COSC 3360/6310 2019 FALL


  • Make sure processes you created is killed properly. If it is not killed in the program, use ps -u "your username here" to find out what process is running now. Use kill "the process id" to kill a certain process.
  • Many students did not clear their semaphores before their program ends. This prevents others testing their programs. The manager of the server is cleaning them now. If you can still see your semaphore and shared memory after the program ends with the command ipcs, please clear your own semaphores and shared memory with the following commands.
ipcs -q | awk '{ print "ipcrm -q "$2}' | sh > /dev/null 2>&1;
ipcs -m | awk '{ print "ipcrm -m "$2}' | sh > /dev/null 2>&1;
ipcs -s | awk '{ print "ipcrm -s "$2}' | sh > /dev/null 2>&1;


  • Guangli Dai ( Office hour: 5.00-6.30 pm Monday & Wednesday
  • Pavan Kumar Paluri ( Office hour: 10.00-11.30 am Tuesday & Thursday
  • Office: PGH 591

Preferred communication methods:

Server account:

  • The server account allocated for you for this class has been sent through email to you. Please email TAs if you have not received the account yet.
  • The server account is very important. Please learn how to use it and try to log in as soon as possible.
  • For Windows user, PuTTY is a good choice to get access to the server.
  • For Mac/Linux user, use ssh to connect to the server.

Homework 1:

  • Due Date: Monday, October 2, 2019, 11:59pm CDT
  • Submission: on BlackBoard. Please format your submission as the following: Make sure your C/CPP file name looks like FirstName_LastName.cpp or FirstName_LastName.c. You can envelop some documentation inside as well to help us understand what your codes are doing.
  • Please notice that Assignment 1's grades have been released on the BlackBoard. Your grace days remaining is also released. Everyone initially has three grace days. If you want to apply grace days to assignment 1 and it is not applied yet. Please email with grace days you want to apply on assignment 1, your name and your uh id.

Homework 2:

  • Due Date: Monday, November 4th, 2019, 11:59pm CDT. Bonus (+5 points each day) for early turn-in.


  • 1. When using EDF or EDZL to decide which request gets handled, you do not have to ensure that all deadlines are met and only apply EDF or EDZL when deciding on requests to serve.
  • 2. The sample output given is just one possible sample output. I choose a more complicated scenario that may happen to construct the sample output. Considering the process you spawn in the Linux is controlled by the Linux, the execution order cannot be guaranteed and hence the output may vary. For instance, the arrival order of the requests from process_1 and process_2 may differ randomly.