2nd workshop on

Pre-Training for Robot Learning

Workshop at CoRL 2023 - November 6th - Atlanta, USA

Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Workshop Location: Hub 4 | Poster Location: Muse 1

[zoom link]

Workshop Goals 

Despite recent advancements in large-scale machine learning, there remains a significant gap between humans and robots, in terms of capabilities as well as learning efficiency. While humans can learn a diverse suite of sensory-motor tasks using just a few examples or trials, current robot learning systems require massive amounts of data or supervision to learn even a single task. A critical component to human learning efficiency is the ability to effectively draw upon and reuse any historical experience. Within computer vision and NLP communities, this realization has led to a wave of research firmly establishing that pre-training from diverse datasets is vital for high performance and data efficiency on downstream tasks. Through this workshop, we hope to bring together the robotics and learning communities, and discuss the role pre-training will play in robotics.

In this workshop, we will discuss pre-training at various levels in a robotics pipeline – from perception, to sensory-motor loops, to high-level reasoning modules with LLMs. A few example questions of interest include:


Chelsea Finn

Stanford University

Kristen Grauman

UT Austin + Meta AI

Vincent Vanhoucke

Google DeepMind

Dhruv Batra

Gatech + Meta AI


Aravind Rajeswaran


Arjun Majumdar

Georgia Tech

Stephen James

Dyson Robot Learning Lab

Younggyo Seo

Dyson Robot Learning Lab

Franziska Meier


Andy Zeng

Google DeepMind