15 Essential Items for Crafting the Perfect Cosplay Look

It can be intimidating to try cosplaying if you have never done it before. It's easy to be intimidated by the incredible costumes people have made and spent weeks on. However, there is plenty of information online that can help beginners and you don’t have to spend a lot to start.

It can be overwhelming to start a new cosplay. It is important to have the right fabric and the right foam. These 15 essential items are necessary for any cosplayer, no matter how new or experienced.

Essential Items for Crafting the Perfect Cosplay Look

1. Scissors

When creating a cosplay, scissors are a must. Scissors are essential for cutting fabric and thin foam 2mm in size. You should invest in fabric scissors if you plan to make a cosplay with a lot of fabric. These scissors are more effective and sharper when cutting large quantities of fabric. However, it is important to remember that fabric scissors shouldn't be used to cut holiday wrapping paper. This will make them duller and less efficient.

Scissors for cosplay crafting

2. Heat Gun

For both newbies and veterans, a glue gun is essential. It's great for attaching small pieces and pieces quickly, fixing a tear or rip, and for simple clothing adjustments. It bonds craft foam to itself, making it perfect for creating the foam armor that you've been dreaming of. If not used with care, glue guns can become extremely hot. Some may view this as a sign of honor, but I find it to be painful. I use a low-temp glue gun for most projects. Avoid ultra-low temp glue guns. They are better for paper, and not suitable for costuming.

Heat Gun to craft cosplay

3. Glue

If you're creating a cosplay, glue will be the best way to hold everything in place. There are many kinds of glue you can use. These include super glue, hot glue, barge/contact us, E6000, fabric glue, and many others. Each glue serves a unique purpose.

Hot glue is great to use for foam construction. It is flexible and can be used to attach pieces together, apart from the glue strings that are removed from the hot glue gun. If the adhesive sides aren't sticking together correctly, worbla pieces can be assembled with hot glue. Hot glue can be dangerous because it must be plugged into an electrical outlet.

E6000, super glue, and barge/contact concrete are all great options if you need to hold two pieces together over the long term. Cosplayers love barge cement because it holds two pieces of cosplay together easily. Simply apply a little barge cement to both sides of the pieces that you wish to join. After both sides have dried, glue them together. Barge cement is also flexible so it is ideal for cosplay pieces that require flexibility.

glue to craft cosplay

4. Pins

Pins are a great tool for attaching costume pieces by sewing or gluing. Straight pins can be used to hold fabric, foam, or even light plastic in place while cutting fabric according to a pattern. Safety pins can also be used to alter clothing by themselves. Although I've tried several times to straight-pin a seam, I still haven’t mastered it. Instead, I safety-pin where I believe a new seam should be, and then I adjust it as necessary. Safety pins are also useful for holding a torn or ripped piece in place while a permanent fix is made.

pins to cosplay sewing

5. X-Acto Knife

An X-Acto knife is similar to scissors and can be extremely useful for cutting foam. Using an X-Acto knife can be precise without having to make jagged cuts. You should get an X Acto knife with snap-off blades. This allows you to snap the blade off when it gets dull. Please be careful! It's still sharp enough for you to cut even if the blade is dull. You can remove them with a pair of pliers. You can purchase additional packs if you require more blades.

It is essential to have a suitable surface to cut foam with your X-Acto knife. Self-healing mats are the best surface to use as they don't leave any marks. You can also cut on cardboard if you don't have a self-healing surface.

X-Acto Knife to craft cosplay

6. Craft Foam

I am still looking for something craft foam cannot be used to make. This versatile material is extremely cost-effective. You can mold, paint, sew and even carve it. Basic craft foam can be found at most craft stores in bright colors. Thicker sheets can be purchased at many hardware shops. It is a paint sponge so if you intend to paint it, seal it with Mod Podge or some other water-based tacky glue. You can make masks, wings, and armor!

Craft Foam for cosplay

7. Craft Paper Roll

A large roll of plain craft papers is a must when I start a new project. This is not the multi-colored, fun paper you used to make art as a child, but the boring brown paper found in shipping boxes. It is usually inexpensive and easy to find. I bought mine at the Dollar Store, but you can also find it at office supply shops and Walmart. It's not recommended for creating costumes. However, it can be used to make patterns and experiment with shapes and paint effects. Because I am lazy, I spread a lot of the paint on any surface that I have, making it easier to clean up afterward.

 Craft Paper Roll for cosplay

8. Steamer/Iron

A steamer and/or iron are great tools for cosplay. You can use an iron to smoothen seams and remove wrinkles from fabric-based costumes. You can also use it to create hems.

For delicate fabrics like silk or chiffon, a steamer is an excellent alternative to ironing. It can remove creases and not damage the fabric. You can use steamers to curl wigs or straighten them. You don't have to steam your wigs. Instead, use an iron to straighten them or add curls. To protect the fabric while still getting the same result, place a towel on top of it.

Steamer/Iron in cosplay crafting

9. Sewing Machine

A quality sewing machine is vital for those who want to cosplay and create costumes. You can find a basic model at your local fabric store for as low as $100, or you can buy a used machine at a thrift shop. Although it will need some maintenance to make it run properly, once it is done the possibilities are endless.

sewing machine for cosplay DIY

10. Thread and Needle

It doesn't matter what kind of cosplay you create, a needle or thread is necessary. A needle and thread are essential for constructing a foam-built that will need to be accompanied by a suit. A needle and thread are also essential for cosplay that uses heavy fabric. You can bring your own sewing needles on the plane to conventions. This allows you to do any last-minute sewing while you are there.

Thread and Needle for cosplay sewing

11. Measure Tape

When creating cosplays, measuring tapes are a must-have tool. You will need to measure yourself to ensure the perfect fit, whether you're making them or ordering one. For cosplays, the most important measurements are your bust, hips, and waist. To ensure accuracy, it is helpful to have another person measure you.

You can also use tape to create props and patterns. They can be used to measure the length and to make a mock-up on paper of a prop sword. You can also use a measuring tape for fabric and foam patterns to measure the size.

Measure Tape in cosplay crafting

12. Permanent Markers

Permanent markers are a great tool for creating cosplay. You can trace patterns onto foam builds using them as one of their most useful uses. TNT Cosplay Supply includes a complimentary silver marker when you purchase black foam. This makes it easier to see your marks. It is not recommended that you use a permanent marker to trace fabric patterns. Permanent markers cannot be painted over as foam. Permanent markers are named for a reason.

Cosplay DIY: Permanent Markers

13. Paint

Without some kind of paint, no cosplay would be complete. Spray paint, fabric paint, acrylic paint... the options are endless. No matter what type of paint you choose, it can give a cosplay a lot of depth. You can use fabric paint to make intricate designs on fabric or create shading using video games like Borderlands. You can also use puff paint to create 3-D effects on fabric. This makes cosplay more memorable.

Acrylic or spray paint can be used to paint foam and worbla. Before applying any color, it is a good idea to apply a primer and/or a sealing agent such as Mod Podge, Plasti Dip, or Plasti Dip. For metallic finishes, there are metallic spray paints as well as acrylic paints. Paint can be used to the weather and highlight pieces. This makes armor appear more worn.

Paint for Crafting Cosplay

14. Fusible Webbing

Fusible webbing can be used to heat bond two pieces of fabric. Iron is essential. You can use it to make appliques, and patches and modify clothing. It can be used to fix nearly any fabric. Depending on the project, it could make the difference between a peasant's flimsy coat and a sturdy, elegant one.

Fusible Webbing in Cosplay Crafting

15. Coupons

If you don't budget well, cosplaying or making costumes can become quite expensive. With some coupon research, you can stretch your budget even further. A coupon is a great way to save money. I will never buy more than $5. You can combine coupons from competitors with sales at many local craft shops to get some great deals. For the best deals, make sure to check out the store apps, websites and text offers as well as the print ads.

Coupons for Cosplay


This article has provided a list of essential tools for cosplayers to use in their cosplay adventures. Cosplaying doesn't have to be difficult or expensive. With the right tools and materials, it can be a fun and creative experience.

You can buy it all separately in different stores, but remember that the cosplay community cares about each other! I found a great offer from Craftcosplay!

CraftCosplay has a wide selection of starter kits that can be used to create your own cosplay costumes. You will find the suitable kit for you, from beginner to advanced level. All the materials you need to make your costume are included in the kits, including instructions, patterns, fabric, and tools. CraftCosplay is a great way to learn how to make costumes, even without experience. You can choose from a variety of starter kits to create your unique cosplay costumes. CraftCosplay allows you to make your own costumes and become the star at your next cosplay event.

Good news! You can purchase any set at a discount using my link!🫰

Handy Cosplay Shopping: A Comprehensive List of Essential Items

Here's a handy list you can save to go shopping:

  1. Scissors

  2. Heat gun

  3. Glue

  4. Pins

  5. X-Acto knife

  6. Craft foam

  7. Craft paper roll

  8. Steamer/Iron

  9. Sewing machine

  10. Thread and needle

  11. Measure tape

  12. Permanent Markers

  13. Paint

  14. Fusible webbing

  15. Coupons


1. What items are essential for crafting the perfect cosplay look?

Makeup, contact lenses, makeup, costumes, props, accessories, and a wig are all essential items to create the perfect cosplay look. You may need to buy or make additional items depending on which character you are cosplaying.

2. Where can I find cosplay items?

Cosplay products can be found at craft shops, online stores, and local costume shops. Many cosplayers also make their own costumes and props using fabric, foam, or thermoplastics.

3. Do I need to buy all the items listed in the article?

You don't have to purchase all of the items in this article. You may need additional items depending on your character and the level you aim for.

4. How much does it cost to craft a perfect cosplay look?

Costs for crafting the perfect cosplay look depend on what character you're cosplaying, and what items you need. You can generally expect to spend between $50 and $500.

5. How can I make sure my cosplay look is accurate?

It is crucial to research your character in order to ensure that your cosplay looks accurate. You can also create a more realistic portrayal by using high-quality materials and paying close attention to details like accessories and makeup.

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