What to do when Windows is sending print Jobs to the Wrong Printer?

Sometimes it might happen that when you try to print Windows is sending the print command to the wrong printer. This can happen due to the wrong printer set as the default printer or due to incorrect settings of the system. This will take some technical expertise to resolve this issue and you can contact the HP printer support number to talk to the technicians and get some technical advice for this issue.

Following are some of the troubleshooting tips which can be applied when Windows is sending print jobs to the wrong printer:

  • Selecting the correct printer: It is important to connect the right printer with your Windows as there can be several printers available in most of the offices or workplaces. Check your system should be connected to the right HP printer from which you want to print among all the other printers available. Go to printer preferences and select the correct printer. After this restart the printer and then check if the issue has been fixed.
  • Restarting both the devices: If the above step doesn’t help then try restarting the computer and the printer. Let the connection re-establish between the printer and the computer as most of the issues can be resolved by just restarting the devices. This will refresh the settings of both the devices and will also fix general issues which will resolve the error of print jobs being sent to the wrong printer.
  • Reinstalling the printer drivers: Make sure you have installed the correct version of the print driver for your HP printer. The appropriate driver allows you to properly interact with the computer and transfer the correct print command to the correct HP printer. Also, confirm you have installed the latest version of the HP print driver which will automatically fix some of the bugs and issues.

All these steps can easily fix the issue of sending a print command to the wrong printer. This is not a major technical issue and can be easily resolved by applying minimum troubleshooting. Make a call at the HP customer service number and the technical executives will suggest you with the best technical advice for your HP printer to resolve the particular issue. The HP tech support number is available round the clock and can be availed from anywhere and anytime.