Online Contest
Q and A

ベストプラクティス: オンラインコンテストベストプラクティス2020-2021
BP: Online Speech Contest Best Practices 2020-2021


1-1. コンテスタントの回線が落ちた場合、どのくらいの時間待つか、お考えを教えてください。5分とか10分とか、具体的な時間とお考えを伺えたらありがたいです。


1-1.If a contestant have connection trouble, how long can we wait? Do you have any specific idea, like 5 min or 10 min?

Specific time is not written in the contest rule. We can determine reasonable time considering with total time of the contest and number of contestants.

1-2. スピーチ中、スピーカーの音声もしくは映像が途切れて聞き取れなくなってしまった場合、どのような対応するのが望ましいですか?

コンテスト委員長は、音声・映像がどの時点で途切れたかを覚えておきます。(「中断した箇所からスピーチを再開する」ことに備えるため) (ベストプラクティス・P3)



1-2.If a contestant have trouble in video or in sound and drop off while he/she is speaking, how can we deal with it?

The contest chair is expected to record the timing when the video/sound get dropped, in order to let the speaker restart the speech from the timing. (BP P3)

Then SAA/technical staff will troubleshoot. If SAA thinks it would take longer time than given time, SAA will tell the chief judge of expected time for troubleshooting.The CJ ask the CC if they wait until speaker comes back. If it seems difficult to come back, they would decide to stop the speech.

Such probrems will be dealt step by step, like finding a problem⇒time estimation⇒decision.

1-3. もしスピーチ中に画面共有を行う場合、スピーチ中に計時係を見られるようにするにはどうしたら良いですか?/ コンテスタントがスピーチ中に計時係を見られるようにする方法を教えてください。




1-3.If a contestant use screen sharing during speech, how can he/she see timer?
Please tell me how can a contestant see timer.

It's better to tell contestants how to see timer, and let them do it in reheasal or in the final briefing, and get familiar with the operation.

In Zoom, a contestant can "pin" timer in his/her own screen. Please let contestants to confirm this operation beforehand, and let them master it.

FYI, "Spotlight" is a function to fix someone in all participants' screen. It is similar function to "pin", but pin affects only his/her own device. Spotlight would have risk that timer can be visible to all participants.

1-4. バーチャル背景(仮想背景)が使えない人がタイマーになったらどうしたら良いですか?



1-4. If a timer cannot use virtual background, how can the timer indicate the color?

In that case, the timer can use physical color signal.

Please make sure the color signals can be visible in screen. One of the best solutions can be green, yellow and red papers with a certain size. Small object like pen would be risky because it can be invisible.

1-5. 計時係がバーチャル背景(仮想背景)を使用できないならば、プロフィール写真を都度変更する方法もあると思うのですがいかがでしょうか?




1-5.Can a timer change a picture of his/her profile in Zoom to indicate timing, if he/she can't use virtual background?

In Best Practice, it is written that "Ensure they can see all signals and know how to keep the timer in view". (BP p6)

If a timer want to use profile picture as time indication, please confirm that it meet the requirement in a briefing or in a rehearsal. If contestants think it is OK, it's no problem.

In our experience, it is not easy to change profile picture in Zoom.

1-6. スピーチ中はコンテスタント以外はカメラOFFとのことですが、コンテスト委員長や審査員長は発言時にカメラをONにしても良いですか?


1-6.All participants are to turn off the camera during a speech. Can the Contest Chair and the Chief Judge turn on their camera when they speak up?

It is required to turn off the camera during a contest speech. But in other occasion, camera can be turn on.FYI, it is written "When the contestant is speaking, all other participants should mute their microphone and turn off their camera, except for the current speaker and the timer." in BP p5.




1-7.How can we know one minute after a speech? Usually a timer tell it to the contest chair, but we may have time lag when the operation of mute/unmute. Can the contest chair time one minute by himself/herself and declare it?
This question is both for club contest and for area contest.

The contest chair or a timer, either is OK. It is not clear in the rule, but we should find quick and reliable way which can be agreed. FYI, it is written that "Agree on and practice a method of communication for indicating when each minute of silence has concluded" in BP p4.

Usually a timer indicate one minute but it is not written. So this answer would be available both for club contest and for area contest.

1-8.投票用紙はどのように回収したら良いですか?/JudgeとChief judgeのコンタクトツール、何が一番便利だと考えますか?


Google Formにファイルアップロード欄を作って投票用紙をアップロードしてもらう方法もありますが、PCを持っていない審査員の方で、スマートフォンでGoogle Formにファイルをアップロードする方法に慣れていない方も十分に想定されますので、事前テストをして慣れていただくこと、もし不慣れな場合はメールを使うこと、といった代替策も考えておいたほうがリスク回避につながると考えます。


チャットツール(slack, MS Teams, Google Chat等)は、同じチャットルーム・チャンネルに入っているすべてのメンバーに情報が共有されるケースがあるため、チャットルームにファイルを送ったときにどのような動きをするか、事前テストすることを強く推奨します。


1-8.What is the best contact tool between the cheif judge and judges? How can we collect the ballots?

To avoid the risk of wrong address/miss-sharing, e-mail would be the best and the most popular way.

It might be OK if your make upload area in Google form and ask judges to upload ballot sheet, but some judges may be unfamilar with such method, especially when they are using smartphone. Prior training would be needed. It is better to have another contact tool as backup to hedge the risk.

In BP p3, it is just written that "Inform judges of the process for submitting the ballot." Therefore, it would be the best to use familiar and the least risky tool, discussing with the contest chair and the chief judge.

If you use chatting tool (slack, MS Teams, Google Chat and so on), your chat may be shared with all members in the chat room/channel. It is strongly recommended that it should be tested and confirm its function beforehand.

1-9.審査員からの審査用紙を集計係へ結果を渡す際、1位から3位の結果をチャットで伝えるのですか?それともPDFファイルでお渡しするのですか? いずれの場合も、審査員長は審査員本人の署名と順位結果をどのように取得し、確認するのがベストでしょうか?

チャットで送信された結果は署名がないため有効となりません。コンテストにおいては、トーストマスターズインターナショナルが定める正式な投票用紙を使用し、「1. 署名したのちに、1-3位の結果部分のみ(通常時に切り離して渡していた部分)を写真で撮影」もしくは「2. 編集可能PDFで、スコアをつけている部分を消したもの」を共有する必要があります。(ベストプラクティス:P12)


ちなみに、(コンテスト規則集 5.一般手順 K.a (P12))に定められているとおり、投票用紙の上部は集計係に渡さず、コンテスト終了後に投票審査員が慎重に破棄しなければなりません。

1-9.When a judge submit the ballot to a counter, a judge should tell the name of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd by chat? Or the ballot can be submitted by PDF file?
What is the best way for the chief judge to collect the ballot with signature?

If the ballot is submitted by chat, it is not valid because it has no signature. In the contest, the officail ballot sheet must be used, and it is required that "Complete the entire ballot, then screenshot and crop the bottom section of the ballot and only send the screenshot" or "Complete the bottom section of the ballot and leave the scoring section blank and submit the entire file." (BP p9)

If you want to avoid the risk of wrong address/miss-sharing, e-mail would be the best and popular way.

FYI, it is written "The top portion of the ballot is not provided to the ballot counters and must be discreetly discarded by the voting judge after the contest" in the Rulebook 5.K.2.a).

1-10. ブリーフィングはコンテスト委員長用・審査員長用2つのミーティングルームを用意しないといけないですか?


1-10.For briefing, should two separated meeting rooms be made for the contest chair and judge team?

Yes. These two briefings should be separated. It can't be held in the same meeting room.

It is OK if it is held in the same day, same time but different URL. It is also OK if it is held in the same URL, but in different timing. Contestants shouldn't know who are judges. It is better to make one hour or more time lag in these two briefing.




1. スピーチ順が自分が希望していたものではないので、急遽出場を取りやめる人が出るかもしれない。

2. 情報管理リスク。たとえば自分のスピーキング順をSNSで拡散したり、他者に口外してアドバイスをもらうことも可能。

3. スピーチ順に合わせてスピーチの書き換えも可能。

4. コンテスト委員長の把握しないところで順番を変えてもらうための交渉が発生してしまう可能性がある。


1-11.If the contestant briefing is held on the day before contest, should we draw for speaking order on the day before contest also?

It is not clearly forbidden to draw for speaking order on the day before the contest or earlier. The speaking order must be determined by fair way. If it is agreed as fair, it would be arrowed to determine the speaking order on the day before the contest. But it is desireable to do it on the contest day because some risks can be expected.
For example:
1. Some contestants may cancell the contest because it is not the best speaking order.
2. The risk of information leakage. It might be spread in SNS. Some contestants can be adviced.
3. Script can be changed according to speaking order.
4. Some contestants may made secret proposal to the contest chair to chage the order.

Please refer to BP p5 - Determine a way to draw for speaking order that promotes fairness, and ensure contestants know how speaking order will be determined.


なおオンラインでface to faceで話し合う場合、コンテストと同じURL(ブレイクアウトルーム等)だと他者から異議申し立ての様子が見えてしまうリスクがあるため、別途URLを設定することが望ましいです。例えばZoomであれば、40分までは無料です。

1-12.Can a protest be made by chat or by e-mail to the contest chair? Or should it be done in another way to contact the contest chair face-to-face? How about telephone?

Let's think it in two steps.
First, a protest can be made by mail or chat, but it should be direct and visible only to the contest chair or to the chief judge.
Once it is reached to the CC or the CJ, CC/CJ can decide the most confortable way to communicate with who protests, possibly mail, LINE, telephone, separated Zoom and so on.
If they discuss in the Zoom (including Breakout room) in which the contest is going on, it can be noticed by other participants. It is preferable to make another URL and use it. FYI, we can use Zoom for free within 40 minutes.



1-13.Is a contestant required to use specific microphone?

No it is not determined. To keep the voice clear, it is recommeded to use earphone with microphone. A wireless device would be better to use speaking area effectively.


2-1. コンテスト委員長、審査委員長の資格について教えてください。例えば、エリアコンテストにおいては、エリアディエクター、ディビジョンディレクターはコンテスト委員長になれるか。

審査員長については、コンテスト規則集 7ページ(B)を確認してください。

2-1.What is the requirement to be the contest chair/ the chief judge. For example, can an area director/division directore be the contest chair?

For the requirement for the chief judge, please refer to the rulebook p7,B . In a club contest, the CJ must be a paid member. In area contest, the CJ must be a paid member who completed Pathways LV2 or CC6. For the contest chair, no requirement. An area director/ a division direcor can be contest chair.

As we're not familiar with online contest, it would be the best to ask experienced member to be CC/CJ beccause they might need serious and quick decision.

2-2. Tally counterやSAAが2人必要ですがそれぞれがどのように役割分担するのでしょうか?1人ではダメですか?

Tally counter = 公平性を期すために両名ともが同じ計算結果になるかの確認を行います。SAAは1名で大丈夫です。

人数が定められているのはTally counter (2名)、Timer(2名)、Judge(5名以上)です。


2-2.Two tally counters and SAA are needed. How do they share the responsibility? Can it be one?

For tally counter, the tallys from two counters will be confirmed that the results are same, to keep fairness. SAA can be handled by one person. In rulebook, the numbers of tally counters (two), Timers (two), and Judges (more than 5) are determined. If possible, it's better to have backup person, who can be an alternate of who have some sudden trouble.

2-3. もし役割を引き受けられる人数が少なければ、「ダブルロールテイカー」を設定しても良いですか?


2-3.Can we have "double role taker" when we don't have enough number of people?

it is not alowed to hold two of following roles at the same time: contest chair, chief judge, judge, tie-breaking judge, timer, SAA, counter. One of the possible solutions is to ask area director to find someone from other clubs. Please refer to the following link.

2-4. オンラインコンテストでは、集計係なしでもOKですか?


2-4.Can we have no counters in online contest?

Two counters are needed as written in the rule book. To keep fairness, the results can be confirmed by multiple people.


3-1. エリアコンテストホストクラブです。会場を確保するかオンラインかまだ決定できていません。国際本部やディストリクト76は各種コンテストの開催方針について、何らかの決定をしているのでしょうか? / 国際本部やディストリクトは各種コンテストの開催について、オンラインで行わないといけないという決定をしているのでしょうか?

Toastmasters International Web PDF

クラブ会長・教育担当副会長にはDistrict 76から以下のタイトルのメールが展開されています。
タイトル:[d76allpresidentsvpes20-21:15] 2020-2021 District Events and Speech Contests
送信日:2020/08/25 (火) 22:35

3-1. My club will host area contest. I don't decide yet if we should book a venue, or have it online. Is there any policy of TMI or D76?

Did TMI, or D76, decide that the contests must be held online?

Area contest, and above, must be held online in FY 2020-2021. For more information, please read the email sent to club presidents and VPEs by District 76, titiled [d76allpresidentsvpes20-21:15] 2020-2021 District Events and Speech Contests, on 2020/8/25 22:35.

Please refer to the following link.


<公式見解をToastmasters InternationalおよびDistrict 76に確認しております。追って回答いたします>

3-2.If I serve as contest chair in an area contest, can I compete in another area contest held in another area? (in same language)

Will be confirmed. Announced later.