Expert Counselors in Fort Collins CO Specializing in EMDR, CBT, and Family Therapy at Pivotal Counseling, LLC

At Pivotal Counseling, LLC, located in the heart of Fort Collins, CO, our licensed professional counselors (LPCC, LPC) expertly blend EMDR, CBT, and family therapy to support mental health, wellness, and healing. Specializing in addiction, life transitions, and personality disorders, we ensure a path to healing tailored to your unique journey, backed by comprehensive insurance coverage.

Introduction to Pivotal Counseling, LLC

Right in the heart of Old Town and close to Colorado State University, Pivotal Counseling, LLC is a place where people can find help with their mental health. We want to be a big part of our community, helping everyone to feel better and get the support they need.

Your Trusted Partner in Mental Wellness

Starting to take care of your mental health can seem scary. At Pivotal Counseling, LLC, we get how brave you have to be to ask for help. That's why we're here to be your friends on this path. We use what's known about wellness and the help from Colorado State University to make sure our help fits just right for you. No matter what you're going through, we're here to help and guide you.

Comprehensive Services Tailored for You

We have a lot of different services at Pivotal Counseling, LLC because we know everyone needs something a bit different. Here’s what we offer:

We use different ways to help, like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), to help with things like addiction and personality disorders. No matter what you need, we have the right kind of help for you.

Why Choose Pivotal Counseling?

Choosing Pivotal Counseling means you get a team that really cares and knows a lot about how to help. Here are some reasons why people trust us:

When you choose Pivotal Counseling, you're choosing a team that truly understands and cares about your mental health and will be there for you every step of the way.

Meet Your Counselors in Fort Collins, CO

Looking for a professional counselor in Fort Collins, CO, can lead you to a better and happier mind. Our team has LPCs (Licensed Professional Counselors) and LPCCs (Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors). They know a lot and have learned special skills to help you. We make sure everyone feels welcomed, understood, and not judged. Whether you are dealing with tough times or just want to improve yourself, our counselors are ready to help you through.

Credentials and Experience That Matter

Choosing a therapist means you want to be sure they know their stuff and have the experience to help. Our team is full of LPCs and LPCCs who also work well with insurance companies. This means getting help is easier and you can trust the quality. They have worked in many places like clinics and private offices, which means they're ready for anything. You can count on our pros to give you therapy that works just for you because it's based on methods that really work.

Personalized Care with a Compassionate Touch

We give care that is just for you, mixed with kindness, to make sure you feel better and supported. Here are some ways we can help:

Our main goal is to come up with a plan that is made just for you. We want to make sure you feel supported as you deal with mental health and emotional issues.

If you're looking for a professional counselor in Fort Collins, CO, who knows a lot but also cares a lot, our team is here for you. Reach out to us today to start moving towards feeling better and learning more about yourself.

Making Therapy Accessible: Insurance Coverage Explained

Understanding insurance coverage is pivotal in making therapy services both accessible and affordable. With various policies and plans offered by insurance companies, deciphering what your insurance covers can feel overwhelming. Here's a simplified guide to help you navigate through the intricacies of insurance company policies regarding mental health and therapy services.

Insurance Coverage Basics

First, it's essential to understand the type of coverage your insurance company offers for therapy services. Most insurance plans provide some degree of mental health coverage, but the extent can vary significantly. Key points to look for include:

Before starting therapy, contact your insurance provider to confirm your coverage details, including whether the therapist you are considering is within their network.

Finding the Right Fit

While insurance coverage is crucial, finding a therapist that matches your needs is equally important. Ensure the therapist’s specialties align with the issues you want to address. It’s beneficial to select a therapist who not only accepts your insurance but also has the credentials and experience to provide the support you need.

Scheduling Your First Session

Taking the first step towards mental wellness by scheduling a therapy session is commendable. Counselors in Fort Collins, CO, offer a wide range of services tailored to meet diverse needs. Here's how to schedule your first session while ensuring a smooth process.

Contacting a Therapist

Preparing for Your First Session

After scheduling your appointment, consider preparing notes or questions you might have. This could include discussing your goals for therapy, any anxieties about the therapy process, and what you hope to achieve. Remember, therapy is a collaborative process grounded in empathy, respect, and non-judgment. Your therapist is there to support you every step of the way.

Encouragement for Seeking Therapy

Embarking on your therapy journey is a brave and positive step towards better mental health. Whether dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, or any other issues, know that you're not alone. Therapy offers a safe space to explore your feelings, understand yourself better, and develop strategies for coping and healing.

If you’re considering therapy, take that first step today. Contact a counselor in Fort Collins, CO, and begin your journey towards a healthier, happier you. Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, and with the right support, you can navigate through life’s challenges more effectively.

Empowering You with Resources for Mental Health

In today's fast-paced world, maintaining wellness and mental health is more crucial than ever. At Pivotal Counseling in Fort Collins, CO, we understand the pivotal role resources and knowledge play in embarking on a journey towards healing and self-discovery. Our mission is to empower individuals by providing them with comprehensive tools and support systems designed to foster resilience and well-being.

Compassionate Touch
Seeking Therapy
Mental Health

Helping People in Denver with Personality Disorders:

Pivotal Counseling is now in Denver to help people who have personality disorders. They use special plans that include activities like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to offer the right kind of therapy.

The Story Behind Fort Collins:

Knowing about Fort Collins' history, starting as a military post in 1864 and going through a time without alcohol until 1969, helps Pivotal Counseling care more for everyone living there. This look into the past helps us meet the different needs of the people in our community.

Growing Fast and Needing Mental Health Services:

As Fort Collins has grown quickly, especially in the late 20th century, Pivotal Counseling sees that more people need good mental health services. We make sure our help is easy to get and supports everyone in our growing and changing city of 164,207 people.

Making Therapy Easy to Get:

Knowing that families in Fort Collins can afford therapy, Pivotal Counseling makes sure our prices are reasonable. We consider the median yearly income of $55,647 in Fort Collins and work to make mental health care something everyone can have.

Connecting with the Community for Better Mental Health:

Pivotal Counseling knows how important being close to the community is for mental health in Fort Collins. With its 58,918 households, we aim to make these connections stronger, helping everyone feel part of a caring community.

Better Well-being Plans for Denver and Fort Collins:

Pivotal Counseling creates special well-being plans for people living in both Denver and Fort Collins. These plans use local resources to help build a place where everyone can be healthy and happy.

Learning More to Help You Better:

Our team at Pivotal Counseling keeps learning new things to make sure we give you the best care. This means we stay updated on the latest research and ways to treat complex issues like personality disorders, following Google's EEAT guidelines.

Using Local Information to Improve Care:

By knowing facts about Fort Collins, like the size of its land and water areas, Pivotal Counseling can make our mental health programs even better for our local community. This helps us give care that really fits what people need here.

Better Mental Health
 Help You Better

Counselors Fort Collins CO Q&A

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Pivotal Counseling help with personality disorders in Denver?

Yes, Pivotal Counseling in Denver has trained therapists who are good at helping people with personality disorders. They use treatments like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which works well for treating these disorders. Every treatment plan is made to fit each person's specific needs and situation, helping them in the best way possible.

I'm moving to Denver and have a personality disorder. How can Pivotal Counseling help me?

Moving to a new place like Denver can be hard, especially when dealing with a personality disorder. Pivotal Counseling has therapy services that focus on helping people during big changes in their lives. Our therapists use proven methods to help you manage your personality disorder symptoms as you get used to living in Denver, aiming to make your move easier.

What resources does Pivotal Counseling offer to learn about personality disorders?

It's important to understand personality disorders to manage and treat them better. Pivotal Counseling provides many resources, including educational materials, support groups, and focused therapy sessions, to teach individuals about personality disorders. We want to give our clients the knowledge and tools they need to understand themselves better and improve their coping strategies.

How does Pivotal Counseling use Denver's community resources in therapy for personality disorders?

Pivotal Counseling uses Denver's community resources to make therapy for personality disorders better. This means working with local support groups, workshops, and mental health events. By connecting clients with these resources, we aim to build a supportive network that helps our therapy work even better.

Why pick Pivotal Counseling in Denver for treating personality disorder?

Choosing Pivotal Counseling for treating a personality disorder means you're choosing a team that cares about your mental health journey. Our therapists in Denver are very experienced and trained in dealing with personality disorders, providing care that understands and addresses the complex issues of these conditions. Our commitment to top-quality care, along with our caring and supportive approach, makes us a great choice for anyone looking for help with managing their disorder.

Counselors Fort Collins CO YouTube Videos

Heart-Centered Counselor Counseling Fort Collins CO

Counseling in Fort Collins, CO - Heart-Centered Care

What to Expect in Counseling Therapy - Fort Collins, Colorado

Individual, Marriage and Couples Counseling - Fort Collins, CO

Doctorate vs Masters | What Can a Psychologist Do That a Masters Therapist Can't?

Pharmacology | Addiction Counselor Exam Review

Music Therapy and Autism Connect

Why I Chose Counseling | How to Become a Licensed Professional Counselor

How to Overcome An Affair - Couples Therapy Advice in Fort Collins, Colorado

Welcome to Therapy in Fort Collins, Colorado

Looking for a Therapist or Counselor in Fort Collins?

The 2 Stages of Therapy & How They're the Same for Clients and Counselors in Training

Moving Day for Heart Centered Counseling - Fort Collins, CO

How to Make Therapy More Affordable

Family Therapy Fort Collins

Live Your Best Life This Year Tips from Fort Collins Counselor

Best Anxiety Therapist In Fort Collins CO

Counselors & Therapists in Littleton, CO - Why We Became a Group

Counseling for Athletes in Fort Collins, CO

Couples Therapy Fort Collins

Therapy in Fort Collins, Colorado

Counselors Fort Collins CO Scholarly Articles

High school peer counseling: The relationship between student satisfaction and peer counselors' style of helping

Associate Professor Coordinator-MA in Counseling and Career Development program Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523

Stigma, mental health, and counseling service use: A person-centered approach to mental health stigma profiles.

Dimensions of counselor functioning

Parent education from a family-systems perspective

A school takes a stand: Promotion of sexual orientation workshops by counselors

Adolescent drug use and the counselor

Counselors' Self-Analysis of Their Training as Related to Their Counselor Role and Functions.

Co-Creando Rituales/Co-Creating Rituals to Hold Our Work as Anti-Oppressive Counselors and Researchers

Using group counseling techniques to clarify and deepen the focus of supervision groups

The school counselor's role in academic and social adjustment of late-adopted children

Training Christian people helpers: Observations on counselor education

A comparison of cognitive‐behavioral and process‐oriented group counseling for general anger reduction

Career counseling: Foundations, perspectives, and applications

A preliminary longitudinal study of multicultural competence in counselor education

Remarriage counseling: Lawyer and therapist's help with the second time around

" Crack": The Epidemic

A Training Program for Vocational Counselors. Final Report.

Extended-session group as a predictive technique for counselor training.

Microcounseling and attending behavior: An approach to prepracticum counselor training.

1968-1973: A Trend Analysis. Student Development Report, Volume 11, No. 5, 1973-74.

The owner of the pet with cancer

Counselor-client diagnostic agreement and perceived outcomes of counseling.

Perceptions of multicultural counseling competency: Integration of the curricular and the practical

Calling and vocation in career counseling: Recommendations for promoting meaningful work.

Effect of counselor technique on Mexican-American and Anglo-American self-disclosure and counselor perception.

Handbook of neurologic music therapy

Dimensions of counseling for career development

Interaction distance anxiety in the counseling dyad.

Appendix C: Officers Of LDS Personnel and Guidance Association and Association of Mormon Counselors and Psychotherapists

A review of the problem-solving literature and its relationship to the counseling process.

The mathematics anxiety rating scale: psychometric data.

Reviewing acculturation and Asian Americans: How acculturation affects health, adjustment, school achievement, and counseling.

Action planning for personal competitiveness in the “broken workplace”

Women and counseling: A vision for the future

Agency directionality and staff individuality

Turning the page: A career construction counseling group design for mid-to-late career unemployed adults

Microcounseling: Clients' Attitudes Toward Tests.

The flip side of Holland type congruence: Incongruence and job satisfaction

Preparing students for STEM careers

Current perceptions and practices of charging fees in college and university counseling centers.

Feminist identity development: Implications for feminist therapy with women

Training Student Volunteers.

How Do I Apply?

A national longitudinal study of the psychological consequences of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks: Reactions, impairment, and help-seeking

Adult psychopathology and diagnosis

The Suinn‐Lew Asian self‐identity acculturation scale: Cross‐cultural information

Micro‐counseling: An experimental study of pre‐practicum training in communicating test results

Pivotal Counseling, LLC - Fort Collins

3030 S College Ave Unit 207, Fort Collins, CO 80525
