Hello, my name is Constantijn Ronald Ernst Christian Gabeler, CREC Gabeler.

My parents decided to give me the name CONSTANTIJN, my fathers name is Ronald, My fathers fathers name - granddad was Ernst, My mothers fathers name - granddad was Christian. The 4 initials together are CREC.

I love the name Constantijn, but to live with it was a bit of a burden, therefor i decided to name myself Stijn.

When the internet started it was much easier for me to change my name and use the name Stijn Gabeler.


I was born in the Netherlands on the 5th of August 1977 in the Elisabeth hospital in the city Alkmaar on the exact time 1h11m.

At birth i was touching my ears and i cried a lot, something was wrong with my head or ears, ...

I think my mother told me it was an : ear infection

My parents divorced when i was 3.

I was raised by my mother and 4 year older sister.


During the divorce, my life was chaotic and sometimes very emotional.

My mother was sad, angry and sometimes depressed, but she tried to make the best of it.

However frustrating it could be, we managed.

My mother had to work hard to get her diploma and find a job.

My father was living with his new wife, my 2nd mother, They decided to move 300 km to the south of the Netherlands. Monthly me and my sister went by train to visit them.

My childhood was good. My mother did try to take good care of us. In the beginning i was very sad, crying, sometimes afraid and had nightmares.

Living alone with 2 woman was sometimes difficult, but i can remember a lot of great moments.

Family : Heinen - mothers name / Gabeler - fathers name

this is a privat section, interviews with family members will only be made public if agreed.

My grandparents / Family Tree

Friends / This is also privat, Friends on facebook are found on : https://www.facebook.com/stijn.gabeler/friends

The relationships i had ...

Studying :

I tried to study journalism during the period of 1999-2020

my mind decided to focus on films, music, photography, filming and interviewing people, making podcasts, writing songs or poems,