Hot Pursuit

(By: Kenneth Burton)

I ran from the law for 10 years and ran from God my whole life. I outsmarted the law ... but not God!

If you want to know just how high, how deep and how wide God's love extends to a fugitive criminal ... keep reading.

My hair was very long toward the end of the 1960's. I wore an earring and a ring in my nose. I carried a crowbar and a meat cleaver, but later found a gun to be more practical. I used all kinds of drugs including LSD, speed, psilocybin, marijuana, hashish and alcohol. I rode around with a motorcycle club and wore the same dirty clothes month after month.

I became involved in all kinds of crime. One day I might be making arrangements for a prostitute to turn a trick so I could have my cut of the money. The next day I might be planning to steal something or selling something that was stolen or selling drugs. It really didn't matter much to me what it was as long as I profited by it. I would hurt anyone that got in my way, even my own family. In fact, I had grown so cold in my heart and so far from God that it would have been very easy to take someone's life. The truth is I planned on it on more then one occasion. However I had already been behind bars too many times. Not being certain I would get away with ending anybody's life, (without ending up in prison) it prevented me from carrying out the evil that was in my heart.

Once when I was living in Rockford, Illinois and needed to settle a score with a man in Chicago. I took three friends and drove south. When I found the neighborhood I wanted it seemed the streets were totally empty. We pulled into a gas station to get better directions and realized it was closed like everything else. We had decided to use the phone in front of the station when it seemed as if every cop in Chicago pulled into the station at the same time. They were in no mood for playing games as they tore our car apart. They searched me at least three times. They found my gun of course, but this seemed like such overkill that I couldn't understand it. If we had been listening to the radio we might have heard there was a race riot in progress.

Well, well - can you just imagine that. The Chicago police had caught four armed white boys who had come to their fair city for a short visit during a race riot. There was no point in even trying to talk to them. We were in a police wagon with an overweight cop and a shotgun (he had the shotgun) before we realized what was going on anyway.

I seriously doubt Cook County jail has ever been more overcrowded. It took them forever to process that many prisoners. I was beginning to think we would never be fed. I believe it must have been when they were doing the paper work that Chicago's finest began to realize they had been a little over zealous. (Don't misunderstand, I'm not trying to be critical as I probably would have done the same in their position). We had broken no laws by attempting to use a public pay telephone. They had no legal right to search us or our car. What this all boiled down to is this. If the police turn up a gun during an "Illegal search and seizure" it is a simple matter to have the evidence suppressed. No weapon, no charges, simple as that.

As it dawned on someone that we would eventually walk away from these charges, a decision must have been made "to teach us a lesson". They used holding cells where prisoners can be held temporarily while processing the paper work or whatever. These cells might have been made for 30 or 40 prisoners but now were bursting with 75 or more. During race riots at least, the cells would be segregated. The Chicago police department placed the four of us in an all black cell (No, I'm not trying to say it was painted black).

Once when I was in custody, I was taken to a lineup with a few other prisoners. We were told to repeat some phrases and it soon become obvious they were looking for a rapist. To my horror I heard a woman say "That's him." I hadn't been in that city long enough to rape anybody if I had wanted to. When I opened my mouth, a cop asked me if I would like to have my head rammed through a nearby locker.

This seemed to be an excellent time to exercise some discretion so I declined his offer and closed my normally loud mouth. I waited till opportunity presented itself and inquired as to the time of the alleged rape. When an officer informed me, I could hardly believe my ears. I had been lost earlier in the day and had stopped (of all places to ask directions) at a police station. My visit to that station had coincided precisely with the time of the rape. To top it all off, I'm normally poor at remembering names, but this desk Sergeant's name I remembered. His name was O'Malley. A perfect stereotype name for a cop. Had it been anything different I doubt very much I would have ever remembered it.

I told the officer I had been at a station asking directions at the time in question and told him the desk Sergeant's name. He turned out to be a really decent guy and went to check my story instead of laughing in my face, which he could have easily done. Lets face it, the problem was mine not his! He left and made some phone calls to confirm my story. Upon his return the officer put an end to the whole rape business. Thank God for that officer.

It was amazing that with all the trouble I had gotten into, and the friends I keep, that my record was almost clean! I had one "unlawful use of weapons' and one "minor in possession" from a while back. The second charge came one day when I was 19 or 20 years old. I was driving with a friend named Jesse Witt. We each had a beer in our hand when we were pulled over by the police. I didn't think much of it, because the car was clean and there was no warrants for either of us. Jesse however had an intense hatred of the law. He had served a few years in Ionia (A Maximum Correctional Facility in Michigan) and swore he was not going back.

Jesse was normally very quiet and laid back, but could be fearless at times. Once when one of the clubs from Detroit came to my place to visit, (I think they wanted to know more about us) Jesse went back with them alone to party. I think they had left before I even knew what was going on. A few days later he showed up and said they had given him an impressive tour. It was a crazy thing to do but Jesse wasn't good at backing down. I'm sure the police would have let us go with our can of beer, but normally "very quiet and laid back" Jesse couldn't keep his hatred inside, so I ended up with a "minor in possession" on my nearly clean record. I had helped him acquire a pistol (I think it was a .38) that he used in a shoot out with the police. He was killed in that gunfight. He was a good friend that I trusted and still think of him often.


One day I was sharing drugs with some friends of mine from the bike club. We were passing a marijuana pipe around when there was a knock at the door. I went to the door to find my porch filled with cops. I gave a warning and delayed opening the door as long as I could. When I opened it, a cop informed me he had a warrant for Zip, (the name I was known by). He asked if I was Zip. Although they didn't know my proper name, I was too well known as Zip to lie about it. If they had a warrant, they must have had someone who could identify me. All past attempts to prosecute me for anything worth talking about had failed. I wasn't too worried about the cops and their warrant. I told them I was Zip and after a search of my place turned up nothing useful to them, we went downtown.

When I found out what they had on me, I though it was a joke. That was a failure on my part to recognize how determined the State of Michigan had become in their efforts to remove me from society.

Remember this was toward the end of the 1960's when the whole world seemed to be smoking marijuana. In Ann Arbor, A collage town about fifty miles south of Flint, they had got to the place where they were writing tickets for possession of small amounts. For a few years, it seemed like everybody had turned to drugs.

The police informed me I had sold a teaspoon of marijuana to their guy, and he would testify against me. Apparently I had made a second sale they also knew about. The plan was to get me with one of the two sales. It seemed like such a waste of their time considering all the things I was mixed up in. In no time, I made bond and was back on the street.

This was a time in my life totally given to drugs. I was being destroyed by them. During this time I was living in an old large house in a rough part of town. I had rented a second house nearby where I could go to hide or sleep. My main house had a third floor that was all one big room. I fixed up the third floor to hold my drug parties in. I had spent weeks turning it into a place people would never forget. It was filled with optical illusions and things to confound the mind at the best of times. I have seen people leave that were not on drugs because of all the optical illusions confusing their mind. There was an unending parade of people at the door hoping to gain access to the trip room. No one would think of visiting without bring a gift of drugs.

It was about a year before my trial date on that nickel bag came due. I was so high all the time that I didn't think a lot about it. My lawyer said they were charging me with something unusual. The Governor of the State of Michigan had declared war on the bike clubs and this may have had something to do with what was about to take place.

Law enforcement agencies were successful in taking down John Sinclair (Also born in Flint, Michigan) by viewing marijuana as a narcotic. In July 1969, Sinclair was sentenced to prison for 9 to 10 years for possession of two marijuana cigarettes. Two-and-a-half years of legal and political battles culminated at Crisler Arena in Ann Arbor on December 10, 1971, when 15,000 people attended the Free John Now Rally headlined by John Lennon and Yoko Ono. Just three days later, the Michigan Supreme Court, on its own motion, ordered Sinclair released and later overturned his conviction, upholding his contention that Michigan's marijuana statutes were unconstitutional and void.

I was being charged with "Sale of an illegal narcotic." John's possession charge got him ten years. My charge was "sales," which carried a 20 year minimum and a possibility of life if convicted. Yes, I said the charges carried a twenty-to-life sentence if convicted of selling a teaspoon of marijuana. As I said, they had me on a second sale. If I found a way to beat the first charge, they were going to prosecute me on the second one. I was looking at as much as two life sentences if they pushed it. I believe this law was intended for opium, heroin, or cocaine, etc. but not marijuana as it is not considered a narcotic.

I was under the influence of too many drugs to fully appreciate what the State of Michigan was trying to do to me. On the first day of my trial, I was still thinking I was invincible. As the proceedings began and I heard the evidence being presented against me, my invincibility began to dissipate. The judge asked me if I understood the seriousness of the charges against me. He said I was facing twenty years to life if convicted. He also made note of a second charge pending. It was about then I began to see the case was going to be of a more serious nature than I had anticipated. I was feeling more than a bit uncomfortable while the jury selection was taking place.

Obviously, they wanted me off their streets, so I began to formulate my own plan to accomplish this. As the day wore on, the drugs wore off. What seemed like many hours later the judge said, "It's getting late in the day and I'm going to adjourn court 'till nine A.M. tomorrow morning." He called me to the bench and said I was still on bond and therefore free to go, till nine A.M. the following day. Unlike John Sinclair, I had no plans to sit in prison and wait for laws to change, with or without my help.

I went home and made my plans to leave town. I stopped across the street at the pool hall to say good bye to Samson, who ran the place. When I told him I was going he emptied the pool tables and pinball machines and give me all the cash he could scrape up. He hugged my neck and told me to be careful.

It was late evening when Gypsy Jack pulled up in his hearse. Jack was a living legend among bikers. He wore a ring in his nose before I did (something unheard of back then). He was once featured on a T.V. show called "Real People." I told Jack I was leaving and he asked me if I wanted to climb into the back of his hearse with his old lady (Not his wife, Peggy). I declined and we said our goodbyes.

I decided to go to Canada because the place was full of American draft dodgers at the time. I hoped the Canadians would assume I was just another draft dodger hiding out from the Vietnam conflict. I got together a sleeping bag and what little cash I could find on such short notice. About midnight I was saying goodbyes and about ready to go when the neighborhood police showed up. They were young guys and new on that beat. They had heard about the trip room and asked if I would show it to them. They may have been told to keep an eye on me that night. We visited for a while and after they left, I did likewise.

A friend and my old lady drove me into Canada via the Detroit, Windsor border. We thought with more traffic at the Windsor border it would be easier to cross than at the Sarnia crossing.

To my dismay I found Windsor too small to hide in. When my friend drove me to Chatham, the next city, it proved to be almost as small. They needed to hurry home before I was discovered missing. Chatham would have to do, because we were running out of time. I told my old lady goodbye, knowing I might not ever see her, or our son again.

In their determination to remove me from society, the State of Michigan decided to continued with jury selection and have a trial with or without my presence. When was the last time you heard of a jury trial without the accused being present? The trial continued without my presence and the jury found me guilty. On Wednesday, December 2, 1970 the Honorable Anthony J. Mansour, Circuit Judge at Flint Michigan pronounced judgment as follows: (File # 22889) Judgment Of Sentence, part 6. The sentence of the court is as follows: That the Defendant be given over to the jurisdiction of the Michigan Corrections Commission for a period of not less than twenty-five, nor more than forty years. The judge subsequently issued a Federal Warrant for "Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution."


For the next 10 years I was a fugitive with the police hot on my trail. I had a number of narrow escapes.

I was working at a record store in Toronto, Ontario one day when I had volunteered to run an errand to the office supply store across the street. On my return trip I noticed a police cruiser pass on the opposite side of the street. Always alert for signs of trouble, I tensed up but continued walking. He thought he recognized me and made a u-turn on that busy street. Leaping out of his car he confronted me there on the sidewalk as I was about to enter the record store. The odds didn't seem to be too bad against me since we were on Yonge Street near the corner of Bloor. That's one of the busiest places in the city. The sidewalks were full of people and the street was jammed with cars. I knew the subway was very close by and after all, it was only one cop. He seemed a little unsure of himself and I thought I could bluff my way out of this.

As we sat in his car he started to tell me I was wanted. He had not arrested or handcuffed me so I knew he wasn't sure who I was. I told him he was wrong, as he stared at me trying to remember. Soon he started to tell me how I had changed my appearance and he was right. I keep telling him he was mistaken and that I worked at the record store we were parked in front of.

I was beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable when he waved at another cruiser that happened to drive by. When that officer came up to his window he asked him if he could identify me. After a long hard look he said no. I kept on lying and soon had them convinced they had made a mistake. They decided to release me. However, one of them said he'd return to the record store where I was working and he'd show me a mug shot of my twin brother! Of course, I didn't wait for him to return with that photo.

On another occasion when I was living in a boarding house, I heard someone speaking in the hall way. Being on the second floor, I opened my door slowly and looked down the stairway to see who it was. The police had entered the building and were speaking to my landlord. I could hear them well enough to tell they were looking for someone. There was a small chance they had the building surrounded.

I was on the second floor and knew it would not be easy to slip away unnoticed. I thought my best opportunity for escape was to hide in someone else's room. I remember picking up a large kitchen knife as I hid myself in another room. I was prepared to end my life rather than be locked up forever. The police did not search the entire building and I was eventually able to make my escape.

One of my worst experiences was in northern Ontario where I hid at a farmhouse near Algonquin Park. I was standing in the driveway late one afternoon when two cars drove up, both filled with R.C.M.P. (Royal Canadian Mounted Police).

It was wintertime with snow deeper in places that I am tall. I dreaded running in the bitterly cold weather, and without snow shoes or food. I decided I'd better try to bluff my way through again.

I answered a few questions but soon realized the Mountie asking them was not believing my answers. Running seemed to be my only hope, so I made a dash for the distant forest. I knew a hail of gunfire could stop me from ever reaching the woods. I was unarmed and the odds were against me.


Evidently I took The Mounties by complete surprise. They thought I couldn't get far in such cold weather and deep snow, so they didn't pursue me immediately. They had underestimated my determination to elude capture. Apparently it didn't take them long to realize the seriousness of that error. I learned later that within hours they brought in dogs and tried to pick up my trail.

When I began running, I threw away my long fur coat because it slowed me down. That was a mistake I soon regretted. The icy wind threatened to freeze me to death as I ran. It seemed incredibly slow with every step I took against the snow and bitter cold.

I came to the shallow end of a lake with a huge marshy area covered with ice and snow. The marsh went right up to the road which by now I knew would be infested with Mounties. The lake was much too big to go around, leaving me with only one unpleasant choice. I began crossing the marsh when my worst fears were realized. The ice was thinner than I had hoped and it broke. My feet were soaked. How long I wondered before they would begin to freeze?

I continued running, as the odds mounted against me. The sun was going down, leaving me with no sense of direction. Running parallel to a road now became necessary. If I ventured too far into the bush and got lost, I ran the risk of becoming little more than an interesting article in the news when the spring thaw revealed my body. Freezing to death while lost in the "Great Canadian Wilderness" was not the happy ending I had envisioned for my life.

I worked my way parallel to a road as exhaustion set in. It had become fairly dark and I was stumbling more and falling often. At one point I rolled down a somewhat steep embankment. Had it been much bigger I might have been seriously injured or worse.

It must have been close to midnight when I was starting to hallucinate from the cold. I actually felt warm again when I realized I was freezing to death. Being totally exhausted and hungry didn't help the situation either. Refusing to lay down in the snow and give up, I came out on the road to look for help. The road had been plowed and that made walking a little easier. I had not walked far when I found a small cabin with lights still burning at that late hour. Dragging myself to their door, I knocked and hoped for the best.

I was greeted by a couple in their forty's. When I asked for help they took me in without any hesitation. They set me by the fire and wrapped me up in blankets. It took some effort to remove the frozen boots. Perhaps the constant running was what keep me from losing my feet. Thankfully, I didn't lose so much as a toe even though the boots were actually frozen onto my feet! (Thank God!) They gave me some warm food and tried to dry my clothes. I told them the police were after me and asked if they had seen them around. They said they hadn't. I told them I was going to try and make it to Barry's Bay, a small nearby town. When I felt nearly revived and thawed out, I got ready to leave. They asked me if I wanted to wait in the house while they drove into Barry's Bay. They said they could see if there was a roadblock, or any police presents at all.

I welcomed their offer, knowing this information could bring some peace of mind. They returned within an hour informing me the way seemed clear. I thanked these kind people for their help and continued upon my journey with renewed vigor.

Had all this taken place in a large city, the outcome may have varied greatly. People seem to be different in a rural area. Your life could easily depend on your nearest neighbor and vise - versa. I doubt the thought that I was a threat to them ever crossed their minds. Likewise, I never gave way to thoughts that they could betray me, or return with the Mounties.

After leaving the cabin, I decided to stay on the road. If a car came along, it would be easy for me to hide because of the snowbank on both sides of the road. Staying as dry as possible had become a priority. The walking was easier now, but I had no idea what to do when I arrived at Berry's Bay.

As I neared Berry's Bay I recognized a well lit building ahead. It was the hospital and they had to have a waiting room. If I could enter it quietly and wait until dawn, it would give me time to formulate a plan. The main door was unlocked, but unfortunately it turned out to be a very small hospital.

Almost as soon as I opened the door, a young man confronted me. After explaining my intentions, he reluctantly led me to their waiting room. I reassured him that I would be leaving within a couple of hours and he returned to his duties. In fifteen minutes he was back to inform me I would have to leave. Apparently one of his superiors had discussed their displeasure with him regarding my intentions.

A few months previous, during the course of summer, I had encountered some gentlemen roaming around near the farmhouse. We talked a while, and they told me of their desire to purchase an adjacent parcel of land. One of the men told me he taught school and lived in Berry's Bay. When I had answered all their questions about the area, they asked if I'd mind keeping an eye on the property. They seemed pleased that I agreed and we parted ways.

Remembering this school teacher, I sought his number in the phone book. When I found it, I called and apologized for waking him. I briefly stated my desperation and pleaded with him to take me in if only for a couple of hours. He eventually agreed and was attempting to give me directions when the fellow at the hospital decided to help. He interrupted and said they would let him leave his job long enough to drive me that short distance. I handed him the phone to take directions and we were soon on our way.

Barry's Bay is a small place and he had no difficulty finding the address. By the time I was knocking on the door, the school teacher was having seconds thoughts. He appeared half awake as he opened the door and started asking questions. We talked a while and I convinced him that I'd leave in time for him to work that day. He calmed down a bit and after informing me I must be gone by 8:30 or 9:00 am, and he went back to bed.


It was imperative that I leave this area without actions that would draw attention. Barry's Bay is not only small, but in the middle of nowhere. Stealing a car would prove to be one of the more unwise moves I could make. My chances of escaping in a stolen car were slim. If I might leave this area with the help and cooperation of others, it would be very difficult for law enforcement agencies to pick up my trail. What I was trying to do was the exact opposite of what most people would have done, and not what the police would have expected.

Laying on the couch waiting for dawn gave me the time I needed to think. There was a second hand store I had visited in the fall, about twenty miles from where I was. It was run by a local religious group. In truth I believe it was a bunch of misguided people trying to earn favor with God by doing good deeds. It appeared to be the perfect place to seek assistant. When the schoolteacher arose, he did not appear rested and seemed very anxious for me to leave. I reassured him I was leaving and he calmed down when I told him my plan.

We found a phone number for the place and I called. A person authorized to make those kinds of decisions was soon found and placed on the phone. I made it plain that I was being sought by the police and only wanted to quietly leave the area. The situation was getting desperate and any help he could offer was welcomed. We talked a few minutes and he agreed to send a trusted friend to pick me up. My ride should arrive in thirty to forty minutes. A greatly relieved schoolteacher offered me some food and left to prepare himself for the day. The driver found the house without incident. I thanked the schoolteacher and departed.

Upon entering the car, it was almost immediately agreed that I should crouch down so as not to be seen. We did pass some law enforcement vehicles, but nothing out of the ordinary. As we drove, I found out the driver's name was Dave (Not his real name) and that he had been working with these people for a while. Besides the second hand store, they had a church building, a farm, and a few other people they were trying to help.

When we arrived at the farm house, I was introduced to a few others. They gave me a room and we set about to change my appearance. (I never was too crazy about that mustache anyway). After I had done all I could to make myself look different, Dave gave me some clothes from their second hand store. Thanks to a little food and some rest, I was beginning to feel at ease again. A day or two of rest was a welcomed thought.


That evening Dave came inside the house and told me to grab a coat, because he had something he wanted to show me. He led me to a barn where a very large cow was laying on it's side. He said, "She is going to have a calf very soon. Do you want to watch?" This sounded like a lot more fun then running from police dogs. I got comfortable and the show began almost immediately. I must confess to having seen many things in my life, but nothing like that. Watching the birth of that calf was amazing. Wouldn't it be wonderful if I could be born again and start my life all over? The life I was living had become a nightmare. Oh well....I didn't think there was any chance of that happening soon.

I thanked Dave and retired for a good nights sleep. The next day we agreed that I needed to leave as soon as possible. We made some plans for the following day. Dave would take me to a small restaurant, that doubled as a bus stop. I had another nights rest and the third day we begin to implement our plan. They found an old suitcase for me as well as some more clothes. Dave said it had been decided to give me seventy five dollars to help me get started at my destination which was Hamilton, Ontario.

We showed up for the bus on time so I would not be hanging around for long. Dave went inside to purchase the ticket while I waited beside the bus that had already arrived. With my back to the window of the restaurant and facing the bus, I could see a good reflection in the bus windows. Soon after Dave went inside, a woman who obviously worked there, came to the window and seemed to be interested in me. I don't think she knew I was watching her. She left the window and soon returned with a man. There were other people waiting to board the bus, but I think she brought the man back to look at me. Dave returned soon with my ticket. We said goodbye and I got on the bus.

I have always been extremely cautious with anything out of the ordinary. I have changed my place of residence because I didn't like the way someone looked at me. I'm sure some would have thought I was ridiculous to go to such extremes, but I had no intentions of spending my life in a cage. Most people would have dismissed that casual glance out the window as unimportant, but I knew better. The police had gone around and tried to tip off all my avenues of escape. I'm sure the people at the bus stop were told to watch for me.

It was about eleven A.M. when we boarded the bus. I had been thinking about these people in the window for nearly an hour when the bus pulled into the next stop for a lunch break. The bus driver informed us we had thirty minutes to eat if we so desired, or we could remain on the bus. I was still deep in thought as I entered the restaurant, (that also sold gas and had some motel rooms).

All this took place in the very early 1970's, when a lot of the hippies had moved to the country in the hopes of growing their own marijuana and getting back to nature. One of the weapons the Canadian government used against this new breed of farmer was an 'open warrant.' It was the same as any other warrant except it had no name on it and could be used anywhere at any time. This was a very rare thing and news of it got around quick. I had heard that a Mountie had recently been in this part of northern Ontario with an open warrant. There was another odd thing about this Mountie that came to my attention and that was his manner of clothing. He liked to dress in Mod, a popular style in the seventies.


I got a drink and found a nice place to sit in the restaurant where I could watch everybody. Within three minutes, a car drove up along side the building and a man with a Mod tie walked into the restaurant. He got a coffee and walked over to sit in front of the bus driver. I knew that Mountie was not going to try anything in the restaurant because there were too many people around. It would not be outside the restaurant either; he had come in alone to get a good look at me. I did not need to hear their conversation to know it was about a roadblock a few miles down the road. He was giving the bus driver instructions on what he should do. I let them make their plans and acted like I didn't have a clue, but I started watching for my best opportunity.

We all got up to return to the bus at about the same time. The Mountie watched us board the bus, then drove out of the driveway a few moments before we would have. The Mountie was out of our sight almost immediately because the driveway entered the highway at a curve in the road. That was my moment and I shouted for the driver to stop before he could enter the highway. He said 'Where, here?'

I responded 'Yes, right here!' He stopped and I told him to open the door because I was getting off. I left the bus and it continued on it's way. I ran back to the part of the building where they sold gas. As I ran I looked over my shoulder and saw an Ontario Provincial Police car go past the driveway to follow the bus into their roadblock.

I had very little time before the Mounties discovered I was not on the bus. A run into the bush would not succeed this time; they would be better prepared today. I offered one of the gas station customers a handful of money to take me five or ten miles down the road. He looked frighten and backed away shaking his head. There was a pay phone on the wall with cards and stickers around it. One of the cards was from a taxi company. I caught an employee passing by and asked 'Do you have taxis out here in the middle of nowhere?'

"Yea, sure, try that one," he said, pointing at a card. I was running out of time and ready to try anything. When I called and told the dispatch where I was, he said, "I got a car that's about to drive past that place right now." I said, "Great, send him here."

The taxi arrived within a minute or two. I leaped into it and got down on the floor. "Get out of here quickly," I said. As he drove out I asked him if he could see the police. He looked up at his mirror and said, 'Yes, they are driving in the other driveway now." He took me about ten miles to another place of business with a phone. I gave him most of the money that I had and thanked him. He drove away and I hurried inside to the phone and called Dave. When I explained my situation, he agreed to help again. He and another guy were taking a five ton truck to Toronto and offered to pick me up in about an hour. They found me without incident and dropped me off in Peterborough, about fifty miles south of where I was. I purchased a bus ticket, then hid in a movie theater till the time of it's departure.

For 10 years I lived in fear, running for my life. Very few people could possibly understand the torment I suffered as a fugitive. The police were everywhere I turned. Relentless as they were in their pursuit, I found myself being pursued by an invisible Presence far more persistent. I know now that unseen Presence was the Holy Spirit. He reminded me of some things I had learned in childhood--of a place called heaven which God has prepared for people who love Him, and a place called hell for those who turn their backs on Him. I began to think a lot about the future life. After suffering so much in this life, I didn't want to spend eternity in a place of torment with no chance of escape!


I remember one time when I was out in the country, sitting on a fence. With half a bottle of wine in my hand and the other half in me, I started reflecting on my past. Understandably, I had a deep seated hatred of my life. With a desire to dwell on something pleasant, my mind wondered to my childhood. There was a short time when I had attended church with my parents. In all honesty, most of what was said had slipped through my mind without taking a hold. There was a part that stayed with me however. Those songs we used to sing never left me. It was not uncommon to find me singing one of them. Yes, I could still remember the words. If you can picture this, I was sitting on a fence, drinking, wanted by the police, as wicked as a man could get, singing songs I learned in church!

'Jesus, hold my hand, I need thee every hour. Thru this pilgrim land, protect me by thy power. Hear my feeble plea, O Lord look down on me. When I kneel in prayer, I hope to meet you there. Blessed Jesus, hold my hand'.

As I sang, my eyes began to fill with tears. Though I was a hardened convict, here I was fighting back tears when I felt the presence of The Holy Spirit. They told me later that was called conviction. It is the work of the Holy Spirit calling people to seek God's forgiveness. I knew God was not happy with the life I was living, but I lacked understanding in these matters. What I did understand was what this life had taught me. 'Never show weakness to anybody!' If you can act cold and hard enough, nobody will want to try you. Have you ever considered the behavior of people behind bars, or in a bike club, or this type of situation in general. My lifestyle did not permit me to show signs of weakness to anyone, and I thought the tears were a sign of weakness. I wiped away the tears and resisted The Holy Spirit. He is mighty, but also very gentle. He will not force himself on anyone. He stepped back and let me go my way.

One day I heard a man talking about Jesus. He said that when Jesus spoke to the crowds some of the people would say, "He is a mad man! He has a devil!" While others would say, "These aren't the words of a mad man. We understand what He is saying. These are the words of life." I wondered what I would think of Jesus' teachings if I read about them. Would I be able to understand what He said? I decided that if I ever had an opportunity to examine a Bible, I would look into it and see what Jesus had to say.

It didn't seem like that was likely to happen any time soon. There were no Bibles in my home and I'm pretty sure none of my friends owned a Bible. When it came time to choose between buying alcohol, drugs or a Bible....well, you get the idea. However, you don't think those kind of thoughts without God acting upon them.

I was living in downtown Vancouver B.C. at the time and had gone to the Pacific Centre Mall, which was a short walk from home. I was living with a woman named Marion who wanted to do some shopping and I had reluctantly agreed to tag along. We were walking down a long corridor with stores on both sides. She would enter a store while I waited in the hallway. When she returned, we would go down a few more doors, and I'd wait again.

I was sitting there waiting when I saw a booth where two Gideons were giving away New Testaments. You know who the Gideons are if you've ever stayed in a motel or hotel. They leave Bibles everywhere but you so seldom ever actually see one of the Gideons. They tend to be "low profile - behind the scene" kind of people.

The Holy Spirit started speaking to me. "The answers to the questions and problems in your life can be found in that book." This was just what I wanted and the price was right. I'd take a free Bible, but the thought of purchasing one never once crossed me mind.

I was just about to approach the booth and receive my free Bible when I looked around and realized where I was. This was a public place with people all around me. I was so ungodly I was ashamed to let someone see me even touch a Bible. The Holy Spirit has to be the most gentle being in existence. He will never force his will upon anyone, great or small. He can however be very persuasive. He kept gently telling me I needed to get that Bible. I really wanted it, but there were too many people around and so I just keep walking past the booth. I'm thankful God doesn't give up easily. He keep tugging at me to get a Bible.

I had walked some distance past these gentlemen when I could resist the Holy Spirit no longer. I turned to Marion and asked her if she would mind going back to that booth and getting me one of those free books. Well...I wish I could describe the look she got on her face. I told her not to come back and hand it to me; just put the book in her purse and I'd get it when we got home.


God must have been involved because it was probably the only time in her life that she did exactly what I asked her to do! Later when we arrived home, she brought the New Testament to me. Looking me in the face she said, "Listen, don't you go getting mixed up in something weird!" I assured her there was nothing to worry about. I was only curious about some things.

Reading in bed each night before I fell asleep was something I enjoyed. The pile of books beside my bed was pushed aside so I could start reading my New Testament. I wasn't too sure at the time what Matthew was trying to say with all the begats, so I skipped over the first few sentences. I soon learned all about Jesus and what He taught. I discovered the message of that New Testament was not mysterious at all. I found it plain and easy to understand. Jesus is the Son of God and came to earth in human flesh so that He might redeem mankind by dying on the cross. A day of judgment is coming but there is forgiveness for anyone who will confess their sins and trust in Christ as his/her Redeemer.

Let me explain it like this. Suppose you had a son and he got in a lot of trouble. You knew that he would be put to death for his crimes. You love him so much that you could not stand by and let that happen. When they come to get him, you said "Wait, take me instead!" You would have to love somebody a lot to do that, but that's what Jesus did. He already paid the penalty for your crimes and mine. All anyone has to do is acknowledge this and stop committing crimes. Crimes against God are called sin. A Christian is a person who not only keeps the laws of the country he lives in, but also keeps God's laws. God's laws are not that hard to keep because he will tell you if you're about to do something wrong. He may not stop you, but you will know it's wrong. How many times have you started to do something wrong and something inside of you was saying "Don't do that!" He really wants to help us, but it's our choice to listen or not. If you ignore that little voice inside of you long enough, you may get to the place where you don't hear it anymore.

All this seemed too good to be true, and I knew I would have to get my life straiten out with God someday. I thought being a Christian meant I would have to give up everything and spend the rest of my days being bored to death. The best way to handle this was to wait till just before I died to get right with God, or at least that's what I thought. One of the problems with that plan was the inability to know when I was going to die. It would only take one bullet in the head to completely ruin that plan. While my plan was 'The later, the better,' God's plan was 'The sooner, the better.' The Holy Spirit was calling me to surrender my life to Him.

I remember going into work each day and having difficultly concentrating on my work. The Holy Spirit was telling me that I needed His forgiveness today, for I had no idea what tomorrow would bring. His presence was so strong, my eyes would fill with tears. I would hurry into the washroom to dry my eyes before anyone could see me. A little while on the job and I'd be back in the washroom again. He was telling me that He loved me and could help me with my life. He could also bring me peace, something I knew so little about. I don't think anybody had ever really cared much about me, and there was no question about it, only God could help with the mess I had made of my life. The more I thought about it the better it sounded.


One day I felt I could resist God's love no longer. On July 28, 1980, I knelt down down on an old chair we had in our living room and prayed a short prayer. I told God I was sorry for the things I had done. I couldn't change those things, but I could change what I would do from now on. I knew I had hurt a lot of people and I regretted it very much. If He would forgive me like I read in the Bible, I would start doing things right. I told him I wanted to be a Christian and to start living like He wanted me to. I meant what I said. I did not feel like I had been struck with lightning, but something was different.

From that day on I have never been the same. What the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17 is true: "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." I got up from my prayer and went to bed.

The first thing I learned the next morning as a new Christian was what Peter was talking about in 1 Peter 4:12: "Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you." I had changed sides in this war and the one I used to serve had become my bitter enemy. (Truth is, he always was my enemy). I lived in a downtown area and received my mail early in the morning. As I opened it I found out a man I had been doing business with had cheated me out of four hundred dollars. I become angry and started planning revenge. I wanted to choke him to death, or at least beat him senseless!

The Holy Spirit begin speaking to me. "If you want to serve Me then you must do things differently now. I have forgiven you for so much, shouldn't you forgive him?" I knew God was right. I still wanted to hurt the man as I began thinking about what it meant to be a Christian. This was on my mind day and night.

I was at work when I was handed my paycheck. I took it to the bank intending to cash it. The Holy Spirit spoke to me again. I was the next one in line when He asked me who's name was on the check? I still had the pay check in my hand when I turned around and left the bank. God was showing me how my life was all built upon lies. I knew I couldn't serve God and go on telling these lies. As these thoughts went through my mind I began to realize some major changes were needed in my life. The Holy Spirit helped me understand that I could not go on living like I had been and still serve God. I knew exactly what I had to do. I would turn myself into the police and start life over again based on a different set of principles. How could I compare life in prison to eternity in hell? My life on earth would end one day, but eternity in hell has no ending.

It was about noon when I walked off the job, telling my employer I had to get my life straitened out with God. I went home to tell Marion my plans and say goodbye. She asked me how I could desert her like that. It seemed likely I would die in prison. She did everything in her power to talk me out of surrendering to the police. As the fruitlessness of her efforts became apparent, I said I would like to go to church on my way to surrender.

I went to a church and after talking to the pastor, he said he could baptize me before I left. After I was baptized, the pastor offered to take me to The Mounties. I thanked him and we set off to find a police station. When we had found the R.C.M.P. in Buraby, British Colombia, the pastor and Marion walked me inside and up to the counter. The Mountie on duty asked if he could help us with anything.


My friends were bikers, rapists, thieves, drug dealers, prostitutes, forgers, burglars, etc., and they had planed their various business ventures in my presence. Everybody I knew hated the Man (The police). In the world I had lived in, it had always been us against them. I had been taught to do anything to keep from being caught. I had jumped bond and successfully eluded capture for ten years after encountering the police more than a dozen times. I had a full set of identification, a good job, a woman I had lived with for a few years with plans to marry. Now, two days after I had accepted Jesus as my Savior and became born again, I find myself standing in the police station about to do the unthinkable ... that I might please God.

"Yes," I said to the Mountie, "I am here to surrender. My real name is Ken Burton and I am a fugitive. I have become a Christian and want to face the charges against me. I need to return to Michigan and serve a 25 - 40 year prison sentence I've been running from. Here is all my false identification. I have been living in your country illegally for ten years and have eluded capture many times. I will tell you all the names I have used and the jobs I have had. In fact, I will tell you anything you want to know about me. Here I am!"

After listening to my story, that Mountie only wanted to know one thing. He looked me in the face and asked, "Mr. Burton, have you ever had any psychiatric treatment?"

To this day, I find it humorous that the officer was reluctant to lock me up. After some more conversation and seemingly against his will, he agreed to take me into custody. The officer acted as if he were doing me a favor when it become apparent I was not leaving. He locked me up and they began checking my story. When they concluded I had been honest with them for the first time in my life, they were elated.

By the next morning they were bringing people back to my cell to see me. 'There he is. Walked in here last night on his own!! Said he had become a Christian and needed to start pleasing God with his life now.' They were all walking around grinning and shaking their heads. A man from the Department of Immigration came early in the day to interview me. It was then established that I had entered Canada illegally. Arrangements were made for my immediate transfer to isolation at their downtown facility. When it came time to be placed in the cell, I asked if I might have my Bible. The officer in charge said, "No." Another officer said, 'Oh let him have it.' I believe he had heard about my surrendering after I became a Christian and was somewhat sympathetic. The first officer insisted, 'He's not allowed to have it.'

Who would have thought they'd have wanted to deprive me of my Bible? Just look at the effect it was having on me in the few days I had been reading it!! After observing the effect God's Word was having on me, a wise law enforcement agency should have placed Bibles in ever cell they had!

In a deficient and disappointed state, I was led to my cell. A short time passed and that 'somewhat sympathetic officer' opened the cell door with my Bible in his hand. 'Here,' he said with an outstretched hand. I said, "Thanks!" as we seemed to have traded understanding smiles. There was such a desire in me to learn more about God, and from all appearances I was going to have the time to do so.

The cell they had placed me in was made to hold about a dozen prisoners and was empty. The Canadian authorities used this cell to isolate illegal immigrants from their own population. What a great opportunity for me to pray and read my Bible. There was a need to learn what my enemy (Satan) could and could not do to me. There was such a battle taking place around me as I stood wondering if I had weapons and how I would use them. The Holy Spirit was with me in a way so powerful that I could feel His presence. He was there to guide me every moment as I began to learn how to stand against the devil.


The devil's greatest weapon is the lie. Through his lies, he caused me to question my salvation. How did I know I was really saved? Why would God care anything about someone like me? Why should God want to help me in my current situation? The devil lies in the hopes that he can get people to doubt God and His Word. I read in the book of Genesis where the devil (through the serpent) tried this with Eve. First he asked her, "Did God really say, 'Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?'" She told him God said she would die if she ate from one tree. The devil called God a liar, and said, "Ye shall not surly die." Now ... he was lying to me and trying to call God a liar again. If I had know what God had said in His Word, I could have answered him and sent him away. I found out later God said, "I will never leave you, nor forsake you." (See: Hebrews 13:5).

I was beginning to have my doubts and wondering if God was big enough to take care of me in a place like this jail. I remember laying on the floor and weeping before God in need of some reassurance. I found something out about God that day. If you serve Him and are in need of help, you will receive it. Because that day was a Holiday in Canada, a special pass from the Department of Immigration was required to visit someone in isolation where I was. The office that issued these passes was closed for the holiday. Marion had wanted to visit me and was told it was not possible without that pass.

The pastor who had baptized me, contacted Marion to inquire of my well being. It was decided they would try and visit without the pass. That pastor was not a new Christian and knew God could not be hindered by the lack of a pass.

My door opened and a guard called me out of the cell, explaining that I had visitors. Wiping away tears, I went with the guard and tried for the moment to forget the spiritual battle raging in me. We eventually came to a door the guard unlocked and sent me through alone. He locked the door behind me, leaving me there to visit without supervision. The room was divided by a very heavy wall with the top half made of glass so thick it made people on the other side look green. I climbed on a stool and picked up the telephone they had set up for an intercom. The pastor had brought Marion and his wife as well as their new baby. It seemed almost impossible to talk to anyone through my tears from the battle I was in. Finally, the pastor reached for the phone from Marion and started to pray.

As he prayed, I felt my strength leave my body and I started sliding off the stool I was sitting on, toward the floor. About half way to the floor it seemed like I was struck with a HUGH bolt of lighting. It hit my chest low on the right side and exploded inside me! It seemed like I was before God's throne.

I leaped to my feet and threw my hands into the air and began praising God with a loud voice! His presents was so strong! I wanted to stay there with Him forever!! I was so happy I was leaping up and down praising God. I now knew He was big enough to meet all my needs. I now knew He was more then able to take care of me and anything I would ever face.

There came a time when I remembered that I was still on earth and had friends looking at me from the other side of the thick glass. I picked up the phone and told them they could go now; everything was going to be alright. I wasn't trying to be rude; it's just that I wanted to be with God. My life had been forever changed, but Marion lacked knowledge about the things of God. She went home not believing or understanding anything about God.

The next day Marion called the jail and reported all that she had seen. She cared about me and thought I might be under too much stress. Later that day my cell opened and a man dressed in white entered with two of his friends. He said, "I've been talking to Marion and I'm here to help you. As a matter of fact I have brought you something." He lifted his hand a little so I could see he was holding some pills. "You have been under a lot of stress and these pills will help you to mellow out a little."


I could hardly believe my ears. I have had a problem with drugs most of my life. It was easier to commit a crime if you were full of drugs. I had been living on drugs almost as long as I could remember. The reason the police had chased me for the last ten years was because I was selling drugs. Now for the first time in my life I was full of the Spirit of God and had no desire for drugs and what do I hear? This unknowing servant of the devil is standing in front of me with his hand outstretched offering me drugs.

I told him I would never need drugs again. I had found something better. He acted almost offended by my refusal. He assured me that I could call the guard, and he would return with the drugs anytime I changed my mind.

Eventually the Canadian authorities delivered me to the U.S. border (I think it was the crossing at Blain, Washington). The U.S. authorities escorted me to the Whatcom County jail in Bellingham, Washington. My new accommodations consisted of one large room with a row of cells across one side, for sleeping.

As a new Christian, there were many things I needed to learn. My understanding of the enemy's tactics and weapons was about to increase. As the heavy steel door slammed noisily behind me, I was approached by the welcoming committee. Seems like prisoners always wanted to know one thing, "What are you in here for?"

Well ... I started telling my story and did not get very far before being interrupted. "HEY! Come over here. You 'gotta hear this one!"

The committee grew in size and I was asked to start over again. This time I got a little farther into my story before I heard, "Wait a minute! Are you trying to tell us - you had a job and a good set of false identification? You were living with a woman, planning to be married? The police hadn't caught you in ten years. And you surrendered to serve a 25 to 40 years prison sentence and all the other charges they now have on you?!"

To me it seemed like the most natural thing in the world to do. "Yes," I answered. "I have become a Christian and now I want to please God with my life." Another prisoner looked me in the face with utter disbelief and said, "You ain't got a lick of sense in your head!!! You will never get out of prison alive!" (Looking back on this incident, I am able to see now that God had not sent them to encourage me.)

By the next morning I needed to think, and spend some more time in prayer. I decided to stay in my cell, instead of joining the other prisoners in the large room for the day. A life in prison was nothing to look forward to and I must confess to some self-pity and discouragement. As I began to focus more on my situation than on God's ability, desire and intent to work in my life ... discouragement tightened it's grip. An inability to meet a need is not one of God's traits. Since having committed myself to Him, I was rapidly learning He would always meet my needs, even without my asking. As I paced the small cell, becoming more discouraged by the minute, help was already on the way.

A guard came to the door and shouted my name. "I'm here," I answered. A tall woman in uniform unlocked my door and introduced herself. "I'm Sharon Wagner from the Sheriff's Department. I'm here to take your fingerprints. We want to be sure that you are who you say you are." (Why on earth would anybody want to impersonate me?) The deputy led me out of my cell and to a room where she could take my prints. When Sharon saw I was downcast, she began to make some small talk. She soon asked me if I had accepted Jesus as my Savior.

Yes - you're reading this right! I'm in jail with a Deputy Sheriff taking my fingerprints when the cop wants to know if I'm a Christian! I was so thrilled to see another Christian I couldn't contain myself. "Yes!" I exclaimed, "That's the reason I'm in this place." I started telling her my whole story. I told her about the way I used to live and how much trouble I had gotten into. I went on to explain how God had forgiven me, and how I had surrendered myself to please Him. I told her about how they wanted to give me free drugs. (She may not have needed me to reveal my discouragement as it was not well hidden). God had His hand on my life and I knew He would always help me.

When I finished speaking, she looked me in the face and said, "You listen to me." I was once a prisoner on the other side of this building where they keep the women. Look what He has done in my life. Today I work for the Sheriff's Department. He will NEVER leave you or turn his back on you. It is written in God's Word: '...he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion...' There is no need to be discouraged. Let's pray." We bowed our heads and Sharon prayed for me.


God is truly amazing. Who else would send a cop to encourage and pray for a convict. Needless to point out, I reentered my cell greatly encouraged. In a very short time I believe it became obvious to all that someone was laboring, behind the scenes, in my behalf.

A few day later I was in my cell with 5 or 6 other prisoners answering questions about the Bible. They had started reading them and wanted to know what I found in there. Sharon returned with some Christian literature and more encouragement. That had to be very startling to the other inmates as the Deputies are not widely know for their love of the prisoners.

In due time I was back in Flint, Michigan, standing before the judge. He said, "I am going to re-sentence you," and I wondered what was coming.

To my surprise, he threw out the sentence of 25 to 40 years, and gave me 3 years' probation. It seemed too good to be true! He also dismissed the Federal warrant. The Canadian authorities dropped all the charges they had against me for the 10 years I was running in their country!

I'm very thankful for the great love and mercy God has shown toward me. He turned my life around and called me to be an evangelist. I have the privilege of visiting many places across the country and sharing my testimony with various groups. I enjoy telling what God has done for me.

I was a loser, but now I am a winner since I teamed up with Jesus Christ. I'm glad I stopped running. How about you? Are you running from God? He is pursuing you because He loves you and wants to help you. If you will give yourself up to Him, He will make you a new person. I know from experience that if you will put your life in His hands, He will give you a new start, and help you to be a winner.


"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).


"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).


"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9).


"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name" (John 1:12).

Pray this simple prayer (or one in your own words) right now:

"Dear God, thank You for loving me. I realize that I am a sinner, and ask You to forgive me through Jesus Christ, who died for my sins. I accept Jesus right now as my Savior and Lord of my life. Amen."

Editorial Note: Ken may be contacted at and his website is

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A Special Message: A Special Request

Dear Reader - are you at peace with God? If not, you can be. Do you know what awaits you when you die? You can have the assurance from God that heaven will be your home, if you would like to be certain. You can even have that assurance RIGHT NOW! Either Jesus Christ died for your sins, or He didn't (He did!). Are you prepared to stand before God on the Judgment Day and tell Him that you didn't need the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross to have your sins forgiven and get in right-standing with God? We plead with you...please don't make such a tragic mistake.

To get to know God, to be at peace with God, to have your sins forgiven, to make certain heaven will be your home for eternity, to make certain that you are in right-standing with God right now ... please click here to help you understand the importance of being reconciled to God. What you do about being reconciled to God will determine where you will spend eternity, precious one. Your decision to be reconciled to God is the most important decision you'll ever make in this life, because in Christ, it is impossible to put a value on the worth of your soul in light of eternity.


JESUS DID IT! and...


Remember: All that we do in this life comes back to our God-given purpose which is to serve and glorify God. The money and assets we accumulate, the fame and power we've attained or seek to attain - all of the things of this nature will one day pass away, but those lives of others we impact for Jesus Christ will last for eternity, and we will be rewarded for the part we helped play by impacting those lives ... for eternity. (Matthew 6:19-20 is our assurance)