Term 3 Newsletter

Cornwallis academy

Headteacher welcome

After a relatively short yet busy term three, I am sure students are looking forward to a restful break.  I’m very proud of what we have achieved this term at Cornwallis. It’s lovey to reflect on all the excellent work achieved by our students.

I’m also delighted to be able to share with you, that we have received our highest ever number of Year 7 applications in the school’s history for September 2024!  For the third consecutive year in a row, we received a record-breaking number of applications. This is such a phenomenal achievement, and testament to everyone’s hard work and support. I’m extremely privileged to have taken on the headship of Cornwallis, and beyond proud that our school has become the local secondary school of choice! Thank you, as always for your continued support.

I hope you enjoy reading our end of term newsletter including the individual year group sections. Please also note, some important messages, reminders and key dates.

Have a relaxing half term and I look forward to welcoming everyone back to school on Monday 19th February.

Take care

Mrs McMahon 


Term 4 Key Dates

29th February – Year 10 Parents’ Evening

1st March -  Year 6 National offer day

7th March – World Book Day

12th March - Year group photos

15th March – Comic Relief non-uniform day

16th March - Year 6 transition taster day

20th March - Careers fair

27th March – Year 8 parents’ evening *PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE*

28th March – Rewards cinema afternoon and last day of term 4


Message from our uniform provider

Exciting news! Your uniform provider Simmonds has now rebranded to Monkhouse Schoolwear. You can now shop at monkhouse.com for a fantastic online shopping experience and simple ordering. Your local store has re-opened under the Monkhouse name where you’ll be able to find all your uniform essentials as usual. Check updated opening times at monkhouse.com/our-stores.

Uniform / Equipment reminder

Following a review of our uniform policy, we would like to highlight some key expectations for all students. 

Footwear: Black closed toe formal leather shoes for use throughout the school.  Trainers are not permitted. 

Jewellery: Students are permitted to wear a watch and a small single stud in each ear (gold, silver, crystal) no larger than 5mm in diameter. If students do not adhere to the jewellery expectations, forbidden items will be confiscated.

False eyelashes: False eyelashes are not permitted.

Nails: Nails should be kept to a reasonable length. Nail polish and false nails are not permitted. 

Coats: As we approach the spring terms, from Monday 19th February, coats will still be permitted to be worn whilst moving around the school. However, they need to be removed in lessons. Sports tops/hoodies are not permitted as a replacement item for a coat, so will therefore be confiscated.

As always, your support with ensuring your child adheres to the expectations, is greatly appreciated. Should you have any questions regarding the uniform policy, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s pastoral team. 

As part of our ‘Ready to Learn’ routine at Cornwallis, we expect students to attend with the following equipment as a minimum:


This will ensure that students are able to access all learning that takes place in lessons. If you have any concerns with the above, or need support, please contact your child’s year team in the first instance.


To celebrate Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 6th February, students were shown some interactive and thought-provoking videos during form time across the week surrounding internet safety. This encouraged discussion and sign posting to support should our young children need it. The theme for this year is ‘Inspiring Change’ and some of the topics covered were:

·        Social media                                                                        

·        Online gaming

·        Sharing images online

·        Watching videos online

·        Streaming online

·        Cybersecurity


Please do have a look at our social media pages for parents/carers ‘Top Tips’ regarding keeping your children safe whilst online as well as also some home activities to access with your child too.

Message from the school office

Cornwallis Academy will be closed for the February half term break between Monday 12th February and Friday 16th February.  We will re-open to our students on Monday 19th February 2024.

Below are useful email addresses, should you need to contact someone urgently:

Cornwallis’ Class Champions

As always, fantastic learning has taken place this term. Our Duke of Edinburgh students, have been cooking up a storm, students in year 7 have been exploring materials using graphite for their sketches and crafting different religious buildings.

As we reach ever closer to the exam season, KS4 and 5 students have been focusing on their essay writing skills and revision. We look forward to seeing what term 4 will have in store!

Further information on this terms class champions can be found at: 

Fusion Café Cookery Course

This term, 10 students from Key Stage 4 have begun an 8-week cookery course at Fusion Café in Parkwood. Not only are students learning to cook low-cost, nutritional meals, but they are also completing a Level 1 qualification in Food & Hygiene. After cooking up their delights, students sit in the communal area to enjoy their meals. 

Some of the highlights so far this term include: carrot and coriander soup, chocolate fudge brownie and spaghetti bolognese. Students are really enjoying this new challenge, and the feedback from the staff at Fusion Café has been overwhelmingly positive.

We look forward to continuing our partnership with Fusion Café, as we progress further through the academic year.



Year 11 students from Cornwallis and New Line Learning took part in the sixth form taster day on Friday the 2nd of February. Students attended sessions from a variety of new and exciting post-16 subjects so they could experience, first hand, the interesting courses on offer at our Trust Sixth Form. 

Also on offer were informative sessions on other post-16 routes such as college and apprenticeships as well as exploring jobs in the care sector and the Navy! We are delighted to have already received a record number of applications to our Trust Sixth Form and for the Football Academy in partnership with Maidstone United. If your child has not yet applied and would like to, please click on the following link: https://www.kentprospectus.co.uk/courses/full-time-courses?provider=the-sixth-form-at-cornwallis-academy


This term, some of our MFL students watched a Spanish performance and a French performance delivered by the International Theatre company, Onatti.  

Our students thoroughly enjoyed watching the productions in Spanish and French all the way though. The plays were interactive, funny and involved our students   throughout. All students had a fantastic time! 


Our school community kindly supported Maidstone day centre’s food drive. The generous donations were greatly appreciated, so much so, the school received a letter from our local MP Helen Grant.

Year 7 Bulletin

I am writing to you in the last week of term as we move towards, a well-deserved, half term break. After returning early in January, the year 7 students have been focused and settling into their new sets and teaching groups. Students have now selected one language to learn; in English, Maths and Science, students have been placed in sets where the teachers are able to help challenge them and help with their learning. The sets are regularly reviewed so students may move up and down depending on their progress in lessons.

Year 7 have been studying a range of topics this term in their core subjects. They have been learning about the structures of the earth, solar system and different forces in their Science lessons. In English, students have been looking at non-fiction texts and practising the skills for English Language, and they have been working on fractions and percentages in Maths.

At the start of term, it was holocaust memorial day and our students had a really informative assembly, a sixth form student discussed her visit to a concentration camp, it was very moving. The year 7 students were engrossed.

This week it was Safer Internet Day. In form time, students have been looking at the dangers and risks whilst using the internet. I know that phones and internet are common-place with our young people and learning about ways they can keep safe online is a vital skill for the year 7s to develop.

This week, students have been taking part in a workshop run by an outside agency which looks at ‘aiming higher’. This workshop aims to raise ambitions and help students to realise their full potential. Please talk to your children about this over the holidays.

On Monday, we had our termly rewards assembly. We managed to get together as a whole year group and celebrate in some of the successes and achievements. Each department was able to nominate individuals who have worked particularly well in their subjects. So many of the year 7 students have been showing the SMILE values and have been making really good progress in their learning.

I am continuing to give out a weekly student award for completing outstanding work or showing the SMILE qualities in lessons and around the school. We also give out a £5 voucher for one student who has 100% weekly attendance. Please make sure you look at the weekly memo to see this information and other important notices. When we return we will be starting a new initiative, ‘Marvellous Mondays’. If your child is in school every Monday for the term, they will be entered into a prize draw to win a £15 voucher. There are two awarded per year group. We continue to reward students for attendance and progress to help motivate all those who are trying their best.


During our rewards assembly, I made students aware that they only have 92 school days of year 7 left. I reminded them they need to work hard in every single lesson to ensure they reach their full potential. Students will be doing their summer exams at the end of April, a report and parents’ evening will follow at the end of term 5. Thursday May 23rd 2024.


After a long term I want to wish you all a very restful half term break and I hope that your your children manage to relax and prepare for term 4. I want to thank you all for your continued support and please reach out to contact myself or the year team if you need anything.


Best wishes

Mrs Clark-Keen

Year 7 Term 3 Subject Recognition Awards

Art - Oscar Black, Evie Collins and Amy Belton

Computing - Elliot Amos, Evie Collins and Nigel Beaton

Dance - Ella Wright, Summer Goodayle and Rosie Hill

Design Technology - Elliot Amos, April Ahaneku and Emily Pond

Drama - Kevin Comins and Amelia Price

English - Blake Howard, April Ahaneku and Matilda Mazza

Food Technology - Lara Clemente, Roise Hill and Clara Beaney

French - Evie Chapman, Betsy Lloyd-Clark and Emilija Skaistyte

Geography - April Ahaneku, Jake Collett and Carlos Cheung

History - Alex Bolden

Maths - Olly Loveridge, Rosie Hill and Ollie Goble

Music - Charlie Barnard, River Whiteoak and Evie Collins

Physical Education - Gavin Pryce, Forrest Davis and Scarlett Whiting

Religious Education - Yasmin Leadon, Oleg Nitovskyi and April Ahaneku

Science - Danny Court, Poppy Porter and Honey Morgan

Spanish - Ella Sampson, Connor Scrace and Carlos Cheung

SMILE - Jacob Landman, Isla Springette and Billy Smith

Football Scholarship - Eddie Ambrose

Dance Scholarship - Ivy-Mae Adams

Art Scholarship - Elliot Amos

Students of the week - Oliver Watkins and Pearl Birchall

Weekly attendance winner - Callan Loveridge

Year 8 Bulletin

Dear Year 8 families,


As we approach the half way mark of Year 8, I wanted to share how impressed I have been with the year group. Their efforts shown across subjects and also their conduct in and around the school, has been great to see. We pride ourselves on high expectations and standards at all times, and your support with ensuring your child is fully equipped for learning and maintains high attendance to school is really appreciated.


During the last week of term, students have been focusing their learning on ‘Safer Internet Day’ during form time. Students have been shown a selection of thought provoking videos to encourage discussions surrounding being safe online. To support your children to be safer online from home, the ‘thinkyouknow – CEOP’ website have a selection of top tip videos for parents/carers which we highly recommend you watching. The videos cover the following topics:



Please click this link to access  ‘Home Safety Activities’

Our Year 8 Parents’ Evening will now take place next term. Please make a note of the revised date - Wednesday 27th March (3:45pm-7:30pm)

Finally, I would like to wish all our students and families a nice restful half term and we look forward to welcoming students back on Monday 19th February 2024 for term 4.

Best wishes

Mr McMahon


Year 8 Term 3 Subject Recognition Awards

Huge congratulations to the following students below who have been recognised for their efforts and achievements across their subjects. Well done to all 😊


Art - Leon McKenzie, Layla Huntley and Florence Hubert                         

Computing -  Luke Watson, Riley Spice and Mitchell Smith

Dance - Daniel Hursey, Cody Hazelwood and Beau Jones

Design Technology - Kieran Blann, Hollie Forster and Alina Pelivan 

Drama - Alina Pelivan, Beth Langridge and Harry Beal

English - Violet Cook, Chloe Copley and Daniel Hursey

Food Technology - Evelyne Bungsy, Connie Sargeant and Mick Farrow

French - Cody Hazelwood, Mia Hawgood and Ruby Stocker

Geography - Alf Cope-Naylor, Mia Hawgood and Mason Docherty 

History - Gavin Thorburn, Mick Farrow and Riley Spice 

Maths - Will Keddy, Owen Collett and Amber Startin 

Music - George Jeffery, Amber Startin and Betty King 

Physical Education - Joshua Marsh, Charlie Perry and Jazmin Brown 

Religious Education - Jazmin Brown, Isabelle Edmed and Theo Naylor

Science - Elsie Embleton, Abby Hayward and Noah Watts 

Spanish - Ryan Webber, Daniel Hursey and Alister Mrozinski

SMILE - Mia Griffiths, Daniel Hursey and Caydence Pickess

Football Scholarship - Bradley Hardwick – Excellent dedication and focus

Dance Scholarship - Violet Cook – Excellent dedication and focus

Art Scholarship - Christian Kirov – Improved work ethic and dedication to the subject


Students of the Term:

 Mia Hawgood and Will Knight – True role models to the year group and always striving to do their best in all lessons 

 Well done 😊

Students of the week - Mia Hawgood and Will Knight

Weekly attendance winner - Tyler Kirkpatrick

Year 9 Bulletin

This term has flown by, with students once again experiencing a number of firsts as they continue their Year 9 studies with us at Cornwallis Academy. The term commenced with so many of you attending the Year 9 Options/Parents’ Evening on the 11th of January. It was fantastic to welcome you all to such a successful evening, where students got to reflect on their progress so far this year, and look to the future by exploring course opportunities for their GCSE careers. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate and thank you all for ensuring that all students had completed their choices document by the given deadline. This continued level of commitment to our Year 9 students’ education, once again highlights the embedded SMILE ethos within our community.


This term, the Kent and Medway Progression Federation presented our Year 9 students with the opportunity to sign up to partake in a free in school Create Calm, Wellbeing Workshop due to take place in Term 4.  The aim of the workshop is to encourage our students to switch off from their everyday pressures by participating in an activity that focuses solely on creative expression. The workshops encourage relaxation, creativity and reflection, whilst improving confidence and self-esteem. These workshops teach a range of new skills and techniques that students can practise in their own time. These workshops have been designed for all young people to access, regardless of their creative abilities and interests. Each workshop also includes an introduction to creative wellbeing and mindfulness techniques. If you would like your son/daughter to attend this workshop please contact Mrs. Harding via bharding@cornwallisacademy.com as soon as possible. 


Last week, our Year 9 students studying Spanish or French, had the opportunity to attend a performance produced by the theatre company Onatti. These performances gave students the unique chance to observe plays in the language of study and gain further insight into the world of different cultures. I received substantial feedback highlighting the maturity and enthusiasm of all involved. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our Year 9 students.


Key information for Term 4:


Year 9 House Points Leader board – Year to date:

Year 9 - Term 3 SUBJECT RECOGNITION awards:

A huge congratulations to the following students who were celebrated in the end of term assembly, for having won an award for their efforts in the following subjects…

Art - Layla Jones, Oscar Jefferies and Martina Andonova 

Computing - Charlie White-Shemain, Sophie Mordzak-Kurczab and Ryan Rigden

Dance - Samuel Glover, Chase Cooper and Jasin Comins

Design Technology - Caiden Wenham, Rose Beaver and Abigail Duarte

Drama - Lily-Mae Strydom, Dolly Draper and Toby Clements 

English - Jayden Millard, Samuel Glover and Finn Askew

French - Ryan Rigden, Jaden Fung and Duke Davis

Geography - Ruby Berry, Frankie Emmett and Sophie Boorer

Maths - Jaden Fung, Katie Griffiths and Ryan Rigden

Music - Katie Griffiths, Victoria Purvis, Archie Townsend and Caitlin Eddy

Physical Education - Jaden Fung, Katie Griffiths and Ryan Rigden

Science - Jason Comins and Larisa Stoica

Spanish - Samuel Glover, Eddie Placinta and Izzie Stevens

Football Scholarship - Charlie Waterman

Dance Scholarship - Katie Griffiths

Art Scholarship - Nadia Vasif

Students of the Term - Jessica Moyses and Daniel Drewnicki

Attendance Award Winners - Ryan Rigden

Students of the week - Ruby Grimes and Mohammed Refaie

Weekly attendance winner - Edi Paduraru 

Have a great and restful half term.


From Mrs Harding and Mrs Stephens-Clark

Year 10 Bulletin

Term 3 has been exceptionally busy for Year 10, as they continue to work hard in all their GCSE subjects. This week, they enjoyed and participated in an Aim Higher assembly, which helped them focus on the skills needed to succeed in revision, and beyond.


It's great to see that so many Year 10s have now embarked on the Duke Of Edinburgh Silver award scheme. This is a brilliant opportunity for students to develop team building and leadership skills, whilst enjoying plenty of fresh air. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact dclapp@cornwallisacademy.com


Congratulations to all our Term 3 rewards winners, the full list of which appears in this newsletter. As a year group, the students have worked exceptionally hard this term, and I'm confident they will continue to do so in Term 4.

Art - Gabriella Brenton, Dylan Wells, Katie Marshall

Computing - Nathaniel Leigh, Thomas Shean and Robert Grigorescu

Dance - Angel Parsloe

Design Technology - Matthew Pass, Zane Manyadza and Ryan Emmett

English - Jess Barden, Oscar Hankin and Ayush Illukella Gedara

Enterprise - Hollie Goodman and Leah Hardwick

Finance - Ryan Emmett

Food Technology - Grace Collins, Tyler Kelly and Kieron Schuldt

French - Gabriella Brenton, Olivia Hajyzamanali and Seyi Williams

Geography - Campbell Cooke, Erin Curteis and Hollie Goodman

Health and Social Care - Millie Hobbs and Lily Oliver

History - Maisie Speller and Mackenzie Stevenson

Maths - Matilda Tombs, Dylan Wells and Luke Banks

Physical Education - Ben Belton and Matthew Pass

Science - Hebe Wong, Evarhn Alexandeer-Norman and Kaylah Cook

Sociology - Tarra O'Hanlon and Georgia Kirkpatrick

Spanish - Matilda Tombs, Joshua Porter and Ivory Taylor

Football Scholarship - Roman Barrow-Weatherall

Media Studies - Matilda Tombs and Ivory Taylor

Students of the week - Hetty Benfield and Harrison Quinn

Weekly attendance winner - Thomas Hanson


We wish all our students a happy and relaxing half term holiday, and look forward to seeing them all back here on Monday 19th February.


From Mr Spurling and Miss Perry

Year 11 Bulletin

Dear parents/carers,

Year 11 has been a great term, with students consistently impressing us with their positive approach to learning. We have around 10 school weeks left until the GCSE series starts, and it's fantastic to see how dedicated the students are to their studies. Their effort will definitely yield results!

Key Reminders

With the GCSE series getting closer, we are trying our utmost to ensure students are as best prepared as possible. Therefore, please can you support us with the following key reminders;


Our staff members are doing a great job dedicating their time to help students improve their knowledge and understanding. I recently sent an email to all parents and carers to inform you about our fantastic extra-curricular schedule, which offers lunchtime and after-school sessions. Additionally, I shared details about our incentive program, which rewards students with a £10 voucher of their choice if they attend 15 sessions by the end of term 3. Research has shown that attending extra-curricular sessions boosts students' confidence in exams and advances their grades. Therefore, we encourage all students to take full advantage of this opportunity.


Students are accountable for attending school with full equipment and stationery. This includes; a bag, pencil case (pens, pencils, ruler and calculator) and correct PE Kit.

Next Steps Day

On Friday, February 2nd, our cohort participated in the 'Next Steps Day' designed to provide a post-16 experience. The students followed one of two timetables based on their plans to attend sixth form or college. They acquired valuable information about different courses and attended talks from Kent College, University of Kent, and the RAF/Navy. It is our hope that all students found the day beneficial for their post-16 choices. Based on our observations, the cohort actively participated in all sessions and had a great time during the day.

Aim a Little Higher Assembly

By the end of the third term, students received a motivating presentation from Aim a Little Higher. We recognise the significance of nurturing students' ambitions and aim to assist them in reaching their goals. The speaker inspired students by offering advice, sharing personal stories, and using their own experiences to encourage students to pursue their aspirations. Participants will take part in a set of workshops at the start of the fourth term.


Subject Rewards Assembly

Lastly, I had the pleasure of delivering our Term 3 Subject Recognition Assembly, celebrating our students’ fantastic achievements in the classroom. A huge congratulations to the following students on receiving their reward:

Art  - Max Gardner, Andy Kong and Amelie Oakley

Computing – Shandika Wilmot, Ollie Wickwar and Jake Ames

Dance – Danielle Johnson, Maisie Travil and Lily Holness

Design & Technology – Harry Goble, James Stribbling-Williams and Liam Shorter

Drama – Denzel Adama and Nirae-Rose Stewart

English – Isabel Tomlin, Isla Bailey and Joshua Shodeinde

Enterprise – Roniya Ahmed and Nischita Kharel

Finance – Reuben Jones

Food Technology – Amie Moore, Thomas Barker and Thella Jobarteh

French – Harry Draper, Millie Weston and Gwen Ogunmola

Geography – James Cox and Davyn Achampong

Health & Social Care – Grace Lee and Lily Janur

History - Max Gardner, Isabel Tomlin and Danny Syers

Maths – Maya Oleszczynska, Kiera Comins and Abi Carter

Media – Kiera Comins, Ollie Murphy and Freya Clements

Music – Davyn Achampong and Ethan King

Physical Education – Freddy Preston-McLeod, Roisin Killington and Thomas Barker

Science – Toby Cooper, Honey Southby and Hunny Ingram

Spanish – Lily Thorburn, Denzel Adama and Callum Rudrum

Sociology – Lexie Rawlings, Lily Thorburn and Harry Berry

Students of the week - Maksim Kurnytskyi and Keira Stapley

Weekly attendance winner - Lily Thorburn

Miss Edwards and I would like to say a huge thank you for your continued support. It makes such a difference and will have huge benefits on your son/daughter during the lead up to the examinations.

Please do not hesitate to contact the year team should you have any issues or concerns. We hope you have a wonderful half term, and we look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 19th February.

Best wishes

Mr King

Sixth Form Bulletin

This term has been packed full of events as always and I was pleased to see so many of you at our parents' evening on Wednesday. 


The UCAS application deadline passed on 31st January and I am delighted to say that the number of students who have sent applications has increased again this year and represents almost half of our year 13 cohort. Some have already received all five offers and we already have one student who has accepted an offer to study Law. I know that many of you will have been visiting campuses across the country and I know from experience that this can prove invaluable in helping our young people decide where to continue their studies. I appreciate that this can involve hundreds of miles travelling and in some cases overnight stays - I have been there !


I would also like to publicly thank my year 13 tutors, Mrs Gollan, Mrs Boorman, Mrs Manser & Mrs Pellow as well as Ms McIntyre for all their hard work and dedication in putting together your child's applications. 


Going away to university is in most cases, the first time that your child has been away from home for an extended period. It's tough for us as parents, but also for the students themselves. 


For those that are not university bound but have yet to make a decision about their next steps, please encourage your son or daughter to make an appointment to see Ms McIntyre in the new term. 


Over the next two terms will be talking to the students and helping to prepare for the next stage of their lives away from the familiarity of the school environment. 


Next term we have our bi -  annual careers fair which all students will have an opportunity to access and for our year 13 students we will  be attending the annual Maidstone Apprenticeships Fair on 8th March at Mote Park. Details of both events will be sent to you nearer the time. 


As you know, we very much consider ourselves to be a community and part of that involves our students "giving back". Many have undertaken lower school support in lessons be that helping with reading, numeracy or practical food technology lessons. Both the staff that are delivering these lessons and the students themselves have said how beneficial this has been both in terms of helping the younger years grow in confidence but also the sixth form students have felt a real sense of pride in what they are doing. Well done to all. 


Time seems to go by so quickly and we are already beginning to think about year 12 work experience which takes place during the last week of Term 6. All year 12 students are expected to undertake five days of meaningful engagement with an employer.  I would encourage all students to start giving some though to what and where they would like to do this - by all means please use any family connections that you have.  As with the forthcoming events, we will write to you with all of the information you and your child will need. 


Finally, I'd to thank you all for your continued support again this term. Students - rest up and come back ready for the run up to exam season. 


As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch with either myself or Ms O'Brien. 

Students of the week - Didi Krousti and Becky Louden