The Learning Engine series of videos introduces copyright concepts and the Copyright Office to those who may be new to the topic or who want to learn more. More videos will be added in the future here and to our YouTube channel. Subscribe to the channel to be notified when new videos are available.

While registration is not a requirement for copyright protection, it does provide several important benefits. Discover those benefits and learn what happens when your registration application reaches the Copyright Office.

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The U.S. Copyright Office maintains the largest index of copyright ownership in the world. In this video, see how the format and index method changed over the centuries and what you can find in our records!

Are you looking for something in our collection of public records? This video provides tips on finding the records you want among the millions of records in our card catalog, Catalog of Copyright Entries, copyright record books, and recorded documents.

Along with registration, the U.S. Copyright Office handles recordation. Find out more about the documents the Office records that are related to copyright ownership , including transfer of copyright ownership and other documents pertaining to copyright.

While online, you may have come across work that infringes on someone's rights under copyright law or seen material removed by a service provider. This video explains copyright law's notice-and-takedown system so you can understand your options if someone infringes your copyright-protected material or you receive a takedown notice.

If copyright owners transfer their exclusive rights to another party, like a publishing firm, they may be able to eventually reclaim those rights under a procedure known as termination. In this next installment of the Learning Engine series, learn about the necessary steps and important timing requirements for authors to complete the termination process.

Copyright protection does not last forever. The framers of the U.S. Constitution ensured copyright protection would only last for a limited time so that works could inspire the creation of new works. Terms and requirements have changed several times since the first U.S. copyright law in 1790. This video explains the evolution of copyright duration over the years and what it is today.

Under copyright, the author is generally the person or persons who created the work they intend to register. Works made for hire are an exception to this rule. Learn more about what constitutes works made for hire, what it means to be a creator of a work made for hire, and why it matters in this installment of the Learning Engine video series.

As a copyright holder, you have six exclusive rights that help you control how your copyright-protected work is used. What are those rights? We detail those rights, why they are important, and what you can do if someone uses your work in a way that involves your exclusive rights.

Are you a writer or do you know one? Copyright protects most types of written works, also known as literary works. This video discusses what literary works copyright protects, what it means to be a copyright holder, and how you can register your literary works with the U.S. Copyright Office.

Copyright protects the visual arts. This includes paintings, photographs, sculptures, aspects of board games, and jewelry, just to name a few. In this Learning Engine installment, we discuss what visual works copyright protects, what it means to be a copyright holder, and how you can register your visual works with the U.S. Copyright Office.

If your copyright-protected work was posted on YouTube without your authorization, you can submit a copyright removal request to request that the content be removed. Submitting a copyright removal request is a legal process.

Scheduled removal requests: Consider scheduling your removal request to take effect in 7 days. This gives the uploader 7 days to delete the content to avoid a copyright strike on their channel.

If you manage many copyrighted-protected works and often need to submit removal requests, you may be eligible for more advanced copyright management tools. Learn more about YouTube's copyright management tools.

Yes, if you use the copyright removal request webformto successfully remove someone's video that used your song or audio content, the Copyright Match Tool will surface other videos with audio that could potentially match your song or audio content. The Copyright Match Tool can also find reuploads where the audio may be replaced or dubbed.

To balance the rights of uploaders with the rights of original copyright owners, the Copyright Match Tool tries to give creators info about reuploads. Then, after they carefully review the match, the Copyright Match Tool allows them to decide what they want to do.

We have numerous safeguards in place against abuse of the copyright removal request process. Our system makes sure that channels have an opportunity to address copyright strikes before being terminated.

When you create something, whether it be a video, book, product, or other intellectual property, you likely want the rights to your creation. By copyrighting your creation, you are establishing that you own it and nobody else has the right to reproduce or use it.

There are some implied characteristics of copyrighting that are assumed upon the materialization of your creation, but this varies by the medium. For example, video is automatically copyrighted from the moment it is created, so these things automatically apply. This is an important component of video copyright laws.

Exclusivity in copyrighting means that the owner of the content (and copyright) have sole rights that cannot be claimed by any other person or organization without explicit permission. This is an important component of video copyright laws.

You can transfer ownership by putting the request in writing and having it verified by the abiding organization. To make the transfer official, the original owner can file for recordation with the U.S. Copyright office. If you want to follow video copyright laws, always work with the U.S. Copyright office.

For example, if someone is reviewing a movie, they can legally use clips or quotes from the movie. The same applies to written work and audio, as well. However, if the owner of the content believes that the person using their content is wrong for doing so, the owner has the liberty to legally dispute the use. That is why it is also important to understand how to copyright claim a video, which can vary from platform to platform.

The fastest way to copyright a video is to register it on the U.S. Copyright Office website. Registering it with this official entity removes any ambiguity about the copyright video status. It provides prima facie evidence in any lawsuit you may bring for copyright infringement, and it makes collecting damages in such a case much easier. It is a clear way to establish your video rights.

Want to know how to copyright claim a video? Copyrighting a video in the United States is easy. Here are the simple 5 steps to copyright a video and retain video rights to your content with the U.S. Copyright Office:

The Copyright Office is powered by the government, so processing your registration may take a while. The Copyright Office says to allow up to eight months. The entire time your application is processing, your video is copyright protected.

If by chance you need to take legal action in regards to the specific video, the court should recognize your effort to copyright the content even if the Copyright Office has not processed your registration.

The most important fee to consider when applying for video copyright is the registration fee. Within this category, there are a variety of fees to consider. Most applicants will only need to pay one of these fees.

If you decide not to copyright your video through the U.S. Copyright Office,, we recommend taking some action to make sure your right to the content is recognized and protected. The most basic way to go about this is to include a copyright notice in the first minute or so of your video.

That additional verbiage reiterates the point and makes it clear that the broadcaster does not grant permission for transmission or reproduction from unauthorized users. This is a great way to ensure copyright video protection.

On the other hand, professional-grade video hosts, like Dacast, are much less restrictive. In most cases, they claim no ownership over your video content. That means you retain the copyright video protection your video was granted as soon as it was created.

YouTube automatically copyrights your content as you upload it, so there is no extra action that you need to take on your part. However, this requires you to grant them a non-exclusive right to do almost anything they want with your video.

In order to avoid signing over the rights to your content, we encourage you to exercise extreme caution when agreeing to any terms of use on online video hosting platforms, especially free ones. Be sure you know what if any copyright protection you are giving up by using a free video hosting platform.

I honestly cannot find any non copyright music that isn't either: actually copyrighted and you can't even use it. Or just sounds WAY too overdone and wouldn't fit any type of commentary video. I'm looking for some calm music that plays in the background that youtubers like finzar, Jshlatt, Isaacwhy and youtubers like them use. The problem is they don't put the music they use in their descriptions so I have no clue where to look for music (And please don't tell me to use the youtube audio library it barely has any music for commentary videos)

This guide is about the thing that makes copy-pasting stuff from the internet difficult, known as copyright. I called this guide the "fuck copyright" guide because of the immense frustrations that build up trying to deal with it.

The idea behind copyright is that someone did some creative work, and therefore gets to own it. This of course applies to movies and music, but also all other kinds of creativity: Books, pictures, drawings, viral videos, Reddit posts, and yes, video games. All of these things are protected by copyright, and in order to legally use them, you must ask the copyright holder for permission. 2351a5e196

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