Workshop on 21-cm Cosmology in the Square Kilometre Array Era

31st October, 2022 - 4th November, 2022

Technology Innovation Hub, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata

The 21-cm line from neutral hydrogen (HI) atom is an important observational probe of the evolution of the universe from about 0.4 million years after the big bang until today. Future observations will shed light upon important cosmological epochs such as the cosmic dark ages, the epoch of cosmic dawn and the Epoch of Reionisation (EoR) of the universe. Keeping in view the ongoing global efforts for detecting the cosmological 21-cm signal, there is an active participation of the Indian community working on several aspects of theory, simulation and observations of these epochs. The workshop falls primarily in the series of annual workshops organised by the SKA India Science Working Group on EoR and Cosmology, in association with an Institute/University of India, with an aim to facilitate exchange of updates on ongoing research, to foster new collaborations and to encourage Ph.D. students and early Postdocs to share their work and gain exposure in the field. The format will allow invited and contributed talks as well as ample scopes for discussions.

Target participants are Ph.D. Students, Postdocs and Faculty members actively working on 21-cm Cosmology and the Epoch of Reionisation or working on other branches of Cosmology with considerable interest on 21-cm Cosmology. Advanced M.Sc. students may also apply only if they are actively working on 21-cm Physics as part of their project work.

:: The workshop will be held in offline mode ::

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