Research on Consumer Financial Education


Taizo Motonishi
Kansai University





Research Objectives

The rapidly ageing population and lowering the age of adulthood from 20 to 18 by 2022 have led to the growing need of financial education for Japanese consumers.

Our research question is: "What is the best way to educate and inform consumers for the prevention of inappropriate financial choices?"

The latest research findings are returned to the general public including elementary to high school students and teachers through delivery, refresher, or public lectures. 

論文 Papers

Hiroyuki Aman, Taizo Motonishi, Kazuhito Ogawa, Kozo Omori (2024) The effect of financial literacy on long-term recognition and short-term trade in mutual funds: Evidence from Japan, International Review of Economics and Finance, 89, 762-783.

Tetsuya Kamamura, Yuhsuke Koyama, Tomoharu Mori, Taizo Motonishi & Kazuhito Ogawa (2022) Loot box gambling and economic preferences: a survey analysis of Japanese adolescents and young adults, Applied Economics, 55(44), 5213-5229.

山根智沙子 阿萬弘行 本西泰三 「大学生のお金に対する禁忌感の意識調査:金融リテラシー・家庭環境との関係」証券経済学会年報 第56号(2021年度) 2021年11月(証券経済学会年報優秀論文賞)

山根智沙子 阿萬弘行 本西泰三 「お金に対する心理的態度と金融知識の関係 :アンケート調査の予備的分析」季刊 個人金融 2021年夏号

Hiroyuki Aman, Taizo Motonishi, Kazuhito Ogawa & Kozo Omori, (2020). Financial literacy and mutual funds in Japan. ファイナンス学会発表論文 2020年12月

Tetsuya Kamamura, Tomoharu Mori, Taizo Motonishi & Kazuhito Ogawa (2021). Is financial literacy dangerous? Financial literacy, behavioral factors, and financial choices of households. Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 60, 101131.

小川一仁, 川村哲也, 小山友介, 本西泰三, & 森知晴. (2019). 日本の小中高生はオンラインゲームにどれほど課金しているのか?. 情報通信学会誌, 37(1), 47-52. Tetsuya Kamamura, Yuhsuke Koyama, Tomoharu Mori, Taizo Motonishi & Kazuhito Ogawa (2019). How much do primary and secondary school students in Japan pay for online gaming? An analysis using classroom surveys. Journal of Information & Communication Research, 37(1), 47-52 (in Japanese).




小学校 : 2020/02/12, 2018/12/11

中学校 : 2024/02/14, 03/04, 03/05, 2023/02/15, 01/27, 2022/07/11, 02/08, 02/09, 2020/02/18, 2018/12/12, 12/11, 02/26, 2017/11/10 

高等学校 : 2024/01/18, 2023/02/09, 2022/02/07, 2020/02/06

興味をお持ちの関係者は、下記お問合せまでご連絡をお願いいたします。 本西泰三  tmoto@kansai-u.ac.jp.

Delivery Lectures for Students

We provide delivery lectures based on the latest research findings for fifth-grade elementary to high school students using everyday financial situations.

Past Lectures

Primary Schools: 02/12/2020, 12/11/2018

Junior High Schools: 02/14/2024, 03/04, 03/05, 02/15/2023, 01/27, 07/11/2022, 02/08, 02/09, 02/18/2020, 12/12/2018, 12/11, 02/26, 11/10/2017 

High Schools: 01/18/2024, 02/09/2023, 02/07/2022, 02/06/2020

For those who are interested, please contact Taizo Motonishi at tmoto@kansai-u.ac.jp.




「小中高生の今と未来を守る金融知識」 教職員対象研修講座(2019/08/05 関西大学)

「中高生の今と未来を守る金融リテラシー -本当に必要な消費者教育とは-」 中高教員対象公開講座(2018/11/10 関西大学)

「金融リテラシー教育と行動経済学」 教職員対象研修講座(2017/08/01 関西大学)

興味をお持ちの関係者は、下記お問合せまでご連絡をお願いいたします。 本西泰三  tmoto@kansai-u.ac.jp.

Refresher Lectures for Teachers

We provide refresher lectures based on the latest research findings for elementary to high school teachers using everyday financial situations such as video games.

Past Lectures

"Financial Literacy for the Protection of the Present and the Future of Elementary, Junior-High, and High School Students" Refresher Lectures for Teachers, Aug 5, 2019, Kansai University.

"Financial Literacy for the Protection of the Present and the Future of Junior-High and High School Students: What is the Necessary Financial Education?" Refresher Lectures for Junior-High and High School Teachers, November 10, 2018, Kansai University. 

"Financial Literacy Education and Behavioral Economics" Refresher Lectures for Teachers, Aug 1, 2017, Kansai University.

For those who are interested, please contact Taizo Motonishi at tmoto@kansai-u.ac.jp.


「詐欺的・ボッタクリ金融商品から身を守るには? 」(2018/8/4 関西大学ソシオネットワーク戦略研究機構経済実験センター) 

Public Lectures

"How to Protect Yourself from Financial Exploitation?" Aug 4, 2018, Kansai University, Research Institute for Socionetwork Strategies, Center for Experimental Economics.


「社会的影響に基づく選択に着目した消費者の金融行動分析」科学研究費助成事業基盤研究(C) 2023-2025年度

「金融教育は金融選択に影響を与えうるか?行動経済学的要因を考慮した分析」 科学研究費助成事業基盤研究(C) 2019-2022年度

Subject of Research

"Analysis of Consumer Financial Behavior Focusing on Choices Based on Social Influence" Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 2023-2025.

"Can financial education affect financial choices? An analysis using behavioral factors." Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 2019-2022.