
Hello and welcome!

My name is Marla Cartwright, Director of Academic Engagement & Innovation here at Columbia State and I'm pleased to welcome you to this brief asynchronous training.

If you have questions at any time during this training, feel free to reach out to me at

Our primary audience for this training are our valued part-time faculty members who may not be as familiar with teaching online courses (anyone is welcome to utilize these, however). So, if you're new to teaching online, don't worry! We're here to help.

Teaching your course content to students can be rewarding for both students and instructors alike, regardless of delivery method. As a seasoned instructor myself, I know I wouldn't want to walk into a face to face classroom unprepared. It's the same when we teach online; you'll want to be prepared and we're here to help ensure that you're ready and supported as you begin course instruction in the online environment.

Please keep in mind this is a very brief "getting started" primer; once you have campus credentials, you will be enrolled in our longer version of training.

This training will cover the basics of:

  • how to use the LMS - at Columbia State, we utilize the Desire to Learn (D2L) platform from Brightspace which is typically referred to as "Online Campus",

  • how to utilize video conferencing tools - at Columbia State, we use Zoom to conduct live, synchronous class sessions,

  • how to establish "teacher presence" and why it matters, and

  • resources to support you

Questions? Let us know at or you can email me directly at

My staff and I are here to help you every step of the way!