Cosmology Meets CFT Correlators

21-25 February 2020, National Taiwan University

This is a workshop on "Cosmology Meets CFT Correlators" to be held at National Taiwan University from February 21 (Friday) to 25 (Tuesday), 2020. The aim of the workshop is to gather experts on inflation, CFT and other related topics, and provide a relaxed environment for discussion. The workshop will be held at Lecture Room, 4F, Chee-Chun Leung Cosmology Hall, NTU

Invited Speakers

Daniel Baumann (Amsterdam Univ.)

Marc Gillioz (SISSA, Trieste)

Hiroshi Isono (Chulalongkorn Univ.)

Toshifumi Noumi (Kobe Univ.)

Charlotte Sleight (IAS, Princeton)

Xinan Zhou (Princeton Univ./via Skype)


Daniel Baumann (Amsterdam Univ.)

Heng-Yu Chen (National Taiwan Univ.)

Yu-tin Huang (National Taiwan Univ.)

Toshifumi Noumi (Kobe Univ.)