I came across this solution on some forum, cannot remember which exactly. To be honest, this method has never worked for me, but many users reported that special characters, which got lost when saving .xlsx directly to .csv, are preserved if to save a .xlsx file to .xls first, and and then save .xls as .csv as explained in How to convert Excel to CSV.

One of the important steps in an ETL process involves the transformation of source data. This could involve looking up foreign keys, converting values from one data type into another, or simply conducting data clean-ups by removing trailing and leading spaces. One aspect of transforming source data that could get complicated relates to the removal of ASCII special characters such as new line characters and the horizontal tab. In this article, we take a look at some of the issues you are likely to encounter when cleaning up source data that contains ASCII special characters and we also look at the user-defined function that could be applied to successfully remove such characters.

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A SQL query looks like this: UCanAccess>SELECT * FROM License; You can export the result of the most recent SQL query to a CSV file using the export command: UCanAccess>export License.csv; The export command supports a number of flags, which are described by the --help flag: UCanAccess>export --help;Usage: export [--help] [--bom] [-d ] [-t ] [--big_query_schema ] [--newlines] ;Export the most recent SQL query to the given file. -d Set the CSV column delimiter (default: ';'). -t Output the instead of the previous query. --big_query_schema Output the BigQuery schema to . --bom Output the UTF-8 byte order mark. --newlines Preserve embedded newlines (\r, \n). --help Print this help message.Single (') or double (") quoted strings are supported.Backslash (\) escaping (e.g. \n, \t) is enabled within quotes.Use two backslashes (\\) to insert one backslash within quotes (e.g. "c:\\temp\\newfile.csv"). -d  By default the delimiter between columns in the CSV file is the semicolon (;) for historical reasons. If you want to change this to a comma, use this flag like this: UCanAccess>export -d , License.csv; -t  By default the export command uses the result set of the previous SQL command. This flag sends the given to the CSV file by executing the SQL query SELECT * FROM [table]. For example, UCanAccess>export -t License License.csv; -big_query_schema  This flag generates the JSON formatted schema file which contains the data type information (e.g. "string", "integer") of each column which are required by Google BigQuery. This schema file can be used by the BigQuery load tool. For example, UCanAccess>export -d , -t License --big_query_schema License.schema License.csv; will generate two files, License.csv and License.schema. These can be imported into Google BigQuery using the bq load command like this: $ bq load --skip_leading_rows=1 mydataset.License License.csv License.schema --bom The CSV file will be encoded in UTF-8 format. Microsoft Excel does not support UTF-8 encoding unless the file contains a Byte Order Mark. This flag produces that byte order mark (EF BB BF). UCanAccess>export --bom -t License License.csv; --newlines By default any embedded newlines (\n or \r, in other words, ASCII characters 0x0A and 0x0D respectively) are converted into a space character in the CSV file. This is because many CSV readers are not able to read multi-line records. This flag preserves newline characters by enclosing them in double-quote characters. UCanAccess>export --newlines -t License License.csv; Microsoft Excel supports newline characters within quotes. Google BigQuery requires the --allow_quoted_newlines flag to be given, like this: $ bq load --allow_quoted_newlines --skip_leading_rows=1 mydataset.License License.csv License.schema Quotes The export command supports single or double quotes in the arguments, which allows table names and file names to contain embedded spaces and other special characters. For example, the command UCanAccess>export -d '\t' -t "License and Address" 'License and Address.csv'; exports the table named "License and Address" to a file named "License and Address.csv", using the TAB character as a delimiter between columns. Within the quotes, backslash escaping of the following special characters are supported:  '\a' - bell (0x07) '\b' - backspace (0x08) '\f' - form feed (0x0C) '\n' - newline (0x0A) '\r' - carriage return (0x0D) '\t' - tab (0x09) '\v' - vertical tab (0x0B) '\\' - backslash (\, 0x5C)) '\nn', '\nnn' - octal character escapes  In Windows, the backslash character is the file path separator. If we use quotes, we need to use two backslashes to represent one backslash of a Windows file path. For example the following two commands are identical: UCanAccess>export -t License c:\temp\new\License.csv;UCanAccess>export -t License "c:\\temp\\new\\License.csv"; DBeaver DBeaver (Universal Database Manager) will automatically download and install UCanAccess as the default MS Access driver.


DBeaver web site:

Sometimes it is necessary to push a Python object into Java memory space as anopaque object. This can be achieved using be implementing a proxy foran interface which has no methods. For example, java.io.Serializable hasno arguments and little functionality beyond declaring that an object can beserialized. As low-level proxies to not automatically convert back to Pythonupon returning to Java, the special keyword argument convert should be setto True. be457b7860

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