The official explanation from YouTube: Video not available in my country, is of little help especially as it pertains to actually getting around those restrictions. But basically if you ever want to see that video, you would actually need to be located in one of those regions where that YouTube video is not restricted. The most popular way of doing that is by using a web proxy that relays your connection through some middle-man that is located in one of those "allowed" countries for that video. And in order to be effect at this, you first need to know the exact list of countries where that particular YouTube video is blocked. It is of no use to use an American Web Proxy to bypass regional restrictions if that video is blocked in America. For that you would need a Canadian or British proxy or whatever. But how would you even know if that video is not blocked in Canada too? What if it is blocked everywhere except for a few countries in Asia? And that is exactly the purpose of this site.

In the online store, the store owner does not want to show his online store in a specific country. If you are frustrated about receiving fake international orders, then the right solution is here: One of a kind app available in the app store offering the ideal solution. Meet the "Easy Country Blocker" App.

Country Blocker Video Download


In some instances, the online store owner does not want to show his/her store's presence in a specific country. Keep the fact in mind, the Easy Country Blocker app develop by expert app developers. The app is an expert in blocking unwanted countries where the store owner doesn't want his/her store to be exposed to a specific location and suspected IP range. Easy Country Blocker helps the proprietor to block all undesired from his/her store.

For example, suppose an online retailer operates only in its home country and receives orders from a country with no business-related access. In that case, he/she can use Easy Country Blocker to ban all nations where he does not want to conduct business.

So, i don't use this but i do use incoming country blocking rule. To achieve this i needed to also make a DNAT rule (DNAT black hole).

Any chance this, or similar, is also needed for outgoing traffic?

Ok, maybe need to be a bit clearer. There is no 'overriding' rule as there's nothing above it, but the traffic is still getting out on one of the other rules further down the list and I don't know why. If I policy test on incoming from a Chinese IP say, it gets blocked by the incoming country rule. If I policy test on outgoing to that IP it says blocked, but No matched rule. However the traffic is getting out, almost as if the IP isn't recognised as being part of China, but on the incoming policy test it is.

Note that country blocking is not foolproof and can have limitations. IP addresses can be spoofed, and people may use virtual private networks (VPNs) or proxy servers to bypass country-based restrictions. Therefore, it's often used as one layer of security or access control among other measures to protect systems and networks ?

Facing issues Regarding country block ,if we allow only India and US ,Microsoft updates /product activations breaks as it goes on for searching random UK Canada or any other country server ,any suggestion or solution on this issues .

@HealthPrime why do you want to only have US and India, blocking every other country will make your internet experience appalling as the whole concept of the internet is that it is de-centralised so CDNs are usually distributed around the world for best availability.

On the Bitvise SFTP server there are many (in the thousands) entries of logon attempts from China and Russia. Bitvise allows me to block those by country/region. I would like my router to do the job of firewalling the traffic from those countries/regions rather that the server. I see no need for their traffic to be passed into the LAN.

Wordfence uses a geolocation database that is bundled into the plugin for the country blocking feature. While the correct detection of the country where an IP address is located is over 99% accurate, there can be some IP addresses that are identified incorrectly. These inaccuracies usually occur when an ISP or hosting company moves some of their IP addresses from one country to another, or when an IP address has not been used for some time.

At times, updates can be applied to the city-level database used on the Live Traffic page before they are applied at the smaller country-only level database that is bundled with the plugin for country blocking, so if you see a hit blocked by Country Blocking on the Live Traffic page for a country that you have not blocked, it is likely an IP address that has recently changed and been updated in one database, but not in the other one yet. Detection of IPv6 addresses also may be less accurate as IPv4 address detection for new addresses, as the adoption of IPv6 IP addresses increases over time.

Using country blocking to block access to your login page is an effective way to immediately stop brute force login attacks from a specific country. Login attempts via the WordPress XML-RPC API are also blocked. Other plugins that create custom login pages that use the standard WordPress authentication hooks may also be successfully blocked with this option. Plugins that are known to be incompatible are:

As a general philosophy, we recommend you try to minimize the number of countries you are blocking. We do have a few customers who run tightly secured websites and who only allow a single country to access their site. But for most sites, we suggest that you only block problem countries who are regularly creating failed logins, a large number of 404 Not Found response status code errors, and/or are clearly engaged in malicious activity. We also recommend you re-evaluate your blocks from time to time.

If you have selected to redirect users when they are blocked via country blocking, you can enter the URL they should be redirected to here. Whether you choose to redirect the user to an internal or external site, you must enter the URL as a fully qualified URL that starts with http:// or

Access to the URL you are redirecting your users to will not be blocked using country blocking, because this would result in an infinite loop where a blocked user is redirected to a URL where they are blocked and redirected to the same URL.

Usually, you will want to leave this option unselected, unless you have someone who has already created a user account and is logged in who you now want to block. If you use country blocking on your whole site, including the login form, it is not possible for someone to login or register a new account, and therefore you will not need to worry about logged-in users from your blocked countries accessing your site.

If any of your visitors hit that URL then they will receive a special cookie that will allow them to bypass country blocking in the future in case they get blocked. You can use this feature if you have a traveling team member who is visiting a blocked country and who needs access to your site. They can visit the special URL you define here before they leave the country. Then once they are inside the blocked country, country-blocking will not block them from accessing your site.

The YouTube Region Restriction Checker is a handy little tool that permits users to see if their country has restrictions on YouTube. It uses IP addresses and Geo-location so you can identify where the user is located, then compares that information against their database of accessibility around the world. The Checker will let you know if your location has restrictions on YouTube.

However, this option will also help you to download the video you want from online downloading websites. The only problem with this plan would be if your country blocks access, but luckily there are apps for Android phones only.

YouTube sometimes allows only the people of the country where it is broadcast to watch the summary videos of sports with high viewers such as football, and basketball, due to Copyright and Broadcasting Revenue. For this reason, some videos can be watched in some countries and not in other countries.

There are quite a few plugins you can use to block IP addresses in WordPress and one of the best options is the IP2Location Country Blocker plugin. As the name implies, it allows you to block an entire country from accessing your website.


Install IP-based determination of Country Module. ( )

Ip2country module uses a visitor's IP address to identify the geographical location (country) of the user.

Hello, I have an F5 BIG-IP v16. I have several policies that block inbound traffic from country codes. Can anyone explain how to block outbound traffic to countries as well? Like if one of my internal users makes a request to a server in a foreign country that I do not want them communicating with, is there a way to block this outbound request to specific countries? I'm using Local Traffic>Policies.

How about with an iRule? Can someone help out with an iRule that uses a datagroup that contains a list of country codes we wish to block? Let's say I have an outbound wildcard virtual server and I want to block outgoing requests (all traffic) to IRAN from our network. Can someone help me build an iRule for that?

Blocking by country happens via IP addresses, individual identifiers for devices. Countries often have ranges of IP addresses, so if you want to block China, for example, you need to have that range of IP addresses.

As you will see, every single request to your website is logged in detail. You can see which country the maximum requests are coming in from, and determine whether these requests are legitimate users.

On your Google Analytics dashboard, navigate to Sessions by country > Location overview to find details about your users. Here, you will see a visual representation of your worldwide traffic.

5. Wordfence gives you two options for country blocking in WordPress. If you want to block access to your complete website, select both options: Login from and Block access to the rest of the site. Wordfence recommends that Google Ads users only block access to their login form. 17dc91bb1f

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