Convertbox Review & Lifetime Deal

If you've been looking at Convertbox to wonder if this is a software for you, then this in depth review will help you make the decision along with giving you a special lifetime pricing deal.

The Quick Verdict - Do We Recommend?


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Table of Contents

What is Convertbox?

Convertbox is an easy to use, web based software application that helps bloggers capture more optins while getting better quality of leads.

Due to many of the advancements made from the Convertbox app, you can easily put together advanced, very sophisticated lead generation campaigns with segmentation funnels and targeting like no other tool on the market.

Even with the advanced options you have at your disposal, Convertbox is super simple to use with a step by step campaign setup that features:

  • Targeting for specific pages

  • Segmentation based on clicks

  • Target based on what users have already seen

  • Integrates with the majority of autoresponders through their API

  • Drag and drop

  • Beautiful popups to get attention and collect leads.

The Only Convertbox Review and Demo You'll Need

Inside this review video, you'll see a complete walk through of setting up, integrations and a demo of what these popups look like once you complete the setup.

Ready to get started? Click below to grab lifetime access with the special one time investment before the offer expires.

Additional Tutorials

Why Should I Worry About Lead Generation For My Blog?

You've likely heard the phrase - "Money is In the List."

The whole point to building a blog is either creating awareness, selling a product, ranking in the search results, or building an email list.

Regardless, email marketing is a critical element to each of these.

You can raise awareness, get more eyeballs to your new content once you create new posts.

The more content you create from your blog and increase your frequency of postings, the higher you can rank inside Google, increasing your overall exposure, taking up multiple spots for a variety of keywords around your niche.

Once you begin building out lead generation campaigns using tools like Convertbox, you'll see additional profit centers from your email marketing efforts.

What do I need to build an email list?

You'll need an autoresponder service like Aweber or Activecampaign which gives you the ability to create an automated followup series or conduct newsletter blasts at any time.

You'll need something to connect your autoresponder to your blog because the optin forms these companies provide are not the best in the world.

They lack in design and functionality.

That's where Convertbox comes into play.

It will integrate easily with your email autoresponder services so you can have a beautiful, polished-looking front end while customizing everything from when your optin boxes appear, what pages they appear on and how often they appear.

Why Convertbox?

For starters, you can build any type of optin from the interface

  • The Ribbon Notification Bar

  • The Full Screen Popup

  • The Callout (this is an optin but looks similar to a chat box)

  • Center Popups

  • And now you can embed Convertbox into your content.

The designs are great but one of the key functions in Convertbox that we absolutely love is inside the Display and Targeting Options that you see below

The reason this is key is because you have multiple Trigger options for when the Convertbox will fire.

That means if you only want your Convertbox to fire once someone leaves your page, comes to your page, or even a delay, you can set it all here.

If you want to limit the duration of how many times your Convertbox is displayed to the user, you can customize that.

And if you only want to show Convertbox on certain pages but not others, it's totally doable all on this one page.

Advanced Functions of Convertbox

First, let's talk about the segmentation of Convertbox. It is like none other.

That means you can easily setup an intent based, multi-step funnels so you can segment your list so they only see what they're interested in.

Next, you have built in deadlines to create scarcity inside the Convertbox dashboard so you can create time based or evergreen style campaigns with just a few clicks.

Finally, you have the split testing option that gives you the ability to crank out multiple styles and offers so you can test one offer versus the other then implement your control.

Convertbox Lifetime Deal and Pricing Options

For a limited time, you can get in on the Lifetime Pricing for Convertbox for the one time payment of just $495.

No monthly fees or yearly fees - just a simple one time investment and you'll get lifetime access to the incredible Convertbox software.

Simply click the link here to get access before they move to a monthly price.