College and Career

College & Career Counseling

The school counselor supports all students by planning for their post-secondary options. These include, college, career and military options. Not every student will select college as their path after high school, but every student should have that option if they chose. As such, the school counselor will encourage all students to be both college and career ready upon graduation.

  • 100% of students in the 7th grade will complete a career interest inventory

  • 100% of students in the 8th grade will complete a career match activity where they will learn about possible career matches, salaries, job availability and education required.

  • 100% of students will experience March Toward Your Future college and career awareness activities. During the month of March the school counselor provides opportunities for all students to increase their college awareness through various activities including a College and Career Fair, College Lunch Activities, Classroom Door Decoration Contest, College Bingo, Picture Yourself at Graduation and many more!

  • The school counselor will bring in various Career Guest Speakers during students' lunch time to discuss their careers. Speakers will be chosen based on the career of interest discovered using the career interest inventory activity.