is recommended that you use a picture with added transparency when using one as a background. Once the background image option has been selected, the options Width, Height, Position X and Position Y are not editable anymore.

Dynamic elements are going to be replaced with specific data for every certificate that will be issued from the certificate template. Each dynamic element acts as a mini placeholder on the certificate template. Typical dynamic values include the name of the receiver, the title of a program, or simply the date when the certificate will be issued.

The Date element adds a Date item to the certificate template. This can either be the Issued date (when the PDF will be generated) or the Expiry date (when the validity of the certificate ends). You can also choose from one of the seven available Date format options.

The User picture element will dynamically print the user profile picture from the issued user in the certificate. User pictures are handled in the same way as elements of the Image type; the only difference is that the picture cannot be selected since it has already been set in the user profile.

Certificates are regularly issued in settings where their validity is critical. Examples include diplomas, compliance documents, and qualification credentials. To ensure that the certificates have been generated by the Moodle Workplace system, two validation mechanisms are offered:

Every generated certificate has a unique Code that is recorded in the Moodle Workplace database. Each code is made up of 10 digits plus two uppercase letters, for instance, 0123456789AB. The last two letters are the initials of the certified user. This code can be displayed on the certificate in the following four different formats:

When a certificate is issued, a PDF document is generated. Files in PDF format can be signed with a self-signed certificate in order to prevent forgery and falsification of certificates. To simplify this mechanism, a dedicated certificate element is provided for inclusion in certificate templates.

The only compulsory field is the Digital signature itself, which is a CRT file. You will either have to use an existing CRT file from your organization or generate a self-signed certificate. Follow these three steps via the Linux command line:

The first command creates a self-signed signature that is valid for 10 years (365000 days) and is RSA-encrypted with 1024 bytes. It contains both the private key and the certificate part. The second step is to export the CRT file in P12 format before converting it into a PEM file. You will need to provide the CRT file (here, workplace.crt) to the digital signature on your certificate, which is using the standard key part to tag the certificate as being valid and verifiable. Internally, the PDF generator uses functionality available in the TCPDF library.

To earn a certificate, complete the designated course sequence with a 3.0 grade-point average. An official University of Colorado Boulder graduate certificate will be awarded automatically upon successful completion of the course sequence and will appear on your detailed course transcript.

Many professions require its employees to hold certain licenses or certifications. According to the BLS, over 65% of people employed in legal occupations hold licenses and certificates. 76% of Healthcare practitioners hold licenses and certifications.

Employers often use certifications as a resume filter to narrow the pool of applicants. Some certifications can give employers more confidence that a candidate has the right qualifications for the job. For example, the IT Profession has many certificates that prove proficiency in network engineering.

Optional certificates might be very effective for college students as well as those changing careers. These certifications may also be a way to stand out if you're applying in industries such as Architecture and Engineering, where only 24% of those employed hold certifications.

For listing more than two certifications, we recommend creating a dedicated section on your resume. A resume format with a dedicated section works great for listing all relevant certificates - required, recommended, and optional.

Be sure to list certificates in its own section in reverse-chronological order. To improve chances of appearing after an ATS scan, place the dedicated sections right underneath the experiences section.

Do you need more space on your resume, like people with a lot of work experience? Another resume format that works great is a a small dedicated certificates section. This smart resume space-saving tactic is especially effective when the section is placed in the smaller column of a 2-column resume template.

To enable course certificates on your instance of Open edX, you must enable afeature flag in both Studio and the Learning Management System and complete theconfiguration tasks described in this topic.

If it does not exist already, create the folder /tmp/certificates ownedby the user and group www-data. Depending on your configuration, thisfolder might not survive reboots, and so might need to be created by ascript.

Within Studio, course team members with the Admin role can create and edit acertificate configuration that is used to generate certificates for theircourse, including adding signatories and images for organization logo andsignature images for signatories. For details, Setting Up Certificates in Studio in Building and Running an Open edX Course.

Organizations that previously offered certificates to audit track learners willno longer be able to grant certificates to these learners. Learners cancontinue to audit courses, but they will not be able to earn a certificate.

Set up the templates for certificates that your organization will issue. Basetemplates are included, but you must ensure that they are customized for yourorganization. For example, you can change the images that appear oncertificates for each course mode that your organization supports, as well asfonts and colors that are used on certificates.

lms/templates/certificates - this folder contains .html files forcertificates. The file valid.html is an example of a certificate file.Files with names that start with an underscore, such as_certificate_footer.html, are partial files that can be referenced in themain certificate .html files. ff782bc1db

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