A Message from mS. Zuniga
Join CAF&DM academy leader Ms. Zuniga as she talks all about what her program has to offer!
A Glimpse of CAF&DM
Catharsis is the official literary and arts magazine of Coral Gables Senior High School. Catharsis seeks to represent the community of Coral Gables Senior High by soliciting art from students, alumni, and staff. We publish digital and visual art, photography, foreign language pieces, creative writing (in the form of poetry, prose and drama), screenplays, original music, and other types of media. Catharsis is a completely student-run publication. Our focus as a magazine is to provide a safe, stimulating, creative platform for students to express themselves through different forms of artistic engagement.
The Cavaleon is the award winning student run publication that is dedicated to producing top quality and coverage inclusive yearbooks at Coral Gables Senior High School. This year we will be publishing our 80th edition of the book. We are responsible for recording everything that goes on both locally and internationally as we pride ourselves on getting perspectives from a variety of students. Within our book we cover a wide range of topics from clubs to sports and all things relating to Gables.
CavsConnect is the student news site of Coral Gables Senior High School and was founded during the 2012-2013 school year, CavsConnect strives to bring relevant news and information to our students, faculty, staff and community through our website and social media accounts. The class is tailored to allow students the opportunity to sign up for projects that they would enjoy. Assignments can include writing, designing, photography and social media. Our sections include news, features, opinion, sports and arts & entertainment and Spanish. There truly is something for everyone! Interested in joining our family? Click this link!
CavsTV revolves around videography, photography, podcasts, social media and digital design. CavsTV aims to provide relevant news and information to our students, faculty, staff, and community using a medium other than writing. When given the opportunity to undertake such an exciting journey of advising, informing and entertaining our student body, none of us hesitated to embrace it. The class is tailored to allow students the opportunity to sign up for projects that they would enjoy. Assignments can include designing, broadcast, photography and social media. There is truly something for everyone. Interested in joining our family? Click this link!
highlights is Coral Gables Senior High School’s student-run newsmagazine. We have six sections — features, news opinion, sports, the scene and insight — and cover everything from musicians at Gables to the NBA playoffs to the presidential elections. highlights publishes every five-six weeks for a total of six issues every school year. Apart from writing articles, our 11-person Editorial Board also designs the entire magazine using programs such as In Design, Illustrator and Photoshop. In addition to our magazine, highlights also publishes stories on CavsConnect every 2 weeks and keep our social media updated with school and local news and original content such as recipe videos.
Learn more about our publications!
Catharsis: Gold Medalist Rating, All American and Gold Medalist
Cavaleon: All-Florida and “Best-Of” Yearbook Publication
CavsConnect: All-Florida, Sunshine Standout, Student Newspapers Online Distinguished Site, and National Scholastic Press Association Pacemaker Finalist
highlights: All-Florida and Sunshine Standout