This episode looks to the nature of the cosmos on the micro and atomic scales, using the Ship of the Imagination to explore these realms. Tyson describes some of the micro-organisms that live within a dew drop, demonstrating parameciums and tardigrades. He proceeds to discuss how plants use photosynthesis via their chloroplasts to convert sunlight into chemical reactions that convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and energy-rich sugars. Tyson then discusses the nature of molecules and atoms and how they relate to the evolution of species. He uses the example set forth by Charles Darwin postulating the existence of the long-tongued Morgan's sphinx moth based on the nature of the comet orchid with pollen far within the flower. He further demonstrates that scents from flowers are used to trigger olfactory centers in the brain, stimulating the mind to threats as to aid in the survival of the species.

Tyson then describes the interstellar travel, using the two Voyager probes. Besides the abilities to identify several features on the planets of the Solar System, Voyager I was able to recently demonstrate the existence of the Sun's variable heliosphere which helps buffer the Solar System from interstellar winds. Tyson describes Carl Sagan's role in the Voyager program, including creating the Voyager Golden Record to encapsulate humanity and Earth's position in the universe, and convincing the program directors to have Voyager I to take a picture of Earth from beyond the orbit of Neptune, creating the image of the Pale Blue Dot. Tyson concludes the series by emphasizing Sagan's message on the human condition in the vastness of the cosmos, and to encourage viewers to continue to explore and discover what else the universe has to offer.

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On January 13, 2018, it was announced that another season titled Cosmos: Possible Worlds would debut on Fox and National Geographic channels. It is hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson and executive produced by Ann Druyan, Seth MacFarlane, Brannon Braga, and Jason Clark.[54][55] On November 7, 2019, it was announced that the sequel series would premiere on National Geographic on March 9, 2020, and would also premiere on Fox later that year.[6]

When I started watching The Spacetime Odyssey, tears literally rolled down my face at many parts. Neil deGrasse Tyson had that Carl Sagan charm and I really liked it. It made me believe that I was something much bigger than myself. But the new season just isn't that good. Anyone else agrees?

I am using TMDB to add Cosmos: Possible Worlds (2020). Plex detects the 2014 "Season 1" but won't detect the 2020 season. Technically they are separate series and both should be "Season 1" but TMDB considers Possible Worlds to be another season of The Cosmos series.

I watercolored the light gray outline image. I colored the flowers in pink and orange! I love that cosmos blooms in various colors! After the coloring was done I cut the image using the coordinating die and set it aside.

I added the cosmos cluster to the card using foam tape and added the sentiment from the Easy Expressions set. I finished off the card with a few sequins from Pink Cosmo Twist and Raspberry Sparkle Couture Mixes.

The Metadata in infuse for Cosmos possible worlds 2020 is the 2014 season of cosmos. The files are named correctly. This is the only show I have where the metadata is incorrect. Would love a way to fix this. Also if I choose to edit the metadata Cosmos possible words 2020 is not an option. Only cosmos that is an option is cosmos 2014.

What fresh hell is this? Now the series Cosmos (2014) only shows one season with 2 episodes in Sonarr. On theTVDB it is still showing 2 seasons of 13 eps each, same as it has since they merged the two series into one. Is there some way to manually refresh/sync the data Sonarr has with what is currently on theTVDB? Perhaps that would help?

At a panel and series of press roundtables at New York Comic Con Sunday (Oct. 7), got an inside view of what the show's creators have in store for the upcoming season, which comes five years after the first "Cosmos" season with Neil deGrasse Tyson as host, called "Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey," and just under 40 years after "Cosmos: A Personal Voyage," hosted and co-created by Carl Sagan in 1980. The new show will air on Fox in the U.S. and National Geographic internationally.

Spring Planting: Because sprouts will develop quickly, be sure to scatter seeds after all danger of frost has passed in the spring. Alternately, if you have a very short growing season, you may sow seeds indoors 4-5 weeks before your frost-free date in plug trays, to get a jump-start on growth. Transplant into the garden after danger of frost has passed, and keep protected from wind and cold temperatures until established. Cosmos are tender annuals, and will quickly turn brown when temperatures drop below freezing.

Fertilizing: Soil that is too rich with fertilizer will yield fast plant growth, yet weaken stems and create a scarcity of flowers. Prepare the beds properly, yet hold back on too much compost and fertilizer. Add a side dressing of compost or fertilizer mid season, as needed.

Trimming & Pruning: Keep Cosmos trimmed of spent blossoms, to encourage new growth and continuous buds. During mid-summer, instead of just removing the blossoms when deadheading, trim the branches back to a third of the way down the plant; water and wait for a new crop for a late season display.

Fall is an agreeable season and the sightseeing is perfect not only for urban area but especially for nature-oriented ones. Fall flower, cosmos will be in full bloom in various locations in Fukuoka. Here are some famous spots of cosmos where you can visit easily from the center of Fukuoka city!

Cosmos are sun-loving plants with a long flowering season. They fill borders with a profusion of flowers, ranging in colour from white through to pink, red and orange, in contrast with masses of feathery foliage. Shorter varieties also look good in containers and all cosmos make fantastic cut flowers. The simple open flowers are guaranteed to brighten up any garden well into autumn, and pollinators like them just as much as gardeners do.

Sow seed in early spring directly into the soil where you want your cosmos to grow, or into small pots or modules filled with free-draining seed compost. If growing in pots, pot on seedlings when they are large enough to handle. Plant out in late April/May after the danger of frost has passed.

A crossover project in the truest sense, this will be one of the first times an Indian animation series has been co-financed with an international partner. Eena Meena Deeka is a show originally created by Cosmos-Maya, who handled the production and distribution of the first two seasons worldwide and witnessed success with engaged audiences in over 100 countries, especially in Europe and Latin America. WildBrain Spark will hold AVOD and other distribution rights for seasons one and three of the show, outside India and the Indian subcontinent, and will also spearhead ad sales for Eena Meena Deeka on AVOD platforms in the same territories. Cosmos-Maya retains global linear television rights for the series. Worldwide rights for season two are held by Netflix.

Cosmos is a flowering warm-season annual commonly grown from seed. A staple of cottage-style borders, cosmos produce cheerful daisy-like flowers from summer into fall. Even beginner gardeners will enjoy success with this easy to grow flower.

Cosmos flowers are attractive to butterflies and other insect pollinators, while the seed heads are a food source for songbirds and other wildlife. Cosmos may reseed themselves in the next growing season, though some hybrids may not come true from seed.

Young plants can be pinched to encourage more branching, which will result in a bushier habit and more blooms. Wait until seedlings are 8 to 12 inches tall and snip the top several inches of the main stem to just above a set of leaves. Deadhead spent cosmos flowers regularly to encourage more blooms. After most of the flowers have faded, cosmos plants can be sheared back by up to a third of their size to stimulate new growth and flowers.

When given the right growing conditions, cosmos are resistant to most pests and diseases. Pests can include aphids, Japanese beetles, leafhoppers, spider mites and thrips. Young seedlings may be prone to slug or snail damage.

Of course, this may not mean anything, ESD officials told Newsday in August that a decision on the Cosmos stadium plan was imminent. And it could just be the impending start of the NASL season is causing ESD officials to look busy.

Plant seeds 1/8 inches deep. Scatter on soil surface then lightly raking them into the soil. If planted deep, germination is reduced. Keep the soil moist after seeding. Thinning is not necessary though plant size is improved with more space. A plant spacing of 1-2 feet apart is recommended; however, cosmos spaced closer together provide support for one another or create a screen or full backdrop in the garden.

Very few production problems are associated with Cosmos. The most likely problem is its ability to selfseed. Cosmos is referred to as a weed due to heavy seed production and self-sowing. To avoid this issue, plant in an area where you want it to naturally reseed. Encourage re-blooming by deadheading (removing dead blooms) or by trimming plants back to 12-18 inches high. Deadheading spent blossoms promotes heavy flowering throughout the season and may reduce self-sowing. Plants will be back in bloom in a month.

To harvest Cosmos, cut stems of complete flowers in full bloom. Blooms can be harvested throughout the season. The stems and flowers of Cosmos make a very nice cutting plant that can be used in arrangements or dried. To store seeds, dry flowers completely, then remove seeds from heads and place in a paper bag in a cool dry location. Cosmos readily reseeds itself, so it may be unnecessary to save seeds. 006ab0faaa

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