Within the instrument plug-in that is triggered by the MIDI Note On event, you can often (depending on the instrument) have the velocity value affect various things such as the gain on the amp, the opening of the filter (cutoff), the envelope (attack time) so that notes with a lower velocities have a softer attack, a more dull sound, and are softer.

On the other hand you can't have velocity affect audio FX plug-ins, because that's the audio world, where notes are no longer separated: if you play two notes at the same time, one soft and one hard, what is the plug-in supposed to do? If you play a soft note immediately followed by a hard one while the soft one is sustained, what is the plug-in (which processes both notes simultaneously) supposed to do?

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You can do this, but it will not involve velocity nor automation at all. It will involve the dynamics of your drum track diving specific plug-ins for another track (and because of that, its even much quicker than creating any automation or transforming velocity into Something else, it's sort of "automatic").

* For the track you want to enhance the harmonics of depending of the dynamics (level) of your drum track, create a send to an unused bus, and on the corresponding aux return, insert your distortion, transient shaper, whatever. Before these, as very first (top-most) plugin, insert a gate.

* On the drum track you want to use as a driver, create a send to another unused bus, and make sure you set the output of the aux return that Logic creates in the mixer when you do so to "No outpu" (you can even rename that aux "DYN side chain" or Something like that, for easier identification of the corresponding bus.

* Set the gate you have inserted on your first aux return (the one with harmonics plugins) to sidechain mode, using the bus fed with the Drum track as sidechain input. Set threshold so that the gate is opened only when the appropriate durm signal comes in.

Now your drums drive the gate, opening it only when these drums exceed a certain level, which enables enhaced harmonics for the other track. Adjusting Threshold, Attack and release parameters of the gate will enable adjusting occurrences and reactivity of that gate opening. Repeating the same in parallel sends to various auxes with various gate thresholds may even select various different sorts of harmonics enhancements depending of the dynamics ("velocity", although it's not really that) of your drum track.

WARNING: in a mix, drums may by themselves create a lot of dynamics of their own, and increasing harmoncics of other track(s) upon drums transients will contribute to "piling up"' on these transcients, which may create issues at later stages, in the overal mix process or later at the mastering stage. I would recommend caution, and moderation. Subtle is often better...

However, it seems that JUCE is hiding that from us (I can understand how this can be a wise decision in a system which supports multiple plugin formats). Is there some "normal" way of obtaining audioMasterCallback pointer? I've been thinking about patching JUCE for that, but that would mean I would have to repatch it every time I update it but that doesn't seems as elegant.

Surely you know that with Git version control there's a good chance you don't need to repatch the code when updating Juce? I've actually done this change myself (the ability to use the Reaper extension API with VST plugins in Juce) and haven't gotten any merge conflicts so far when updating Juce.

I'm new to JUCE and I must confess that it's really a pleasure to work with for now. Every time I need something, it's always there, together with enough comments to understand it immediately. Big, big thanks for it!

All that Git magic could be employed, but I will not be the only developer for this project and it will probably get published on GitHub so I would like to make it easily accessible. If I'm not mistaken, all the developers would have to keep separate branch of JUCE and watch out the patch is applied to it - just for this one project that feels a bit like an overkill.

I've been living fairly dangerously and just do my changes on the Juce master branch. :) So far I haven't got merge conflicts when updating Juce. (Knocking on wood...) All my Juce projects on the same machine use the same Juce tree and I always check in Introjucer it doesn't make a copy of the Juce source code for the new project. I can see that in your situation with multiple developers having a forked/patched Juce might be problematic. So maybe it's best if Jules comes up with some neat solution for this.

I haven't looked at my VST plugin project that uses the Reaper extension API for a long time, but I vaguely recall the way how I made that be able to access the audioMastercallback wasn't very pretty. IIRC it involved having that as a global variable that was shared between the code files with "extern".

Haha, I just tried saving audioMasterCallback in AudioProcessor during its contruction, but I'm getting some linkage errors - still need to figure it out but I keep getting back to "real" part of the plugin I'm writting. Setting the enviroment and IDE is the most boring part of coding :)

The changes I did to the Juce code were a bit more involved than I remembered...I was misled by some other problem to believe the global variable shared with "extern" wouldn't work to pass the audioMasterCallback into the plugin code. So there's not really a clean piece of source code I could share at the moment. (What I ended up doing seems far more complicated than was really necessary...) However, it is possible to make it work! And maybe Jules will add the ability to use the audioMasterCallback directly with the official Juce source.

After upgrading from Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04, I noticed that pulseaudio would no longer detect HDMI audio output (plugged to an nVidia graphics card) when turning my TV on after I logged in. HDMI output is just not listed anymore in sound settings.This used to work in 18.04.

This is an old question, so maybe you have already solved your problem. But in case you have not or in case others are running into this issue and not finding solutions which work for them (as was the case with me recently), here is another thing one can try.

This is mostly taken from the suggestion here, but slightly expanded/modified. It seems PulseAudio has a bug which can cause it to fail to automatically detect hdmi audio outputs ("sinks" in its language), so you can fix things by manually telling it about your hdmi device.

If your hdmi audio does not show up in your list, then we may have found the problem, so keep reading. If you are not sure if it does or not, you can also run pactl list sinks | grep description for more human-readable descriptions of the devices detected. I think hdmi sinks will have a description of the form "blah High Definition Audio Controller" while non-hdmi sinks might have a description like "blah blah blah Speaker + Headphone".

where [card],[device] refers to the numbers from the output of aplay -l, e.g. I'd first use hw:0,3. You'll do this for every hdmi hardware device listed previously until one of them actually produces an audible sound.

You should now be able to go to your sound settings and see a new selectable output device (Mine's called TU116 High Definition Audio Controller). Select it and see if your hdmi audio works now. If not, I can't help you. But if it does, congrats.

In response to the last bullet point above, I recently wrote a bash script that will automatically carry out the steps described here. You can find it on github. Compared to the script in the referenced link, the one I wrote (tries to) make fewer assumptions about the machine it is being run on; in particular, it does not assume PulseAudio has already (manually) been configured to detect your hdmi cable. If this has not happened, it runs the process described above, and then switches your audio to hdmi.

(on my machine, I saved the script in /usr/local/bin/hdmi.sh). After creating this file, run udevadm control --reload-rules. Once you've done this, you should just be able to plug in an hdmi cable and have things work. When you unplug the cable, audio should switch back to your computer.

This is resolved by the app, pavucontrol 5.0, which enables users to choose and lock the output device. Unfortunately, the app is distro specfic, so Ubunutu users must wait for Canonical to add the app to the repositories.

I have a Streaming Stick 4K. Yesterday it started talking when I adjust the TV volume, telling me what number the volume is at, e.g. "Volume 11" or "Mute". WTF?!!! It's not the Screen Reader. I have that disabled and when I enable it, it starts - yes - reading the screen like it's supposed to, and when I disable it, it stops. I can't find any setting about the problem I'm having but I'm ready to rip this roku out of my TV and buy a different streaming device that doesn't talk to me every time I adjust the TV volume.

You may have accidentally enabled "Screen reader" and that's why your Roku player sounds like it's been talking to you. You can turn off Audio Guide by pressing the * button on your remote 4 times quickly.

Did you figure out how to mute the voice when raising or lowering the sound with your remote? I have a Roku 4k device. I inadvertently must have activated something on my remote when muting or unmuting the sound on the TV then when I raise or lower the volume on my remote a voice will announce the number if I'm raising or lowering the volume. I have spent a great deal of time trying to find info on this and I'm obviously not putting in the right words to acquire the info. If you are able to help, I appreciate it. Thanks!

That is puzzling since I seem to inadvertently did something with the Roku remote and not with my TV remote. When I turn the TV on or adjust the volume I don't use the TV remote and only the Roku remote--something isn't right. I would like to reach out to someone with Roku, but trying to reach out to someone about these matters seems to be an impossibility. I have spent a lot of time trying to find information, but obviously I must not be putting in the correct search criterion. I have no idea how the change occurred to make it start talking, but have no idea how to turn it off. 152ee80cbc

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