The Coordinates Transformation Tool provides vital tools for civil engineering projects where a user may need to transform Autodesk Civil 3D objects from one coordinate system to another within the drawing environment.

The Web-based Transformation Tool provides an instant conversion between various coordinate systems / datums. The Transformation Tool uses the conversion methods, parameters and formulas listed in the "Explanatory Notes on Geodetic Datums in Hong Kong" (PDF) and the "Datum Transformation and Transformation Parameters" (The "7-parameters") (PDF) as well as the Geoid Model established by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. It can convert up to 10 point coordinates at one time. It is only applicable for coordinates within Hong Kong.

 Note: Users SHOULD NOT use the coordinates derived from the Transformation Tool for applications requiring precise point positions. Transformation between coordinate systems / datums does not improve the accuracy. In most cases, the transformed coordinates would be less accurate because the errors in the transformation and projection computation would be added to the results. Please seek advice from professional land surveyors if necessary.

Coordinates Transformation Tool 2022 Download

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Please select the coordinates you wish to transform. If you have a whole batch of coordinates to transform visit our batch transformation page or consider downloading our transformation software here.

This transformation has been updated from OSTN02 & OSGM02 to OSTN15 & OSGM15. For a tool to transform OSGB36 coordinates based on OSTN02 & OSGM02 back to ETRS89 and then on to OSGB36 based on OSTN15 & OSGM15 click here. See this article for full details of the changes.

The Coordinate Transformation Tool transforms GNSS based ETRS89 latitude and longitude or cartesian XYZ coordinates to the equivalent OSGB36 National Grid eastings and northings, and vice-versa, using Ordnance Survey's National Grid Transformation OSTN15. It also transforms GPS ellipsoid heights to orthometric (mean sea level) heights on the relevant Ordnance Survey mapping datum (Ordnance Datum Newlyn for mainland Britain), using the National Geoid Model OSGM15.

All transformations originate from a fixed point on or near the object, called the reference point. An icon is displayed at the reference point when a transformation tool, such as the Scale tool, is active.

The Show Content Offset command determines the appearance of the X and y values in the Transform panel for nested objects selected with the Direct Selection tool . The selected reference point in the reference point locator of the Transform and Control panels determines which of the nine reference points on the selected object is being compared to the zero point of the document or to the zero point of a container frame. The zero point of a container frame is always its upper-left corner.

A transformation affects all selected objects as a single unit. For example, if you select multiple objects and rotate them 30, they all rotate around one reference point. If you want to rotate each selected object 30 around its own reference point, you must select and rotate them individually.

When transforming type, you can use either of two selection methods: Use the Selection or Direct Selection tool to select an entire text frame or text converted to outlines, and then use the transformation tools; or use the Type tool to select text or to click an insertion point in a text frame, and then specify transformations in the Transform panel, Control panel, or dialog boxes available when you double-click a tool. In both cases, the transformation affects the entire text frame.

The Free Transform tool works the same wayit does in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator,by providing a way to perform any transformation with just one tool.You can combine transformations, such as rotating and scaling, while theFree Transform tool is active.

Youcan move objects by cutting them from one spot and pasting theminto another, by entering new horizontal and vertical coordinates,or by dragging them. Dragging also allows you to move a copy ofan object or to copy objects between software applications.

For best results, use the Selection tool tomove multiple objects. If you use the Direct Selection tool to selectmultiple objects or paths, dragging moves only the selected graphic,path, or anchor points.

By default, when theframe (and not the frame contents) is selected, changing the valuesof the Width and Height fields changes only the frame, not its contents, regardlessof which selection tool is active.

Whenthe frame is selected with the Selection tool, changing the valuesof the Scale X Percentage and Scale Y Percentage fields changesthe frame and its contents. If Auto-Fit is selected, the frame andits contents are resized together.

Ifyou want to change only the content (resize or scale) of a frame,click the Content Grabber or use the Direct Selection tool to selectthe contents. Once selected, you can use the Width and Height fieldsor the Scale fields, depending on your preference.

To shear selected objects by dragging, select the Shear tool . Then position the Shear tool away from the reference point, and drag. Shift-drag to constrain shearing to a perpendicular vertical or horizontal axis. If you start to drag at a non-perpendicular angle and then hold down the Shift key, shearing is constrained to that angle.

You can repeat transformations,such as moving, scaling, rotating, resizing, reflecting, shearing,and fitting. You can repeat either a single transformation or asequence of transformations, and you can apply those transformationsto more than one object at a time. InDesign remembers all transformationsuntil you select a different object or perform a different task.

The Point Database Conversion job allows for the conversion and transformation of tabular numeric coordinates. Coordinate data must be uniformly organized into columns with all coordinates in a given column being relative to the same coordinate reference system. Multiple conversions can be performed across several sets of columns. There is no limit to the size of the database that can be processed via the Point Database Conversion job. This job can be used as a template for a batch process.

The Point Database Forward or Inverse job calculates paths between positions in tabular numeric coordinates. Coordinate data must be uniformly organized into columns with all coordinates in a given column being relative to the same coordinate reference system and both the left and right coordinate systems must share a common geodetic base. There is no limit to the size of the database that can be run via the Point Database Conversion job. This job can be used as a template for a batch process.

The Point Database Scale and Translate job allows for the conversion and transformation of tabular numeric coordinates. Coordinates can be shifted, rotated, and stretched, by manually entering in the parameters of the desired transformation. These are commonly used for old survey data where control data may not be available for a higher accuracy transformation. Coordinate data must be uniformly organized into columns with all coordinates in a given column being relative to the same coordinate reference system. There is no limit to the size of the database that can be run via the Point Database Conversion job. This job can be used as a template for a batch process.

The Derive Datum Transform allows you to calculate a 3-parameter, 7-parameter, or gridded coordinate transformation between two geodetic or geocentric coordinate

systems. Two sets of coordinates are required, one for each system. The input coordinates can be Projected or Geodetic: the only requirement is that they are both geodetically based.

For certain transformations, Geographic Calculator supports the 4th dimension (date selection) as you can select the epoch relevant to your coordinate transformation. Time-dependent transformations include Horizontal Time-Dependent Positioning (HTDP), Time Specific transformations, 14-parameter transformations, and Canadian velocity grids. Velocity information provided by the relevant survey authorities is now reported in Point Database Conversions for Horizontal Time Dependent Positioning based transforms here in the United States, as well as the Canadian time-based transformations.

You can also fix alignment errors in another way: reset the current frame-transformation values and repeat the registration, making any appropriate changes to the settings.Select the desired scan in the Workspace panel, click on it using RMB and select Unregister from the dropdown menu. Doing so will reset the computed positions of individual frames in the scan. A dialog will then appear, prompting you to confirm the operation.To compute new positions, run the Rough serial registration and then Fine registration algorithms (see Fine Registration).

The Lock position status affects not only the results of global registration but also the operations of Positioning and Transformation tools (see Preparing Models To Export for details). When using these tools, any reposition of objects with the Lock position status is blocked.

Sometimes it can be useful to transfer transformations from one scan to another (see Use Cases for Transformations Transferring). The transfer of transformations means that all transformations of scan frames resulting from the application of different Artec Studio tools are sequentially repeated for all frames of another scan. The transformations of the source scan as a whole are copied to the destination scan as well, including the global registration status.

You have to undo all previous operations and once again repeat the sequence of actions, including Global registration. To avoid the latter and save time, you can instead transfer the transformations from the current scans to their backups and then continue working with the backups.

Occasionally, defects appear in the 3D model after fusion; some are correctable by creating additional scans, whereas others are correctable by using the model-processing tools described in the next section. 006ab0faaa

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