Starting about a month ago, all of my Apple devices (2019 MacBook Pro with macOS 10.15.7, iPhone 12 Pro Max with iOS 16.4.1, and iPad Pro 2 with iPadOS 15.7.1) forget all wifi passwords. Each time, this happens to all of the devices simultaneously and I have to re-save the passwords on all of the devices again. The devices think they remember the networks, but either forget the password or the passwords are corrupted.

same thing happening to me-- iphone on ios 16.5 as of today. problem started with ios 16.4. two offices, home and other known networks (so we are talking several different routers, ISPs and networks)-- the iphone periodically forgets the network passwords. after the iphone forgets it, my icloud signed macs follow (a macbook, a macbook pro, two mac minis and two imacs). i reenter them and about a week later they forget the passwords again. but the iphone, under wifi settings, shows the networks as "my networks", still recognizes them, but forgets their passwords and asks me to reenter. once that happens, the macs forget them too. this is not a router, network or device problem. all of my apple devices under the same icloud account do this since ios 16.4. apple said they addressed forgotten wifi password issues with a patch to ios 16.4 but apparently not. this is obviously a keychain and icloud problem that needs to be addressed by apple. there are numerous other users complaining about the same thing. any thoughts?

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Also experiencing this issue, which started within the last few weeks. All internet providers, wifi routers etc are the same as they were before the issues started occurring, but all my apple devices (MacBook Pro, iPad, iPhone & MacMini) seem to forget the passwords on a fairly regular basis which never used to happen - is it a bug related to an update perhaps?

I'm having exactly the same issue. I haven't changed any settings, and suddenly my Mac, iPad and iPhone all keep forgetting wifi passwords. The suggestions unfortunately don't work. It's not a WiFi connection issue. I'd guess it's more to do with passwords stored and shared in the keychain???

Thank you ManJor for your reply, but as the other responses have mentioned I don't think that addresses the issue. I have been trying those kinds of solutions for weeks and none have worked. It happened to me again a couple of days ago. It seems to more likely be an issue with Keychain passwords being shared over iCloud.

It happens simultaneously on all devices connected to my account for all wifi networks regardless of where the devices are. When they forget, they forget every password for every wifi network at the same time. It seems like all of the stored passwords on a device are somehow being corrupted and then that is synced to all of the other devices.

Then today I casually mentioned it to a friend an he told me "ME TOO!!" His MacBook Pro, iPhone and iPad Air ALL keep forgetting the WiFi password. And he is on a different make of a modern WiFi router.

I purchased this WIFI extender because it said it was simple to set up. I followed the instructions and got the 3 green lights on the extender. Then when I tried to connect any of my devices to the _2GEXT or _5GEXT networks, they would not accept my wireless key (My 100% confirmed wireless network password).

I had xfinity come and install new modem for my internet and they changed the wifi password and wifi name. I am needing to print something and figured oh no problem ill just have to change the password and my printer will work. WRONG i been trying to figure out how to change the password for my wifi in printer setting for HOURS now.

The name of my new wifi is slightly different and when i select it in the menu it immediately goes into connecting not promoting me to enter a password. When i select my neighbors wifi it asks for passphrase but with mine just goes to connecting and fails.

The most FRUSTRATING thing about this whole thing is that ive tried googling the issue and this issue has persisted for 5+ years and here it is 2022 and the issue is still there with people posting the same thing wondering how to change their wifi password on their cannon printer with multiple different printer models too. How a multi billon dollar company could not realize that people may want to change the wifi password from time to time and make it simple is beyond me. That would be like a car company making it IMPOSSIBLE to change a tire on their car or something...At this point ive lost all hope of getting the answer here becasue ive read through multiple threads of other people posting this exact same thing over the years and the threads usually lead to nowhere or with people having to go through extreme measure to fix the issue.

I was able to FINALLY connect the printer with the WPS setting. Luckly there was a button on back of my xfinity modem/router that allowed me to connect the printer this way but if you dont have this option i feel sorry for you i really do. Changing a wifi password for printer should not be this hard.

Sometimes, when I visited friends they gave me there password into the mobile device in the settings (not in 1Password), then 1Password offered me to save them automatically. When I see it correct, 1Password saved those passwords in the login section (instead of wifi section).

For me this is a little bit confusing: It seems topsy-turvy.

So my question: Which way does Agilebits recommend to save a wifi password right in 1Password? ...and when I put it in the database manually, how does 1Password recognize the right connection, or is it working when 1Password is saving it automatically only?

Please change the behaviour of 1Password (at least on iOS) so that in addition to Login items, I can search for and fill in network passwords from "Wireless Routers" category in 1Password. It is somewhat irritating that there is a place that is designed for Wi-Fi networks and their passwords, yet I cannot directly use that information on my iOS devices when connecting to networks. Storing the passwords as Login items, in addition to Wireless Routers items, requires duplicating the same information.

It's time to make this improvement - it's been almost 2 years since iOS 12 started supporting password managers, and offering access to passwords stored in 1Password when logging in to a Wi-Fi network.

I changed my wifi password this morning, and went through each of my devices to ensure they were updated with the new password. My Sonos Move is proving to be the only device giving me any sort of headache.

This is really troubling. My door locks adjusted without me having to do anything. My roomba allowed me to simply change the password. Apple TV allows me to do the same. However, with the most expensive collection of pieces on my network, I have to reconnect it via an ethernet cable or temporarily change back to my old password? This is crap!

The WiFi system that they have has the ability to either auto-generate a new password at a set interval (so a new one would be created every week, or every 24 hours, or whatever), or even to generate one-off access codes per person. I have seen *other* POS systems that can be integrated with such an access control mechanism, such that a unique access code is generated for every sale and then printed on the receipt. I haven't found a way to perform this kind of integration with Square, which kind of shocks me.

is there no way to boot all people logged on after the 24 hour mark?

Same way you can create a new key at intervals? 

I mean you guys could just write it on a receipt and change it the following day, thats what starbucks does at some locations

some coffee places don't really care if you use their free wifi aslong as nothing bad is being downloaded on it such as torrents

At my shop we use a passcode for the guest network and post the current password. I set the lease time to 60 minutes which means they have to log in again or it clears their infomration making sure the availale ip addresses are not all tied up.

I have the SAME issue at my cafe in Seattle. I am at the breaking point. At some point I'm just going to pull wifi all together. Currently I am at 1 hour free, 2 hours with code. So I have people coming up all day asking for codes and my Barista's are too busy to know who has already received a code or who has purchased. If I could get a unique printed code on my square receipt it would solve this. 006ab0faaa

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