CORAL Free Library

"When in doubt, go to the library"

We live in an era of incredible story-telling and the recentering of peoples and communities who have been historically exploited, marginalized and invisibilized. Books are at the center of lifelong learning, building community and making meaning.

As new literature and media expand, there remains however a deep inequality. Throughout much of Southeast Asia, books are a luxury and public libraries are rare. For millions, a book costs a weeks salary.

CORAL is establishing a small free library in line with our social change mission. We seek to collect, steward and lend progressive books that are more difficult for ordinary people to find.

"Help our library come to life"

As Unitarian Universalists, we believe deeply in the ongoing search for truth and meaning. For many of us, this has meant a loving relationship with literature. Lending and gifting books are an incredible way to build connections between people, and introduce new ideas to keep our “mind on fire” as Emerson might say.

We are seeking to collect 500 books for our book drive please do connect with us at for inquiries.

We also welcome small financial contributions to help us organize and cover shipping cost of the donated books. You may help us raised our $1000 goal through our . A little amount will come a long way!


Stay tuned for a list of available books for free lending.


We welcome books from around the world. For those based in the United States of America (USA), we are able to receive books via shipping to the West Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in Portland, Oregon. Please contact us to discuss your donation at