Doug McCrea had his reasons to be angry. So angry, in fact, that he was about to unleash some of that anger on his wife, in not a very gentlemanly way, when God stopped him in his tracks by speaking most firmly to Doug about the matter.

Around that time in his life, Doug was put in a situation with a Mormon. The Mormon persisted in asking Doug to share what he believed about The Book of Mormon. If you've never given much thought to The Book of Mormon, you might be greatly interested in Doug's answer to this Mormon fella'.

Doug also shares in this video about a matter many Christians have been faced with, regarding exactly WHEN they became Saved. Doug didn't really know when that happened, and he sincerely wanted to know. YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE WHAT GOD TELLS HIM! (If you aren't wearing your 'religious' hat, that is).

Doug is a no-nonsense guy who has unique way of expressing himself. We think most people will get a kick out of listening to how God has worked in his life, and his understanding of spiritual matters many Christians deal with, and how he has come to believe certain things he believes.

If you could use a little humor to brighten up your day, take the time to listen to Doug share.

Doug's video testimony: YouTube Video