Trent Harmon, the most recent (and final) winner of American Idol, has opened up about his plans for his first major-label album. The singer says that it will be in the country genre, with a good dose of soul mixed in.

Nestled in her hometown of Powder Springs, GA, Tyler Reese Tritt has always been surrounded by the soulful echoes of country music. Inspired by her father, multi-award-winning Country artist Travis Tritt, she has ventured into her own path in the industry, aiming to establish herself as a noteworthy country singer and entertainer. Following a breakout year in 2023, Tritt is primed to release a brand new EP this year to coincide with her tour.

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Our traveling for the year ended with a tour of Ireland with Moore & Moore from the USA and Matt Leavy, one of the finest country stars in Ireland. Our thanks again to Declan Quinn and all of his staff for making our visit to that wonderful country a great experience once again. Gene and I celebrated our wedding anniversary while we were in Athboy and cannot thank the staff at the hotel enough for their hospitality and thoughtful gifts to us. We later enjoyed a romantic dinner together in Dublin on our last night there. We brought home some wonderful memories! Thanks to my marvelous agent, Carrie, we were upgraded to Business Elite Class on the flight that is the way to travel!! However, landing in New York to a major snowstorm brought us back to reality....our flight to Nashville was cancelled! However, we were rerouted through Atlanta and we were fortunate enough to make in home in time for Thanksgiving....which we were too jet-lagged to really enjoy, but were very thankful just the same! I must say that it renewed my faith in humanity to see everyone working together....airline staff and fellow get folks home for the holiday....we are all so blessed to live in this country!

My good friend and former record producer, Billy Troy, asked me to join him for a show in August at the Stateline Showroom in Hobbs, New Mexico. They are carrying on the tradition of the old Stateline Club, an historic venue where everybody in country music played at some point during their career. We shared the stage with another Opry brother, Jim Ed Brown and 'super-singer' Gene Watson and his great band.......what a good time we had.....we will be looking forward to going back! Also in August, I hosted the Source Awards by myself this year as Brenda Lee had some surgery and couldn't be there....we missed her! I said being up there without her, I kind of felt like a fizzled firecracker following "Little Miss Dynamite"! She is recovering and doing fine, we are happy to report.

March 2006

Well hello everyone out there.....I guess it's time I got caught up here on the website. I survived the holidays once again, and actually they were very enjoyable....just busy enough to be exciting but not enough to get stressed out over. Once again I want to thank my friend Ann Allen and all of you in the Circle of Friends Club for my Christmas gifts...the necklace especially is a nice conversation piece and provides me an opportunity to brag about our little "Circle". Hopefully all of you had a good holiday season and are doing soooooo good on your New Year's Resolutions! My main resolution this year was to take time to enjoy every day, every thing, everybody and of course every pet...and I have been doing just that! (You may notice I only make resolutions that are easy to keep.)

The beginning of every year finds me reorganizing my office, setting up my files for the new year and getting started on the dreaded income taxes. I also take this opportunity to clear out stuff that I have been hanging on to for whatever reason and LET IT GO! My friend Ann Warden says she has never regretted throwing anything away....if you miss it that much you can probably get another one! 

Unfortunately I have had to deal with some health issues this year but thankfully nothing that can't be 'fixed' with meds and a good healthy diet. I was on the uphill swing after several tests and different doctor visits, and then the old fashioned intestinal flu hit and that knocked me down big time for about a week. I know many of you are familiar with that feeling! But I am back and enjoying the first buds of spring here in Tennessee. 

Cheyenne got her yearly checkup and shots so she is set for some fun too. Also, I inherited a young cat that adopted our neighborhood....somehow she knew which window to look into when it was cold!! The little girl across the street named her Sweet Pea'.so that's what we call her and she seems to be okay with it. She and Cheyenne have lots of fun running and playing hide and seek.

I'm delighted to be doing some "Legend Lunch Shows" at the new Nashville Palace. I've been laughing with the audience, reminding them I used to do Breakfast shows at the Palace, but now that I'm a Senior I've changed it to lunch! If any of you are coming to Nashville, be sure to check out the Palace because I know you'll like the new 'look' there. I've even joined in their line dance lessons there on Thursday nights taught by Barry and Dari Anne Amato'the dancing is not only good exercise, but a good time as well. Hopefully I'll also still be doing some dinner shows at the Nashville Nightlife as I enjoy working there with Dianna Murrell and all of her group. 

Of course we are back at the Grand Ole Opry House until next fall for the Opry and I'm pretty happy about that. I love working the Ryman once I get in the building and onstage but it's not as easy to get in and out of there as the Opry House'.but all of the folks down on Broadway and at Tootsie's, Jack's, and Legend's Corner make us feel so welcome.....and there is still something exciting about being Downtown!! 

I'm looking forward to a good know I'm a Senior now so I don't have to work quite so hard.....but I do enjoy doing what I do. I'm always open for fun projects to be involved with. On February 25th I had the pleasure of once again performing in "The Vagina Monologues" here in Nashville at the Belcourt Theatre. And plans are for us to perform the musical "Could It Be Love" again in November.

Thanks to all of you for staying interested in me and my career. I appreciate the cards and letters that you send to me in care of the Opry. And thanks to all of you who have written me a note and sent it via e-mail from here on my website. Please know that I read each and every one of those e-mails (even though I'll be the first to admit I don't know much about computers)'.and I appreciate you taking the time to keep in touch. A few of you have told me that you remember going out to your parents' car on Saturday nights and listening to the Grand Ole Opry there'.just like I used to do! Others have reminded me of places they've seen me perform over the years'.or even meeting me when I was out walking my puppy dogs. One woman told me about her father playing country music on the radio in the barn, and she remembers listening to my music while milking and doing chores'and now after many years she is reconnecting to those same songs. And a gentleman wrote to me, remembering me from the late '60's when he served in Vietnam and listened to my music back then. And another Veteran wrote and told me he was actually at one of the shows I performed at on a Far East tour during Vietnam. Those are all touching stories which I appreciate you sharing.

Hopefully our paths will cross somewhere along the way in 2006. Take care as you continue down your path.....and don't miss a thing!!!

Love always,


April 2005


 Happy Spring Everyone!


 I guess I need to go back and pick up where the last message on this page left off. That means I first need to wish a Happy New Year to all of you! I hope your holiday season was as enjoyable as mine. Thank you to the Circle of Friends for the wonderful gift of therapeutic massages that do so much for me'..that is truly a gift that keeps on giving! I highly recommend it to anyone who has pain. My family got together Christmas Eve and went to the candlelight service at church, then came to my house to eat, and then on to the Grand Ole Opry. Christmas day we all just kicked back and enjoyed a day of rest and remembering fondly all the hectic Christmas days of the past'.happy that we had them'and happy we don't have to do it now! Of course I was back at the Opry Christmas night which I am always glad to share with my "Opry Family" as they are so special to me. I did do something new and fun this year for gifts. I bought the tollhouse cookie dough packets, put them in a cylinder gift box and gave them to everyone with the message that realizing I have to pump my own gas, swipe my own credit card, scan my own groceries'.I decided that for Christmas 2004 everyone could bake their own Christmas cookies! It was probably the best gift I have ever given'..everyone had a great laugh and most everyone said they were going to steal the idea! I told them they couldn't steal it'..that was part of their gift!


 In January I worked a show with Diana Murrell and her band, along with Steve Hall and Shotgun Red up in Champagne, Illinois. We had a great time and got to visit with a lot of fans in that part of the country. Diana is the proprietor, along with her husband Kenny, of the Nashville Nightlife Theatre where Steve and I perform here in Nashville quite often. She is a great entertainer and singer and makes sure everyone has a good time there. Be sure to add this wonderful dinner show to your next trip to Nashville. By the way, my friend and neighbor Carolyn McClain is the hostess who will greet you and show you to your seat'be sure and ask her "how old Jeannie really is"'.she loves to answer that'but not always honestly!


 I know many of you are aware of my many losses so far this year. All I could think of the other day were the lines from Skeeter's song "The End of the World"'.it doesn't seem like the world should go on as though nothing has happened. I am truly treasuring all the wonderful memories I have of my brother Don, my friend and neighbor Bob McClain, and of course my beloved companion Shadpoke who was always at my side for almost 16 years. Thank you to all of you for your condolences, prayers and for understanding.


 In February I had a wonderful, learning time performing a role in The Vagina Monologues, which if you are familiar with the show sounds a bit scary!! The show is a collection of monologues written from actual interviews with women all over the world about some very personal experiences'some tragic, some funny that shaped their lives. I was privileged to meet and work with some of the most intelligent, talented and vibrant women that I have ever met during the way too short run of this show. Hopefully they will ask me to participate again next year. Pam Tillis, Kathy Mattea and Mandy Barnett were also members of the cast.


 March found me back on the road again with fellow Grand Ole Opry Star, Hall of Fame Member Jimmy Dickens working a show at the Avi Casino in Laughlin, Nevada, with Tommy Overstreet and his fine band. Tommy makes his home in Oregon now so we don't see each other that often and we all had a good time 'swapping stories of course! My nephew Bernie Seely and his wife Penni also came over from California so we had a good visit with them too.


 Later in the month my adopted brother Ron Harman's 'real family' came down from Pennsylvania for Easter weekend. Ron took us all on the Nash Trash Tour, which was so much fun. Two sisters Brenda Kay and Sheri Lynn take you on a tour of downtown Nashville in a pink bus'singing songs and telling stories and spotting 'pretend celebrities' along the way. It is something you definitely want to add to your itinerary the next time you visit Nashville! Tell them I sent you and you will get a seat just like everybody else!!! We all went to church with my sister Mary Lou on Easter and then went to brunch. This extended family means a lot to Mary Lou and me both'.don't know what we would do without Ronnie!!


 Then my brother Bernie and his wife Barb came motor-homing into Nashville. They have a rough life following all the bluegrass festivals around the country! Their son, Bernie and his wife Penni, a granddaughter Brittany flew in from California and we played tourist some more! Besides the Grand Ole Opry with me when I was working, we had a cookout at my house (my sister-in-law did the cooking!) and went on the Sunday cruise on the General Jackson. It was a perfect day to sail the beautiful Cumberland River and as always I enjoyed my visit with the Showboat belle Miss Sarah. 


 What can I say about April? The taxes are paid'forget about it and go on'.get over it'.its done until next year! Hurrah!! Have a great spring and enjoy each day, each sunset and smell every flower you see! And don't forget to hug and pet every 'littlebody' you can!!


 Until next time'.Love, Jeannie 0852c4b9a8

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