Use CorelDRAW's powerful vector illustration tools to turn basic lines and shapes into complex works of art. Create curves with many versatile shaping and drawing tools. Add creative effects to your vector artwork with effect tools like Contour, Envelope, Blend, Mesh Fill, and more.

Edit bitmaps and vectors knowing you won't harm the original image or object. Create block shadows, symmetrical illustrations, and perspective drawings all non-destructively, and apply a number of reversible adjustments and effects in CorelDRAW and Corel PHOTO-PAINT.

Corel Draw Clipart Free Download

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Draw objects or illustrated scenes in perspective, faster and easier than ever. Choose from 1, 2, or 3-point perspective, draw or add an existing group of objects on a shared perspective plane, and move and edit objects freely without losing perspective.

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If you right-click on a clipart image in the docker, the context menu has an option to Import at original position, which will place the clipart into the center of the document at its actual size. If you want to specify the size or location, choose Import instead. Choosing Properties displays tags and categories, and the Edit option for a vector image opens its source file in which you can make changes.

The Objects docker (Window > Dockers > Objects) is the place to check what comprises a clipart image. The black cat in this example has a non-transparent white background. When you delete the white rectangle object in the Objects docker, the background disappears.

Hi Ed,

To access the clipart that is included with CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2021, it depends which version you are using. If you are using a perpetual license (non-subscription) go to Window > Dockers and select the CONNECT Content docker as shown in this tutorial. If you have purchased a subscription, the clipart can be found in the Assets docker (Window > Dockers > Assets) which is an exclusive docker available only to subscribers. In either docker, you can click the Get More icon to download the free content packs.

Hope this helps!

The Discovery Center team

If you have purchased a retail cd version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4, there are over 10,000 high quality clipart images, 1000 royalty-free photographs from iStockphoto,  over 1,000 OpenType and international fonts and 80 professionally designed templates included with the program. Clipart and photos can be imported or accessed through the Scrapbook in CorelDRAW. This tutorial will outline the steps required to access clipart and photos by import a specific clipart image from the clipart manual or search by using the Scrapbook. Installing symbols into the Windows Font Manager will also be explained.

The Scrapbook docker lets you use clipart and photo images that are stored on the Corel content DVD or that are available online. The digital content manual contains pictures of the graphics available on the CD and lists their folder locations. If you would like to purchase a copy of the digital content manual, please call Corel.

To browse for clipart or photos using the Scrapbook:

1. Click Tools | Options | Workspace | Customization | Commands

From the drop-down menu under File click the arrow key and choose Tools | Scrapbook.

Click on it and drag it to the Workspace then click and drag and move it to the Standard Bar, now from the Menu click | Tools | Save Settings as default.

2. Insert a Corel content DVD into the DVD drive.

3. Click on the icon for the Scrapbook you created | Browse | Explore DVD | Extras | Contents | Clipart double-click the folder in the DVD list and navigate to a folder you want.

4. Double click on the file to open or drag it to the document.

1. Click File | Import.

2. In the List Files of Type list box, choose CorelDRAW .CDR.

3. From the Import dialog box, select the appropriate CD drive.

4. Double-click the Clipart folder.

5. A list of clipart categories will appear in the import window.

6. Double-click on a folder.

7. From the list of files, select a image and click Import.

8. Click on the page location where you want the image to be placed, or hit the space bar to drop the image at the default location.

To access a Symbol in CorelDRAW:

1. Open the Symbol manager docker by clicking Window | Dockers | Symbol manager. If you want the symbol scaled automatically to match the current drawing scale, ensure that the Scale to world units button is enabled.

2. Choose a symbol from the Symbols list.

3. Click the Insert symbol button.

Tip: You can also insert a symbol instance by dragging a symbol from the Symbol manager docker to the drawing window.

In its first versions, the CDR file format was a completely proprietary file format primarily used for vector graphic drawings, recognizable by the first two bytes of the file being "WL". Starting with CorelDraw 3, the file format changed to a Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF) envelope, recognizable by the first four bytes of the file being "RIFF", and a "CDR*vrsn" in bytes 9 to 15, with the asterisk "*" being just a blank in early versions.[57] Beginning with CorelDraw 4 it included the version number of the writing program in hexadecimal ("4" meaning version 4, "D" meaning version 13). The actual data chunk of the RIFF remains a Corel proprietary format.

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agoWeb Designover 15 years agoHow do I change my shortcut keys back?over 15 years agoCorel draw 12 either is not importable using the selected filter, or this format is not supportedNot Answeredover 2 years agoCTRL+TAB / Document switching in Corel 2021?over 2 years agoNew pageNot Answeredover 3 years agoDouble Click, Open, Import result in EMPTY PAGEAnsweredover 3 years agoCorel Draw opens files very slowNot Answeredover 13 years agoRelatedCorel Draw Clipartshericover 14 years agoHello, 0852c4b9a8

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