I just purchase a new PC. I downloaded the latest version of eM Client. all my emails were transferred on installation. However, my contacts were not transferred. On my old PC using eM client 8 there was no list of contacts but typing the first letter of the contact brought up a list of all contacts starting with that letter.and I could select the one I needed. How can I transfer all the contacts to the new PC?

Thanks for your reply. It seems that Backup copies all the info on the old version of eM Client. since all the important info (emails and saved folders) has already been copied I would not like to overwrite any of these with old data. Is there a way to just transfer Contacts only?

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Your concern about losing messages and folders through a restore is unfounded, because the restore only replaces local data. The only way that local emails and folders could have come across, is if you initially already did the backup/restore option. If you did, then the Recipients History will also be there, so that is not what you did. Rather, after installing eM Client on the new device and adding your email account, the emails and folders will have synced from the server. Now, if you restore a backup from the old device, it will not affect those emails and folders because they are not stored in eM Client but on your server. You can verify that by opening the webmail interface for your email provider. If you see the messages and folders there, they are stored on the server. A restore will not affect that data. So they will simply resync from the server as soon as the restore is complete. But you will also have the Recipients History which you did not have before.

Thanks for the advice, but I need a little more detail. I am assuming that I have to copy the backup file to a flash drive and the use that file on my new PC. If this is correct, I need to know where to find that backup file on my old computer. If it is not correct please send more detailed instructions.

I checked on the Yahoo web version and my Contacts are all there. The CardDAV URL under the Accounts tab is: -known/carddav - I have no idea if this is correct, I assume it is as eM displayed my Contact under version 8.

I would like to know if I could have eM read the contact info from Yahoo by changing the CardDAV URL to something else, but I cannot find anything on the web. Or if I could simply move/rename the files in my AppData/Roaming folder.

I have implemented the application to read all the google contacts. The application was done by a .NET Core. I have used the Google.GData.Contacts(Version 2.2.0) Nuget package to read all the contacts. My application always show some warning messages like below

In HubSpot, contacts store information about the individual people that interact with your business. The contacts endpoints allow you to create and manage contact records in your HubSpot account, as well as sync contact data between HubSpot and other systems.

Learn more about objects, records, properties, and associations APIs in the Understanding the CRM guide. For more general information about objects and records in HubSpot, learn how to manage your CRM database.

In your request, include your contact data in a properties object. You can also add an associations object to associate your new contact with existing records (e.g., companies, deals), or activities (e.g., meetings, notes).

When creating a new contact, you should include at least one of the following properties in your request: email, firstname, or lastname. It is recommended to always include email, because email address is the primary unique identifier to avoid duplicate contacts in HubSpot.

A unique identifier to indicate the association type between the contact and the other object or activity. Default association types are listed here, or you can retrieve the value by making a GET request to /crm/v4/associations/{fromObjectType}/{toObjectType}/labels. Learn more about the associations API.

You can pin an activity on a contact record by including the hs_pinned_engagement_id field in your request. In the field, include the id of the activity to pin, which can be retrieved via the engagements APIs. You can pin one activity per record, and the activity must already be associated with the contact prior to pinning.

In our previous (3.12) setup, we have our Zoom API Key and API Secret set, and we have authorized access to synch Zoom with Salesforce. The user synching has marketing user access. However, with the new version, we noticed that zoom webinars are not being created in Salesforce, even after granted the admin user in Salesforce access to the to Zoom admin permission set.

About a month ago, the web version of newsletters started to display my name instead of the default general greeting. This is visible any time someone clicks on the View as Webpage option at the top of a newsletter or views a newsletter in our archive -- and frankly it's really embarrassing and I would have thought would be a priority to be fixed, but it's still there. I contacted support about three weeks ago and was told that they were aware of the problem, but still it is unresolved. I was given two pieces of advice. 1) To not use a personal greeting so to avoid the issue. I do not find this acceptable given that it requires our business to compromise its communication to 100k+ each week because of a newly introduced bug in Constant Contact. 2) To send a live email to myself without a greeting, and archive that. I actually had been doing that for a couple of weeks but a) it's a pain to have to do for 2-3 mailings a week and it only solves the archive problem -- the link in the newsletter itself is still a problem -- and keep in mind that it's the web version that Gmail displays if they truncate an email that is sent. Presumably everyone is experiencing this issue. Has anyone got a resolution?

Is your account's main email address and your name listed as one of your contacts? If so, does removing yourself as a contact, or removing your name fields alleviate the issue? Does this issue occur when you insert your own View as Webpage link in the email?

Beyond that, the other provided workarounds are the only ones we officially have available at this time. The only other one I can suggest beyond those would be to shorten your emails, so Gmail doesn't need to clip them and generate their own version of a view-as-webpage.

Hi William

Most of our emails already go out below Gmail's limit so that is not a primary concern -- I simply mentioned that as something that might be a concern for others in the community.

The bigger issue is that, yes, we do have a View as Webpage link, in newsletters and that shows incorrectly.

It also shows incorrectly in archived versions of newsletters -- so I am laboriously having to send a live version to myself without a greeting so as to use that link in the archives - but that does not solve the View as Webpage link.

Bottom line:

This bug appeared 5-6 weeks ago out of nowhere (archived versions of newsletters before then are fine).

Constant Contact say they are aware of the bug.

I assume it must be impacting many accounts.

So why is it taking so long to fix?

I wouldn't have any insight on that, different issues pop up for different reasons, and devs need time and troubleshooting info to properly investigate and address them. Different issues can be addressed quickly, while other may take more time.

Do you have a fix for this that you can implement at an account level? We are having this issue. We send emails that have several fields of information personalized for every recipient, and shortening emails is not an option.

I use the "View as Webpage" option on most of my emails so I can easily access the online version of the email. (especially when creating lengthy automated series for clients) In the past 4-6 months, I find that the online version doesn't update with changes made within the dashboard. Please advise.

Is your issue that the View as Webpage link seems to be retaining a previous, copied version of the email? Does the issue still occur in other browsers, or while in Incognito/Private browsing mode? Can you elaborate on what updates aren't showing, and which dashboard you're referring to?

I use the 'view as webpage' to help track and view the current emails - especially in automated sequences. 

I can tell you that the one that prompted me to come here looking for a solution is within my own account. The automation I am referring to is called: Business Growth Prompts.

An example is #19 - the Preview shows the correct version - but the 'view as webpage' - shows a version from before an edit was made.

I look forward to your advice

This has been happening consistently with our account as well. We use the web preview to share a copy of the email for internal review and approvals, but we're unable to do that now as we consistently do not see recent changes reflected (even after saving) in the web preview version that is accessed through the CC-generated "view in browser" link.

I don't think that advising each client to call CC'd support line is a wise or adequate solution. Clearly this is a back-end issue on Constant Contact's side.

I use the "Contacts" regularly to group people I have worked with from different teams together so that I can easily find them if I don't remmber their name. It is much quicker than trying to search the directory. Not having this feature is majorly crippling. 152ee80cbc

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