Construction Lawyers Brisbane
We Are So Confident In Our Abilities That You Only Pay Us After We Get You Paid
07 3054 7105
Construction Lawyers Brisbane, We are so confident in our abilities that you only pay us after we get you paid.
We employ tri-qualified engineer-QS-lawyers with 40 years of first-hand project development experience. We have likely dealt on-site with an issue in similar circumstances to what brought you to this website while employed by giants Leighton (now CPB) Contractors, Fluor, AECOM and SNC Lavalin.
Unlike other law firms who can only rely on external technical, costing and planning advice when trying to understand the complex technical issues involved in a construction dispute, we can answer any technical, planning, and legal question with absolute certainty.
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Construction Lawyers Brisbane
74B Union St Spring Hill QLD 4000 Australia
07 3054 7105
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If you are a contractor, either residential or commercial, it may not have taken you long to decide that a contract with your customers, subcontractors, and suppliers is in your best interest. And even if you don't want a contract, many customers give preference to contractors who will work within the structure of a contract so that they have peace of mind.
You may also know that a poorly constructed contract can cause just as many legal problems as no contract at all. While there are many do-it-yourself forms available for contractors to construct a contract, the best way to ensure a specifically tailored, quality contract is to work with a construction lawyer who specializes in construction law. Though the cost of an attorney's services may seem prohibitive, the upfront cost of an attorney's assistance can save you from larger financial headaches down the road.
No Win No Fee Construction Lawyers
Formulation: A construction law attorney can help you construct a solid contract that protects your business interest and gives your customer peace of mind. As mentioned above, an attorney can often help you draft a contract that you can eventually tailor to fit other contracting jobs
Negotiation: An attorney can help you negotiate contracts with your customers, subcontractors, and materials suppliers. Your attorney will help you secure the fundamentals of your contract while knowing how much to give in the negotiation process on less important facets of the construction process.
Once you have entered into a contract, a construction law attorney can continue to provide you support. Your attorney will be able to help you in the administration, enforcement, documentation, and possible defense of your contract.
Construction litigation, with the right construction law attorney, will teach that cheating contractor the lesson they deserve, be it compensation for you or a well-deserved jail time.
Administration: In order for you to stay within the confines of your contract, you will need to be able to properly administrate from the contract. An attorney can make sure that you understand all the "fine print" of the legal contract that you entered into so that you can properly execute the agreement.
Enforcement: An attorney can assist you in properly enforcing your contract, particularly if you are a contractor who has entered into agreements with subcontractors and large materials purveyors. An attorney can consult you on how to enforce your contractual agreements with these parties so that you can maintain your contractual agreements with your customer.
Documentation: To ensure that you are following contractual guidelines and to protect you in the case of legal action, your attorney can help you make sure that you properly document all of your progress, administration, and enforcement attempts.
Construction Lawyers Brisbane Files
The field of construction is one of just a handful of industries where accidents and injuries have not lessened over the course of the last twenty five years. The construction industry is the largest industry in the United States, and one that continually comes in with high numbers of injuries. In fact, for the year ended 2004, there was actually an eight percent increase in construction fatalities over the previous year, bringing the total number to an alarming one thousand two hundred and twenty four deaths.
This results in an overall highest "lost workday" rate, despite being overseen by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). OSHA, though imposing some very strict mandates and guidelines, has actually been able to do little to reduce the numbers of construction related injuries, accidents, and deaths. (Statistics courtesy of OSHA)