PTO Committees
There are numerous Committees in place to support our many activities throughout the year. See a brief description below and let us know if you are interested in getting involved:
All SCHOOL PARTY – The All-School Family party will be held in September and is an all school FUN-raiser, not a fundraiser. Chair(s) coordinates theme, publicity, arranges music, decorations, refreshments, and volunteers. Volunteers are needed to assist with arrangements and staffing the party.
BASH– The Countryside Bash is our largest fundraiser. It is a parent-only party that takes place every year in the fall. The chair(s) and committee members coordinate the location, sponsorships, silent auction, games, entertainment and marketing. Volunteers are needed to work on committees and day of the event.
CARNIVAL - The Carnival is our second largest fundraiser. Help us transform Countryside into a fun, family friendly event featuring food, raffle baskets and endless games. The Carnival chair(s) organize and manage the event with the help of subcommittee chairs, acting as overseers and advisors for the event. Volunteers are needed the week of Carnival and the evening of Carnival to handle ticket sales and staff all of the games and stations of the Carnival.
CELEBRATION OF CULTURES – This event takes place at the end of January and showcases not only the diverse cultures within our Countryside walls but around the world. Chair(s) and committee members coordinate food tastings, student presentations and entertainment.
COUNTRYSIDE DAY OF SERVICE – This all school service project takes place in mid-February and involves giving back to our community. Lead helps organize day of activities for the various grades. Volunteers will be needed the day of the event to help students.
FIFTH GRADE RECOGNITION – Chair(s) coordinate 5th grade t-shirts, annual graduating year hill picture, graduation celebration and ceremony for fifth graders held on the last day of school. Additional committee members are needed. Volunteers will also be needed the day of the event.
ROOM COORDINATORS – Room coordinators help collect and distribute teacher holiday and end of year gifts, assist with teacher needs and help arrange classroom celebrations.
SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR - This fundraising event requires Co-Chairs to work with Scholastic Book representatives on planning and advertising annual fall book fair. Volunteers needed to assist chairs with set-up, sales, serving dinner, and clean up.
SCIENCE & IMAGINATION FAIR– An evening enrichment event where student work shines! Exhibition of student science projects and hobby displays. Projects are created at home. Chair coordinates communication with staff, publicity, participant registration and tracking, recognition, and space set-up. Volunteers may be needed day of event to help with set-up, student welcome and participant recognition.
YEARBOOK / SCHOOL PICTURES – Chair collects pictures, edits, and coordinates layout of annual memory book. Volunteers are needed to assist chair.
STAFF APPRECIATION - As a PTO organization, we seek to support and show our appreciation for Countryside staff. Chair organizes faculty luncheons throughout the year. Volunteers needed to help staff the luncheons.