Well i nearly got kicked out of Counter Strike clan for this argument . Lol i would have left i would have taken half the members with me to TF2.

In my opinion i believe Team fortress 2 is the "better game" simply becuase i have FUN . I know FUN which seems most counter strike Source players have forgettern these days . Mass rage and plain dickheads is what made me uninstall counter strike source and never touch it again .

What do you guys think ?

I enjoy Counter Strike a lot more. It just seems like I can pick it up and play in some random pub, and leave. Or, I can get scrims. I think casual players would like Team Fortress 2 a lot more than Counter Strike though.

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I would agree, I thought Counter Strike Source would be the shit circa 2004. I mean it was the same game I had been addicted to for 5 years with better graphics and physics, how could it go wrong? Awful, awful hitboxes, that's how. And I would agree, the people playing it made a difference too. Source never felt like a social experience like 1.6 did.

I think it's kind of difficult to compare Team Fortress 2 to Counter-Strike simply because they're very different games. Counter-Strike is competitive, realistic, and tactical, while Team Fortress 2 is lighthearted, humorous, and unrealistic. They also appeal to slightly different audiences; Team Fortress oftentimes appeals to more casual gamers, while (in my experience) Counter-Strike is more often played by "hardcore", serious gamers.

 Really, when it comes down to it, whichever is the better game is determined by the player.

In my opinion, I like them equally. Counter-Strike is always good fun at a LAN party, and Team Fortress is always a lot of fun to play with random people online. Both are fantastic games and I'd recommend them to any fan of multiplayer shooters.

Just a few thoughts.

E: Get Lost (Day of Defeat is better)

Well I really like it better than CS anyways, but TF2 is really good to, only played it on a free weekend once though so not sure. both are really good thoguh.

While I feel like CSS is better overall, I'd rather play something like Vegas over that, but it doesn't replace something like TF2. 

Speaking about these games, I dunno why, but I've always felt since it came out that Shadowrun is quite similar and quite good....except it had a lack of content due to them wanting to support it up the ass post released but FASA got shut down.

While Counter Strike is a good game I find that I can't just jump in and play a game because either the people are too good or they're taking it too seriously. TF2, on the other hand, is my go to game and I can always have a good match whenever I join. 

I played the hell out of CS back in the day. Never got into CSS mostly cause I hadn't played CS in 2 years when Source first came out and didn't want to get my ass beat. 

I use to play CS for 12 hours a day, have some fond memories of dust 2 playing with my friends. I also use to play a lot of TF loved to play the Eng or the Scout back in the early days

As of right now I feel that TF2 is the better game, for a few reasons. 

1) Its a more evovled team FPS then CS 

2) its not as frustrating as CS can be at times. I think thats cause of the classes can really change up the play


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