

***In January 2020, CoSSLC members voted to dissolve our 501c6 non-profit status. Guidelines about CoSSLC's new informal structure will be posted soon.***


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The most recent revision to CoSSLC's constitution and bylaws was approved by general membership vote and updated on June 8, 2016.

Section 1. Dues

Dues may be collected at the discretion of a Board of Directors vote. Dues will be minimal and requested if projects benefiting the membership are identified and supported. 

Section 2. Quorum

A quorum consists of at least 6 states for any official membership meeting or vote. A quorum consists of 4 Board members for any official meeting or vote of the Board. 

Section 3. Elections

The Board of Directors will prescribe the election procedures for officers of the organization and will provide for the announcement of new officers.

Section 4. Officers

A.  President: The President is the chief administrative officer of the organization. The President will be responsible for the general supervision of the Council and will follow through with Board and membership directives. The President or his/her designee will facilitate meetings and Board sessions. The President will authorize routine expenditures necessary to the operation of the organization.

B.  President­-Elect: The President-­Elect will assist the President and facilitate meetings when the President is not in attendance.

C.  Secretary: The Secretary will archive records of meetings and important documents of the organization and the Board of Directors.

D.  Treasurer: The Treasurer will record all receipts and expenditures, maintain a membership record, submit fiscal records for annual audit, and communicate with the Board of Directors.

E. Past-President: The immediate Past­-President serves on the Board of Directors as a non-voting member and facilitates the transition of the new officers. 

Section 5. Terms of Office

The term of office will begin on January 1 and continue through December 31 of that year. 

Section 6. Parliamentary Procedure

Meetings will be conducted in a professional and orderly manner and at the discretion and direction of the President. 

Section 7. Notice of Meetings

Notice of any meeting will be sent by the Board of Directors to the membership in a timely manner. 

Section 8. Annual Meetings

The membership will meet via electronic means two to four times per year. 

Section 9. The Fiscal Year

The fiscal year will run from January 1 to December 31.


This Constitution was revised effective January 1, 1983. 

This Constitution was revised effective January 1, 1990. 

This Constitution was revised effective October 1, 2011. 

This Constitution was revised effective June 8, 2016.